All posts in " eggs "

Salvage Your Diet With These Forgotten Minerals

By / March 22, 2019

Living a healthy life is a major challenge in our lives today. In spite of all the hype about diet, exercise, and supplements, good health (in the true sense of the word) still remains a cause of concern for all of us. Most attempts to cleanse our bodies tend to result in either partial success […]


Cooking With Eggs: The Rundown

By / March 19, 2019

Eggs are a staple in the American kitchen. They can be cooked alone: boiled, poached, fried, scrambled. They can be used in baking, for things like batters and cakes. Alternatively, you can use eggs to thicken sauces or to lighten and fluff up dishes. But how much do you actually know about eggs? Chances are, […]


The Key To Storing Milk and Eggs Long-Term

By / August 7, 2018

The thought of spoiled milk or eggs is a cringe-worthy one. Many preppers, when stocking their emergency pantry, resolve to just skip over these items entirely because there’s no way to effectively store them long-term. The good news is that they’re wrong. While it can be a bit tricky at times, there are a few […]


How to Make Soap from Eggs

By / June 7, 2018

This homemade cold process egg soap recipe is made with egg yolks. Eggs have long offered skin care benefits that include tightening skin, shrinking pores, and calming redness and breakouts. In cold process soap they also help to create a rich, thick lather. This homemade cold process egg soap recipe is made with egg yolks. […]