Alex ‘HRH’ Pierce: Like Andrew Breitbart, the Woke Haters are Driving My Success

Alexandra Pierce, founder and designer of HRH Collection, says woke haters are driving her success in business and online similar to that of the late Andrew Breitbart.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News Editor in Chief Alex Marlow on SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Pierce said she gives credit to her haters for helping turn her jewelry line and YouTube channel into viral hits.


“You know Andrew Breitbart … who is our founder who passed away ten years ago, he was the first person I saw publicly on social media interacting with his haters who were really obscure,” Marlow said.

“He would call it ‘retweeting the hate,’ where he would just put it out there all the horrible things that were said about him and it really seemed to give him energy,” he continued.

Like Andrew Breitbart, Pierce said her haters are propelling her success.

“I get the worst kind of hate from tearing my looks down to tearing my family down. I get death threats, gnarly death threats that you’ve ever heard, them posting my address and threatening me,” Pierce said. “And I try to report them to Instagram and Instagram doesn’t shut them down for anything. But I’m the one that gets shut down.”

“The more people push, the more I’m going to succeed and show them. It is really an energy for me,” she continued. “I actually love the hate. I love it because they’re my biggest fans and I guess like Andrew [Breitbart], it just gives us some sort of energy.”

While Pierce said her jewelry line HRH Collection has quadrupled in sales since she started speaking out against woke culture, her YouTube videos have become viral clips on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, making her a famous face for young social media users.

Pierce said her biggest piece of advice for independent-minded entrepreneurs is “do you.”

“Anyone that has any kind of hate or reaction or is trying to put you down in any way, they are just jealous losers … I always say, ‘do you and shut up,’” Pierce said. “Work hard and shut up.”

“They’re just losers sitting behind the computer, and I’m the one with a successful line, a beautiful life, and it keeps me going,” she said. “I’m just like okay, whatever bitches, I’m good. I just live my life and I actually think that’s the best advice: just do you.”

Breitbart News Daily airs weekdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Eastern Time on SiriusXM Patriot 125.

The Breitbart News Daily Podcast runs Monday through Friday as a “Director’s Cut” of the SXM Patriot radio show.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

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