All posts in " practice "

Free Range Targets!

By jeffc / August 1, 2021

I’m beta testing a new program that I want to include with all of my gun optics… It’s called “The Free Target Club” And guess what? It’s a club where I send you FREE Reactive Targets, so you can see your shots from far away…  FOR LIFE! No hidden fees… no subscription… and No BS! […]


What Kind of Shooter Are You, and What Kind Do You WISH You Were?

By / October 13, 2015

A friend and colleague of mine once taught me that there are four types of shooters. I believe that in pursuit of learning and applying a skill, it makes a lot of sense to grade students and I also believe it makes a lot of sense to divide shooters into these four categories. 1. Unconscious […]


Dry Run for When the Water Stops

By / September 4, 2015

Something I have learned over the years is that my own experience coupled with the anecdotal experience of my peers will always trump the theoretical. Most assuredly, this also applies to coping skills learned in a disaster or what I like to call a “Disruptive Event”. Some of you might recall that due to a […]