Our 2 Deep States, One Public, One Personal

One Deep State is bad enough, however an abandoner, predatory private-sector Deep State is intolerable.

In 2007, well before the term Deep State entered the typical lexicon, I sketched the interconnected public-private pieces of the Deep State, which I called the elite keeping and extending international supremacy. This diagram doesn’t make all the connections or list all the substantial nodes of impact obviously, but you get the idea: chosen officials, i.e. “democracy,” play a modest role in the whole structure, which displays exceptional continuity regardless of which political leaders and celebrations are currently in power.

That’s the entire concept, obviously: continuity that can’t be interfered with by an election.

What’s changed is the introduction of a private-sector Deep State– a.k.a. Big Tech— that has established unprecedented power outside the control of elected authorities even as it continues to play ball with the traditional public-sector controlled Deep State of the alphabet federal companies and informal public-private sector ties.

This private-sector Deep State is totally free to pursue its own program of information-gathering and selling, security, impact and profit-maximizing monopolies while seeming to serve the traditional Deep State as information-collecting and censorship services.

What makes Big Tech a private-sector Deep State is that no one outside the corporations understands exactly what’s in their databases and algorithms or the extent of their abilities. Sure, they share information with the standard Deep State players, and censor whomever it’s “recommended” they censor/ shadow-ban, however that transfer isn’t 100% of what Big Tech has. All that transfer is just enough to appear to be playing ball so Big Tech can “suggest” OK, we’ve done our part, now leave us alone.

The problem with both Deep States is there is no option within the system for those censored/ shadow-banned, those being tracked, those whose information is being siphoned off and offered to whomever deals a substantial amount of money, and so on. The standard idea of the US Constitution is that every person has some recourse via the judicial or political systems should the state (government) or personal entities violate the boundaries developed by the Constitution.

People have no recourse against the predations of Huge Tech or the conventional Deep State. Um, hi there, Big Tech, could you please share exactly how and when I’ve been shadow-banned, who else has copies of the information you’ve collected about me and how much you “earned” offering my data to third parties? What’s in fact in your AI tools? Does any public agency have any genuine oversight power over all the robbery, pillaging and predation you’re pursuing?

So sorry (heh), you consented to our terms of service which grant us all the rights and our algorithms and databases are protected exclusive business home. So blow chow, pal, you have no recourse. We’re a corporation, we have rights; you’re just a citizen, you have none. You presently have approval to publish images of young puppies and kittens, so simply delight in the pictures of puppies and kitties and enjoy you have not yet been digitally eliminated totally.

Um, hi there, Alphabet-Soup Firm, could I please have all the files you’ve put together on me? Yes, there is a protocol for inquiring (the Liberty of Details Act FOIA), but there are exemptions and hold-ups, so do not hold your breath.

On the other hand, the country careens into an era of Polycrisis, defined as a cluster of associated global risks with intensifying impacts, such that the general effect goes beyond the sum of each part. This is of course a timeless description of emergent systems, which display characteristics that vary from those produced by each individual component.

I’ve designed a few of these characteristics in the chart listed below of overlapping crises.

At the same time, the worldwide status quo, no matter political flavor, is moving down the backside of the S-Curve (see graph below). Whatever that was thought about a dependable option is now the issue. There are no solutions within the existing status quo, therefore everyone has no option however to do more of what’s stopped working spectacularly.

There are no perfect, sacrifice-free repairs to the demise of the debt-funded, waste is growth/ Garbage dump Global Economy, however a good start would be bringing the private-sector Deep State of Big Tech to heel, removing it of its opacity and powers, relegating everything Huge Tech does or tries to a tightly regulated energy with transparent public oversight.

One Deep State is bad enough, however a renegade, predatory private-sector Deep State is excruciating. It goes nearly without saying that I’ve been shadow-banned for the previous 7 years (revealed by the fake PropOrNot struck list), if not longer, however the systems of this censorship are opaque, not simply to me however to the chosen branches of government and the shadow-realm of the conventional Deep State.

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