All posts in " bug out bag "

Clothing Tips for Your Bug Out Bag

By / August 9, 2016

Putting together a survival kit in case of emergencies or disaster is part of being a responsible adult. To protect yourself and your family, put together a kit of emergency preparedness items that will get you through should a need ever arise. What you put in your kit is important, and there are many lists […]


Basics: The Bare Minimum List for Your Bug Out Bag

By / July 28, 2016

Every home and car should contain at least a basic survival kit in the event of a disaster. Even if you believe that nothing will ever happen to necessitate using such a kit, it is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the lives and safety of yourself and your loved […]


Bug Out Bag Checklist

By / August 12, 2015

The latest SHTF bill, known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), is working its way through Capitol Hill as we speak. If passed, this bill will ship millions more of American jobs overseas. As a fix-up, the idea for something known as Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) is also being fast tracked through the legislature. This bill […]


Is This Vital Item In Your Bug Out Bag?

By / May 23, 2015

550 Paracord…it’s one of my favorite survival tools. It’s strong, it won’t deteriorate over time and doesn’t absorb water. In my opinion, it’s a survival tool that should be in every serious survivalist’s bug out bag. 550 Paracord Is Item #30 Of My #104 Item Bug Out Checklist. Click Here To Snag Your FREE Copy […]