The New Typical Left

CJ Hopkins

So, I went to London to speak with the Left … no, not” the Left”you’re probably considering. Not the mask-wearing, Ukrainian-flag-flying Left. Not the pronoun-using, segregationist Left. Not the WEF, WHO, FBI, CIA, DHS, and MI6-loving Left. Not the global-capitalist New Normal Left. The other Left. The old-school Left. The “Covid-denying, conspiracy-theorizing, Putin-loving, far-right-extremist” Left.

There were around 150 of us, and we collected in a “homophobic church” in Islington. Yes, Islington, which is basically the British head office of the New Typical Left. We did not care. “Let them come for us,” we stated. They didn’t. It was a Saturday. They were probably out shopping or hunting down fictional anti-Semites. So, we went ahead and did our thing.

Our “thing” was a conference loosely based upon leftist opposition to the WEF and its various dystopian visions for our future … you know, eating the bugs, owning absolutely nothing, enjoying, that sort of things. I was invited by this group called Real Leftto speak on a panel with Fabio Vighi, a teacher of Important Theory at Cardiff University. We didn’t speak about the WEF quite. We primarily talked about international capitalism, totalitarianism, and “the New Typical Left.”

Here are the broad strokes of what I stated at the conference.


In order to understand what took place to the Left (i.e., how it ended up being the New Normal Left), you need to comprehend the history of worldwide commercialism over the last 30 years approximately.

Really, you need to go back a bit further, back to the early 20th Century, when the Great Ideological Game was still afoot. At that time, capitalism, having actually overthrown the upper class, was on the march, transforming the world into one big marketplace. It was challenged by 2 opposing ideologies, fascism and communism. They combated it out. Long story short, industrialism won.

International commercialism (“GloboCap”) was born. It’s one big global-capitalist world now. It has been since the early 1990s. GloboCap has no external adversaries, so it has absolutely nothing to do but Clear and Hold, i.e., eliminate pockets of internal resistance and execute ideological harmony. Which is what it has actually been doing for the last thirty years, first, in the former Soviet bloc, then, in “The Global War on Horror,” and finally, in our so-called “Western democracies,” as we have just experienced up close and personal during the shock-and-awe phase of the rollout of the New Typical, and are continuing to experience, albeit somewhat less drastically.

Simply put, GloboCap is going totalitarian. That is what the New Typical is. It is not your granddad’s totalitarianism. It is a brand-new, global-capitalist kind of totalitarianism. It shows a number of familiar features– suspension of civil liberties, main propaganda, hooligan squads, censorship, common symbols of ideological conformity, gratuitous constraints of liberty of motion and other aspects of daily life, hatred and persecution of authorities “Untermenschen,”segregation, criminalization of dissent, mob violence, book burning, reveal trials, etc– but there will not be anyone goose-stepping around in jackboots shrieking about “the master race.” It’s not that sort of totalitarianism.

To understand it (which it would behoove us to do), we need to understand global-capitalist ideology, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. Global commercialism has no ideology … or, rather, its ideology is “truth.” When you have no ideological adversaries, you don’t need an ideology. You’re generally God.

“Truth” is whatever you state it is, and whoever disagrees is a “science denier,” or a “conspiracy theorist,” or a “malinformationist,” or some other kind of deluded “extremist.” You do not require to argue ideology with anybody, due to the fact that you have no ideological opponents. Society is divided into 2 fundamental groups, (a) “regular people,” who accept “truth,” and (b) the “deviants” and “extremists,” who do not.

Your political and ideological challengers are pathologized, preemptively delegitimized. After all, who would refute “reality” other than liars and the scientifically ridiculous?

Yes, of course, there is intramural political and ideological dispute within the boundaries of so-called “normality,” just as there is intramural competition in between global corporations, but challenging the ideological system itself is difficult, since there is no ground outside it from which to mount an attack. This is most likely the hardest thing for the majority of us to come to terms with. There is no ideological territory outside worldwide commercialism. There is no “outside.” There are no external foes. There are only insurgencies, and counterinsurgency ops.

The rest is intramural competitors.

And here’s another thing that we need to understand about global-capitalist ideology, and it isn’t going to make my conservative readers, or my libertarian readers, or my leftist readers, happy. However it is important to comprehending the New Typical Left and the shape of the present ideological landscape. I’m going to attempt to keep this as simple as possible and not get lost in a bunch of post-structuralist mumbo jumbo.

Ready? OK, here we go.

Capitalism is a values-decoding machine. It translates society of despotic worths (i.e., religious values, racist values, socialist values, traditional values, any and all values that interfere with the unimpeded circulations of capital … commercialism does not differentiate). This is how industrialism (or democracy if you’re squeamish) released us from a despotic “truth” in which values emanated from the aristocracies, kings, priests, the Church, and so on. Generally, it transferred the emanation and enforcement of worths from despotic structures to the marketplace, where whatever is essentially a product.

