Any organized structure is corrupted in time. That is a law of entropy.
The “Universe 25” experiment is one of the most terrifying experiments in the history of science. It includes the behavior of a colony of mice, and is an effort by researchers to describe human societies.
Here is what happened. In between the late 1960s and early 1970s, American ethologist John B. Calhoun produced a seemingly best utopia for mice. Calhoun built a predator-free, disease-free enclosure, provided it with limitless food and even an upper level with mini mouse condos.
Essentially, the mice would enjoy all the contemporary conveniences that individuals in the industrialized world have actually concerned enjoy and now really expect today as a “right”.
Consider what we are experiencing today. What I call “safety extremists” run the Western liberal democracies. It is as if hall space monitors all got put in charge. No climbing up trees for Johnny due to the fact that he may fall. Safety extremism. You can’t ride your bike without a helmet on. Safety extremism. Warning signs on hot coffee cups, telling you that the coffee is hot.
The list of security extremism is unlimited. So, you see, we’re like these mice. Now, along comes the hand-wringing lefties who believe it’s everybody’s “right” to delight in all the benefits of a contemporary world.
Let’s see what took place to the mice due to the fact that it’s explanatory for what is occurring to Western societies.
To begin the experiment, Calhoun presented four pairs of healthy mice into the enclosure. For the very first 104 days, the mice explored their brand-new habitat, marked their territory, and began nesting. Then, the population began to increase, doubling every 55 days. All typical stuff.
Interestingly, even when the population was well under 1/4 of the enclosure’s capability, most of the mice still crowded together in choose locations. Consuming, for example, was a shared activity, so mice would organize together during feeding times even though there was a lot of space to eat by themselves. Similar to people.
By the 315th day, the population reached 620 mice.
Crowding behavior discouraged breeding, greatly contributing to dropping birth rates. Universe 25 would now begin its sluggish however stable decline. A popular social ladder quickly took shape.
Within the male population, the most dominant mice were defined by their extremely aggressive behavior. The so-called “alpha mice” would frequently participate in hugely violent bloodbaths, proceeding to attack, rape, and even practice cannibalism at the expense of their peers. Disturbingly, these violent outbursts generally had no clear justification or motive.
On the opposite side of the spectrum were the least socially proficient mice who were entirely excluded from breeding. They invested their time moving between larger groups of mice, consuming, and sleeping on their own. Periodically, these mice would also battle one another.
As the social roles broke down, the females handled more aggressive attitudes of their own. Taking care of their nests in the midst of such a chaotic domain was no simple task, many moms would in some cases act strongly towards their own litters. Others would entirely withdraw from their motherly responsibilities, overlooking their litters and stopping mating practices entirely.
Day 560 marked the start of the end, the “death phase.” The spike in mortality rate fluctuated at around 100%, stopping population increase altogether. However, the brand-new generations that did make it through had matured in the tumultuous environment that was deep space 25. These mice had no perception of the “normal” lives that mice led beyond the enclosure’s walls.
“Research studies … have consistently exposed that an absence of social stimulus and maternal care causes a high rate of physical and emotional retardation and mortality.”
Now, think about the lack of social stimulus that we’ve all experienced throughout this plandemic.
In the context of the Universe 25, isolation led the way for a brand-new category of mice that Calhoun called the “stunning ones.” These mice were segregated from the other, bloodthirsty mice and the violence that pestered the rest of the enclosure. Their subsequently calm looks were the inspiration for their name.
Additionally, being separated from the rest of the Universe 25 mice, the lovely ones made no contributions to society. The mice gave no assistance in mating, mothering, marking territory, etc. Rather, they invested all their time feeding, drinking, grooming, and sleeping.
Eventually, the beautiful ones outnumbered the more aggressive mice. Still, instead of breeding or producing brand-new functions in deep space 25 society, the lovely ones continued to exist entirely for their physiological satisfaction. With whatever attended to them in the enclosure, the paradox of the lovely ones exposes the self-destructive patterns that emerge when living a life without purpose.
Soon, due to the fact that of the cumulative indifference towards mating or constructing a sustainable society, the mouse population began to die out until there were no mice left at all. Every mouse passed away leaving nothing left.
Calhoun repeated this experiment multiple times and discovered the precise very same outcomes each time. Chilling.
The Universe 25 experiment provides insight into the death of mankind. The stunning ones in particular reveal us that people will not assume a productive role in society if they do not have correct relationships or good example in the environment they mature in.
It is worth noting that the severe left, which is found in Western society today, rejects family values in favour of multiculturalism and it is an advocate for universal basic income. How is this any various from the mice? It’s not.
The parallels with Universe 25 and humankind are obvious. Clearly we’re a more sophisticated species with the ability to acknowledge, think of, and change course.
What offers me optimism for the future is that during times of crisis we see both the worst of humankind however also the best. As we head into progressively uncomfortable times humanity has the chance to stop, recollect, re-evaluate and recalibrate what we value, why life is gorgeous and worth fighting for.
The minds of mice and men are not the exact same however simply as a diamond is just made when put under extreme pressure, so too are individuals, neighborhoods, and societies.
Editor’s Note: Troubling financial, political, and social trends are currently in motion and now accelerating at awesome speed. The majority of uncomfortable of all, they can not be stopped.
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