Alice laughed. “There’s no usage attempting,” she said. “One can’t believe impossible things.”
“I dare state you have not had much practice,” said the queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, often I’ve thought as numerous as 6 difficult things prior to breakfast.” — Alice in Wonderland
We reside in an age when the level of deceit and propaganda is at an all-time high. Joseph Goebbels, Vladimir Lenin, and others did their best to force-feed propaganda to the masses, however they were rank novices compared to the spin physicians used by the political leaders these days. They’re masters at persuading people of impossible things.
Whenever I listen to Americans discuss their country, I find people that are excited for more news and details, yet most, without even knowing it, accept much of the dogma they have actually been eaten an everyday basis by their federal government and the media, even if, to outsiders, the presumptions are preposterous. Just those who make a concerted, continuous effort to see through the smokescreen seem to keep clear.
Here are 6 difficult things that many seem to have little trouble accepting as truth.
Yes, the nation’s in a mess, however that’s due to the fact that of opposition-party meddling. If the celebration I favour might get a majority, they ‘d sort things out.
This seems to have actually been a common belief for decades. It’s believed by Democrats and Republicans alike. However, in 2001, the Republicans held both houses of Congress, plus the presidency, yet even then they failed to deliver on what they claimed were their party’s fundamental goals. In between 2009 and 2011, the Democrats controlled all 3, yet they, too, failed to provide. If the electorate were to step back and take a look at the history of who is in power vs. modifications in policy, they ‘d find that the federal government’s main programme of welfare/warfare continues unabated, regardless of who manages the Congress and White Home. The primary policies of the United States are determined independently of who has been chosen. As American writer Mark Twain specified correctly, “If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.”
We’re on the road to financial recovery. We just need to be client.
The United States is deeper in debt, without a doubt, than any country ever has remained in the history of the world. The level of financial obligation is so great at present that it’s impossible to pay back. The reaction by the United States federal government has been to increase that debt, pumping more heroin into the body of the addict. There’s no possibility for this to end well; all that can be attained is to postpone the inevitable, hence ensuring that the last result will be even worse. The final tab will be gotten, not by the political class, however by the electorate.
I do not like government bailing the banks out, but if they don’t, the system will collapse.
Bank failures have actually existed for as long as banks have existed. Under a laissez-faire system, a bank that’s behaved recklessly with financing, to the point that it becomes insolvent, collapses. Depositors are hurt and often economically messed up. Frequently, there’s a short financial recession, however the culling of the bad bank really reinforces the economy in the long run. Nevertheless, in the last century, the significant banks in the United States have actually become so powerful with regard to government policy that they can now act recklessly, then be bailed out by the government, then act recklessly again. (Ultimately, this pattern will lead to a crash of epic proportions– an event that might come rather quickly.)
There’s no problem raising the financial obligation ceiling. All that’s needed is to print more cash to pay for it.
Sadly, it does not work that way. Significant printing of currency normally results in higher rates. Inflation robs people of their wealth. Hyperinflation can absolutely ruin it. And, as regards foreign debt, trading partners don’t take kindly to having the debtors degrade their financial obligation. Eventually, they’re most likely to sell back their financial obligation into the debtor’s economy. It would just take a fraction of the United States financial obligation held by the remainder of the world to be sold back into the United States for the United States economy to collapse.
I do not like war, however the attacks on Ukraine and the Middle East are needed to make the world safe for democracy.
Since the end of World War 2, the United States has actually regarded itself as the world’s policeman– a role that the majority of us outside the United States consider to be quite a conceited one for any nation to take. Much more confusing for us is the basic belief in the US that American invasions of nations actually lead to democratisation. From Vietnam to Afghanistan, to Iraq, to Libya (the list goes on), there has been little proof that US invasions have actually resulted in stable, democratic guideline. For the most part, they have led to increased mayhem. America is seen, not as the police officer, however the world’s foremost aggressor. This is not favorable to long-lasting American hegemony.
I realise that the US has actually passed considerable legislation recently that’s taken away my fundamental flexibilities, but it’s been required in combating terrorism.
Beginning with the Patriot Act of 2001, the United States government has actually gone mad with the passage of a wide variety of legislation that has trashed the US Constitution (often regarded by the outside world as the finest starting document that any nation has ever produced.) As an outcome, even lots of Third World countries now delight in greater private liberty than can be discovered in the US.
This is still the very best country in the world.
By nearly every requirement, this has, over current years, ceased to be the case. Prior to the world wars, the UK was the most effective country on the planet. Britons managed in some way to relate this fact to the belief that the UK was the “finest” in every way. This was never totally real, however many Brits accepted it anyway. Today, the methadone has lastly taken effect and the majority of us accept that the dew is quite off the vine. This suggests that it will be a very long time, potentially generations, prior to Americans concern understand that the splendor days of empire are over and the decrease is in process.
Alice had the ideal concept. As a young adult not yet configured by her federal government and the media to think difficult things, she had a higher ability to see the world as it was. The rest people need to work a fair bit harder to see through the smokescreen that federal governments and the media produce. By the 1960s, it was apparent to the world that Britain had become a shell of its former self, however lots of Brits weren’t all set to accept that the party was over. (Today, 70 years after the war, the message has sunk in.) Now it’s America’s turn and it will be similarly tough for them. For many, the standard of life and lifestyle will decrease.
Those who will be the most likely to do well will be those who select to identify that, as America decreases, there are some nations that are on the growth. Those few who pick to diversify themselves beyond American coasts will not only increase their objectivity, however, very likely, will ensure themselves a freer, more flourishing future.
Editor’s Note: Regrettably, the majority of people have no idea what really happens when an economy collapses, not to mention how to prepare …
If you wish to be genuinely “crisis-proof,” then you require to see this recently launched video from famous speculator Doug Casey. In it, he reveals what comes next and what you can do to prepare and safeguard your wealth.