All posts in " independence "

What About Your Life Would You Like to Change?

By / August 10, 2015

If you’re anything like me, there are probably a few things about your life that you’d like to change.  I need to lose a few pounds I’ve packed on since I stopped working out a year ago (to spend more time with my kids on the farm). I’d like to have my off-grid retreat complete […]


Discover True Personal Freedom Right Now

By / July 15, 2015

It’s Independence Day! The 4th of July! Burgers! Picnics! Fireworks! That’s what it’s all about, right? Go, America! Actually, no, there probably weren’t any hotdogs cooking on the grill on Independence Day in 1776. When the founding fathers of our nation signed the Declaration of Independence, they probably weren’t wondering if the beer was cold […]