A Short Minute of Freedom

By: Gary D. Barnett

“The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my kids’s lives might be,
I go and rest where the wood drake
rests in his appeal on the water, and the excellent heron feeds.I entered into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the existence of still water.And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light
. For a time I rest in the grace of the world,
and am totally free.”~ Wendell Berry, The Picked Poems

of Wendell Berry I spent this past week in the clutches of nature,

and. released my mind from the confusion and horror of male’s grip on the perceived truth of controlled enslavement. I left the world of what is wrongly labeled civilization, and cleaned my soul with the grandeur of life beyond guy. To escape the madness of crowds in the privacy and quiet of the outdoors, and experience the sanctity of all things wild, triggers an awakening that can never be achieved by any other methods. Nobody can free another, he has to free himself, and in order to do so, he needs to encounter his inner being without foreign disturbance from the day-to-day absurdity of human hysteria. It is what is inside that matters, it is not what others believe or do, however what one has the ability to accomplish in his own mind and spirit. I walked in the woods, climbed up mountains, looked in wonder at the fantastic Tetons and all the mountains and rivers too rarely seen by most. I fished alone in the presence of nature, I watched moose, elk, deer, antelope, birds, reptiles, and bugs, and deserted the ideas that haunt me. I strolled for numerous miles in wild nation and forests, I was soaked by spring rains, was in the midst of storms and lightning bolts, informing me to my minor significance in this sea of nature. It is great to be alone; not constantly, but often. One can never ever actually clean and clarify his mind without escaping the grip of the human propaganda, lies, and deceit; all meant to develop an incorrect truth. I compose so that others might at least have a various perspective on all that consumes us in this life of perplexing turmoil caused by the arrogance of male. Is this effort too presumptuous? I think not, for my intent is not to preach, to force, to lie, to advance only my own opinions, or produce my own narratives, however just to awaken a couple of to the reality, truth, and charm of life. If I achieve anything in this pursuit, I hope it is simply to construct a trigger of curiosity, disobedience, and a looking for of truthful independent thought. Life is a great experience, but the bulk of humankind has abandoned most of the excellent in life by accepting the incorrect promises of others, rather of experiencing the wonder of nature, self, and family. We have watched as rulers, kings, politicians, and perverted and homicidal federal governments, have taken control of all aspects of our presence. In this nation, many are as soon as again in the middle of choosing their next ruler. It matters not to most it appears

, that this procedure has come a cropper each time it has been attempted in history, nor that we are on the precipice of yet another political disaster, despite which worthless piece of residue thought to be honorable gains the power to manage the masses; and obviously, by voluntary acceptance by the herd. Why not aim to self for redemption, rather of depending on those who purposely select to rule over you; informing you how to live, breathe, and how to structure your lives? Why not depend on self in order to make decisions regarding how to live, where to go, what work to do, what property to own, what beliefs to accept or not, and what is best for you and your family? Why not gain the strength needed to remove your slavery to this abhorrent State, by looking around you, and understanding the majesty that is life and nature without the chains of dominant rule and authority by those who pretend to know what is best for you? For at last, overrule the State, experience life to its maximum, stroll in the presence of nature, count on self, and condemn any who presume to put themselves above you? Only without rule can liberty ever be experienced. Only without the State can each people travel our own path, loving every minute of life, rather of being locked in the insanity of what is called ‘contemporary civilization. ‘Is it civilized to accept war

and murder of innocents? Is it civilized to permit the cruelty that is the exploitation of kids by perverted State gamers, and the dregs of ‘society’who are empowered by the State to promote immoral behavior? Is it civilized to live your lives at the expense of others due to the State’s theft of private property? Is it civilized to be secured your own houses, told you must wear a suffocating mask, told to take a bioweapon injection whether you want it or not? Is it civilized for the couple of who acquire guideline to tax all others to boost their power over you? Is it civilized to be informed to shut down your businesses, fire your workers, and care not about the predicament of others? Is it civilized to view the overall destruction of this earth by governments looking for international guideline? Is it civilized to be poisoned, controlled, starved to death, have your wealth ruined due to inflationary currency expansion, and be surveilled by the horrendous State in every element of your daily lives? Is anything that the State does civilized, or is all that the State does evil? The response to this concern need to be brutally apparent. Escape the State sluts, and into nature, and you will at the same time see what freedom actually looks like. Take a break from the false truth presented by the political class, the media, the promoters of socialism, fascism, communism, and yes,’democracy,’and all those who think they are owed something at the expenditure of others.

Listen to nobody, and recover your own spirit and soul, by eliminating all power from any who select to rule. Many will neglect this plea, and will continue on this roadway to hell, but some will decline the madness, and they will be left with their peace of mind and their flexibility, no matter the abominable situations surrounding them. We require no obscene president, we need no political leader, we need no rule, we require no federal government master; we only require

to recover ourselves. Grasp a quick moment of liberty, and possibly you will then seek more of it. The more real freedom that is experienced, whether in mind, body, or both, the more precious it will end up being. Stroll in nature, observe the beauty of all life around you, and spend time alone to assess the madness of humanity. Climb up mountains, experience all plants and animals, spend time on rivers, lakes, and oceans, and

bask in the beauty and wonder of everything. In this human world these days, a lot of everything is psychotic, and swarming with grief, perversion, confusion, hate, and rule. To leave this madness, look for the solace of all the excellent we have prior to us, look inside yourself instead of depending on those seeking power over you. When you do this, you will awaken to a better place.”How narrow we self-centered arrogant animals remain in our sympathies! How blind to the rights of all the rest of development!” ~ John Muir _________________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2023 GaryDBarnett.com Consent to reprint in entire or in part is happily granted, offered full credit is given.

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