Doug Casey on What’s Truly Making Numerous Americans Fat, Sick, Poor, and Dumb

International Male: Almost half of Americans have at least one chronic condition– which number is growing.

One in 3 Americans are either overweight or obese.

Why do you believe a lot of Americans are overweight and sick?

Doug Casey: I do not pretend to be a medical specialist. However I can assure you that it’s much better to be young, healthy, abundant, and smart than old, ill, bad, and stupid.

It’s obvious that the latter progressively defines Americans.

There’s no doubt that they have issues with weight and absence of workout. This has been a problem for years, however things actually left control with the COVID scamdemic.

Not just were the health clubs closed, however you might forget about even going for a walk in lots of places. You were expected to remain in your home, wear a pitiful little paper mask, and huddle in a corner to hide from some insane infection trying to hunt you down like a rat.

Americans were not just forced to put their lives on hold but couldn’t even get into a health center or see a medical professional to deal with real medical conditions. I’ll think that the average American gained 10 to 20 pounds of weight.

Weight is easy to get but difficult to lose in today’s America.

The excess deaths credited to COVID, and a general deterioration of health, were not due to COVID itself, nevertheless. COVID was just a serious influenza that mostly affected old, fat, and ill individuals. In truth, government actions killed a lot more individuals than the vaunted plague, short term, and long term.

Whatever that federal government touches breaks down and deteriorates. A great case can be made that federal government is at least partly responsible for the poor health of Americans. Perhaps it began with the innovation of the so-called food guide pyramid.

Bureaucrats informed Americans to consume great deals of grains, usually in the kind of sugary breakfast cereals and white bread. All of it is greatly processed. Fresh veggies and fruits only played a small part in the recommended American diet.

Lobbyists from significant corporations discovered it a lot more lucrative to promote convenience foods than fresh vegetables and fruits.

Prior To World War 2, the typical American female stayed at home to raise a household and handle the family, cooking meals from scratch. It was a full-time job. Females likewise acted as a backup system if the male, the main breadwinner, could not work.

Now, nevertheless, many females work. They no longer have time to take care of the house and children and cook 3 edible meals a day for the family. This has generated convenience foods.

Convenience foods are processed, maintained, and pre-packaged. They’re very heavy in sugar, fat, salt, and processed carbs. Over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, when starvation was the norm, these things were unusual. Now they’re ubiquitous. However we’re genetically programmed to seek them out.

Processed, preserved, and packaged food tends to be heavy in calories and light on fiber and nutrients. We don’t really get food from farmers anymore but from big corporations, which are in a collaboration with the State.

Don’t fret; I’m not a “granola” or a back-to-nature hippy. However large urban populations in industrial societies need some changes, and not all of them are welcome. That said, if an unregulated free market was allowed– which is not the case– there’s every factor to think foods would be both significantly much better and less expensive.

I think those are some factors people are overweight today.

International Man: What is the relationship between Huge Pharma and the government?

How could pharmaceutical business operate in a free market?

Doug Casey: Huge federal government, which has actually become as fat as the people that it rules over, naturally likes to deal with huge corporations.

A repercussion of the unwholesome partnership in between huge government and big corporations is that when corporations need approvals, favors, or subsidies, they remain in a good position to get them a lot more easily than the “little individuals” can.

And subtly, frequently not so discreetly, civil servant are rewarded with profitable corporate jobs, directorships, and speaking with agreements for having made their business buddies rich. Look at the contemptible Tony Fauci and his coterie. One hand cleans the other.

In the US and most of today’s world, Mussolini’s fascist dream of a collaboration between huge federal government and big corporations has become truth on a huge scale.

That’s absolutely, perhaps specifically true for pharmaceutical companies.

How would they run in a free enterprise?

In a free enterprise, there would be no subsidies. There would be no federal government purchases of items that corporations want to sell. There would be no Medicare or Medicaid. So, there would not be a constant pipeline of money from the federal government to corporations. Obamacare made this much worse.