So, hurrah … commercialism freed us from despotism! I’m grateful. I’m not a big fan of despotism. The problem is, it’s just a device. And it has no off-switch. And now it dominates the entire planet unopposed or restricted in any meaningful method. So it’s doing what it is created to do, stripping societies of their despotic worths, rendering everything and everybody a product, establishing and enforcing ideological harmony, reducing the effects of pockets of internal resistance.

The vast majority of that resistance is reactionary. I do not indicate that in the pejorative sense. Most of the opposition to the New Regular has actually originated from the traditional political right, from folks who are attempting to preserve their worths, i.e., to avoid them from being decoded by the GloboCap values-decoding maker. A lot of these folks don’t see it that way, due to the fact that they do not wish to deal with the reality that what they are withstanding is global industrialism, so they call it other names like “crony capitalism,” “corporatism,” or “cultural Marxism.” I do not truly care what they call it, except when they call it “communism,” which simply makes them sounds incredibly silly.

The point is, these folks consist of a reactionary force that is pressing back versus the advance of global-capitalism and its ideology, whether they know what they are resisting or not. Russia is another such reactionary force, a minimum of insofar as it is attempting to defend what remains of its national sovereignty. Syria and Iran are 2 other examples. All of these reactionary forces are integrated within the GloboCap system and at the very same time are resisting their absorption by it. The dynamics are intricate. It isn’t an animation or a Hollywood motion picture with “good guys” and “bad guys.”

Anyhow, the battleground appears like this … you have actually got GloboCap conducting its Clear-and-Hold op, and you have actually got the reactionary (“populist”) backlash against it. Which’s it. Those are the only significant forces on the battleground, presently.

Which brings us to the unpleasant state of the Left.

The Left– and I indicate “the Left” broadly, so liberals, and both serious and Brooklyn leftists– remain in an ideological double-bind. Either they align with a significantly totalitarian GloboCap or they line up with the reactionary backlash against it.

They can’t line up with the reactionaries, due to the fact that a lot of them are … well, you understand, rather bigoted, or they think in God, or they object to drag queens rubbing themselves all over kids. Many of them own several guns (i.e., the reactionaries, not the drag queens) and fly huge American flags outside their homes (or whatever flags they fly in Fantastic Britain). Many of them voted for Donald Trump, or Brexit, or the AfD here in Germany, or the National Rally in France, or The Sibling of Italy. These are not BBC/NPR-listening people. These are not pronoun-using people. These are scary working-class people.

So the Left has lined up with GloboCap, which, after all, is still deciphering all those nasty despotic values (i.e., bigotry, and other forms of bigotry), and is opposing totalitarians and religious zealots, and is spreading “democracy” all across the planet. You may believe I am being facetious. I am not. Global industrialism is still doing that. Which I support, as do all liberals and leftists.

The catch is, as worldwide commercialism continues to do that, and makes a huge show of doing that, it is also going totalitarian. It is not deciphering those despotic values out of the goodness of its heart. What it is doing is establishing ideological uniformity. The issue is, it has no ideology. All it understands how to do is translate values, changing societies into markets and everything in them into valueless commodities. Which it is carrying out in totalitarian fashion. The Nazis described this process as “Gleichschaltung,”the synchronization of all elements of society according to official ideology. That is what is occurring, currently, internationally.

GloboCap has begun the shift from a “reality” of contending ideologies, sovereign nation-states, cultures, and values to a brand-new, supranational, post-ideological, ultimately trans-human, globalized “reality,” and the message is, “you are either with us or against us.”

The New Normal Left is obviously with GloboCap. New Normal Leftists will intensely reject this, as they shriek for more censorship of dissentand cheer for real Sieg-heiling Nazis.

Just as the “populist” Right can decline the reality that what it is opposing is a kind of commercialism, the New Normal Left can decline the reality that it is aligned with a brand-new kind of totalitarianism. It is literally impossible to them. You can show them screenshots of their posts and Tweets in which they required “the Unvaccinated” to be locked up in camps, and pictures of when they formed fanatical mobs and threatened individuals who wouldn’t shout their slogans, and they will take a look at you as if you are out of your mind.


Therefore we are in a bit of a repair. Which is essentially what I informed the conference in London. I wish I had some dazzling plan of action to use. Regretfully, I do not. Most likely nobody does at this phase of things. After all, the New Regular is just beginning.

That said, something I’m sure about is, if you do not wish to end up consuming the bugs and owning absolutely nothing and enjoying in your AI-monitored 15-minute city while you wait for your social-credit app to update your vaccination record so you can access your CBDC account and make another minimum payment on your ever-deepening credit-card debt, it would most likely be a good concept to attempt to understand what is in fact taking place.

Or perhaps not. What do I know? I’m just an old “reactionary extremist lefty.”

CJ Hopkins is an acclaimed American playwright, author and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are released by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is released by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Authorization Factory Essaysare published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Material, Inc. He can be reached at  or SUPPORT OFFGUARDIAN

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