All posts in " nature "

Where All The Fish Are Hiding (And Where They Definitely Aren’t)

By / September 18, 2019

There are three requirements a body of water has to meet in order for it to be inhabitable for fish: food, oxygen, and cover. Luckily, most every river, lake, or pond meets those criteria, so wherever you are, you can be pretty certain they’re there. Now you just have to find them! Different kinds of […]


Choosing Your Perfect Saltwater Reel

By / July 9, 2019

While saltwater fly fishing is all about getting good casts and the excitement of the fight, one of your most important purchases (aside from your rod) is the reel. Most reels used in this kind of ‘extreme’ fishing are single action reels. In this case, single action reels are a better fit than multiplier, as […]


Frequently Asked Questions: How To Clean Your Grill

By / May 31, 2019

How do I clean my grill before using it for the first time this season? Don’t worry, cleaning the grill is actually easier than most people realize, and you can usually forego the brushes, dirty sink and elbow grease if you start the day before you need the grill. However, use the following method only […]


Enjoying Nature With Your Loved Ones

By / May 25, 2019

One of the many reasons why hiking is great for both romantic getaways and family trips is because hiking trials come in all different shapes and sizes. In the United States, you will find hiking trails that are designed for beginners, hiking trails that are designed for experts, as well as those that are at […]


Hiking and Camping: The Perfect Combination

By / April 22, 2019

Whether you’re making your trip alone, with family, friends, or a partner, you’ll need to find a place to visit, as well as activities to participate in. If you have yet to decide what you would like to do for your next trip, have you ever thought about going camping and hiking? Whether you’re alone […]


Must-Know Safety Tips For New AND Experienced Hikers

By / February 7, 2019

As you likely already know, hiking can be fun and exciting, but it can be dangerous at the same time. Of course, there are a number of different steps that you can take to protect yourself on your next hiking adventure- we’ve outlined a few of those steps below. If you have yet to choose […]


Just Living Around Nature Helps You Live Longer

By / April 20, 2016

Living closer to nature is better for your health, new research suggests — and may even extend your life. A study just published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that people who live in “greener” areas, with more vegetation around, have a lower risk of mortality. The health benefits are likely thanks to factors […]


Acquire These Amazing Skills and Have Fun at the Same Time

By / January 20, 2016

The thought of going to the woods for rest and relaxation is a foreign concept to most moderns. Others see it as an oasis. The later enjoy the simplicity of woods life for many reasons. Through experience, they’ve learned to be healthy, comfortable, and relaxed in the woods. 27 Basecamp Projects Guaranteed to Elevate Skills […]