All posts in " water "

Your Free Water Source

By jeffc / April 9, 2021

Rain barrels are one-of-a-kind containers that can assist you gather and also store rainwater from the downspouts as well as roof for future use. A rainfall barrel can reduce the quantity of rain in the tornado drains pipes by accumulating the roofing overflows. Keep in mind, rain is chlorine-free; for that reason, you can use […]


Family Survival Guide: Finding Water in the Wild

By / September 11, 2020

Surviving in the wild is a no reality TV adventure. According to US stats, there have been a significant number of deaths related to being lost in the woods or wilderness. Family members, particularly, love to spend holidays nature trekking. But how do you find food and survive in a place where there are no […]


Adding Interest to Your Garden

By / October 15, 2019

There are many ways that you can add interest to a garden. Anything that becomes a focal point will add interest and that can range from garden sculptures to the types of plants you choose. Adding block planting of a particular specimen can become a focal point in the garden. Even adding areas of variegated […]


10 Water Storage Tips

By / August 12, 2019

When it comes to eating and storing food off the grid, there are plenty of tips, tricks, and shortcuts. When there’s a shortage, you can even go without food for a while. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for fresh water, so here are ten things that should always be at the forefront of your […]


5 Methods for Purifying Water in a Survival Situation

By / April 17, 2019

The Importance of Having Clean Water You need water to survive. The human body uses water in so many ways, you can’t perform your day to day duties and responsibilities if you don’t stay hydrated. Here are just a couple ways that your body uses the water you drink. Water Regulates your body temperature Protects […]


The One Survival Component You Truly Can’t Live Without

By / January 18, 2019

The human body can last weeks without food, but only days without water. The body is made up of approximately 55% to 75% water. Water forms the basis of blood, digestive juices, urine, and perspiration and is contained in lean muscle, fat, and bones. As the body can’t store water, we need fresh supplies every […]


How to Prep Effectively and Efficiently…On a Budget

By / June 8, 2018

In an emergency situation, you want to have a number of supplies that you can fall back on to ensure your survival, health, and safety. This requires collecting and maintaining a decent amount of those supplies even though you may never need them. Altogether, these supplies – including food and water stockpiles, first aid supplies, […]


Water Conservation Tips When In A Survival Situation

By / June 7, 2018

Loss of access to running water is one of the most common consequences of a natural disaster or other calamity. The impact of a faucet that doesn’t yield water when it’s turned on can make people panic and frantic. They have good reason to be. Water sustains life and is used for a myriad of […]


All My Prepping Has Been a Waste of Time and Money

By / September 28, 2017

I just got off the phone with my friend Lynn, from Indialantic, FL, and what he had to tell me has changed my prepping ideas forever. I’m convinced that almost everything I’ve done for the last 10 years has been a waste of time and money. Let me explain why. Lynn is a methodical planner […]

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