Obviously, in a free enterprise, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) wouldn’t exist. I choose to call the FDA the Federal Death Authority since they probably eliminate more people every year than the Defense Department does in a common decade. Why? The multibillion-dollar costs and the typically 10-year hold-up they impose on the advancement of valuable drugs and innovations. The majority of it is cover-your-ass procedures imposed by legal representatives and bureaucrats, not researchers. They’re not in fact protecting the consumer from dangerous food and drugs.

In a free market, entrepreneurs and medical business would invest those billions of dollars efficiently rather than in manner ins which only make sense because State approval is needed.

What drugs you take ought to be between you and your physician, without the dead hand of the federal government laying on top of both of you.

It frequently starts with censorship of valuable information, as happened throughout the COVID hysteria when it ended up being difficult, or a minimum of unsafe, to even go over the nature of the issue. Physicians were unable to recommend economical, safe drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Rather, numerous millions were misused on expensive and lethal remdesivir and ventilators at the start of the COVID hysteria. The only thing that remained healthy was a giant self-sufficient bureaucracy.

International Guy: Americans utilized to be skeptical of Big Pharma.

Nevertheless, after the COVID hysteria, it appears many have ended up being beneficial idiots– or even worse– for Big Pharma.

What is accountable for this change in mindset, and what are the implications?

Doug Casey: An excellent illustration of the power of federal government is supplied by this video compilation. I advise everybody to view it.

People have actually been taught to rely on credentialed specialists instead of listening to their bodies and doing their own research study. Doing your own research study– called “reading”– is actively dissuaded today. If you’re a thinking person, of course, you’re skeptical of Huge Pharma. My co-author John Hunt, M.D., and I enter into this in our unique Drug Lord.

The truth is that many of the drugs that they have actually developed, despite many years and billions of dollars of FDA approval process, are actively dangerous.

An exceptional example of this is the over 100 hundred psychiatric drugs which are supposed to relieve mental illness. In many cases, they simply cover mental problems that have causes in individuals’s diet plan or habits. Things like Zoloft, Prozac, and hundreds of others are greatly prescribed. They typically turn individuals into zombies.

Americans need to be suspicious of these things. Health is something you accomplish for yourself. Medical intervention is something between you and your physician when essential. The State ought to have no function in either.

International Male: The United States is plainly experiencing a steep financial, cultural, and social decrease.

How does the typical American’s health decrease fit into the total pattern?

Doug Casey: At this point, it practically appears that the-powers-that-be would prefer to see the ineffective mouths put in cubicles where food and entertainment can be doled out while they gather their universal standard earnings, only coming out to vote or riot when hired.

This appears to be the method things are going. It’s as if life is following the plot of a dystopian sci-fi movie.

I generally do not believe in conspiracies simply since it’s difficult enough to have 4 pals agree on which restaurant to go to– much less get numerous rascals to conspire.

However eventually, along with reducing 90% of the population, the sort of people that enter into government, or go to Davos, merely wish to manage other individuals. State “health” mandates are a fundamental part of that.

International Man: What do you recommend people do to buck this pattern and remain physically healthy?

Doug Casey: First thing to do is recognize that the words surrounding the subject requirement to be used precisely.

People conflate “healthcare” with “treatment.” Treatment is what you want and needs when you’re facing a severe illness or a serious accident.

Health care is really various. It’s something that you offer yourself. Your primary possession is your own body, and it’s something that you’re personally accountable for. You– not the federal government, not Medicare, not Medicaid.

It’s a corruption of language to call medical insurance coverage, health insurance. It makes everybody believe that if they get medical insurance, their health will somehow be guaranteed.

That’s not the method it works. Your health is something that you are accountable for. The costs of healthcare, nevertheless, can be guaranteed. However medical care is only needed when some severe extraneous event surpasses your life. It shouldn’t be a consideration of daily living. For example, it’s absurd that the average family pays about $2500 a month for “health insurance” offered by a now collapsing medical system.

However that’s a subject for another conversation.

Editor’s Note: Regrettably, there’s little any individual can virtually do to alter the trajectory of this trend in movement. The very best you can do is to remain informed so that you can safeguard yourself in the very best method possible, and even benefit from the scenario.

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