All posts in "History"

Keynesians and Market Monetarists Didn’t See Inflation Coming

By / April 20, 2022

The government’s latest report puts the twelve-month official consumer price inflation rate at 8.5 percent, the highest since December 1981: As economists debate the causes of, and cure for, this price inflation, it’s worth recounting which schools of thought saw it coming. Although individuals can be nuanced, generally speaking the Austrians have been warning that […]


The Nationalities Question | Murray N. Rothbard

By / April 19, 2022

[This article was published in in The Irrepressible Rothbard, available in the Mises Store.] Upon the collapse of centralizing totalitarian Communism in Eastern Europe and even the Soviet Union, long suppressed ethnic and nationality questions and conflicts have come rapidly to the fore. The crack-up of central control has revealed the hidden but still vibrant […]


Yes, I am a Conspiracy Realist: All Government Is Conspiracy

By / April 17, 2022

By: Gary D. Barnett “For the first time in its history, Western Civilization is in danger of being destroyed internally by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well. This junta took control of […]


The Ancient Chinese Libertarian Tradition

By / April 15, 2022

The first libertarian intellectual was Lao-tzu, the founder of Taoism. Little is known about his life, but apparently he was a personal acquaintance of Confucius in the late sixth century BC and like the latter came from the state of Sung and was descended from the lower aristocracy of the Yin dynasty. Unlike the notable […]


We Still Haven’t Reached the Inflation Finale

By / April 14, 2022

Inflations have an inbuilt mechanism which works to burn them out. Government (including the central bank) can thwart the mechanism if they resort to further monetary injections of sufficient power. Hence inflations can run for a long time and in virulent form. This occurs where the money issuers see net benefit from making new monetary […]


Grandfather Willcke: Mises’s Unsigned Editorial for the New York Times

By / April 13, 2022

Introduction by B.K. Marcus: Mises wrote his first New York Times editorial in March 1941, having been in the United States for less than a year. He addressed a dispute between Josef Göbbels and Wendell Willkie, and provided a capsule version of mid-19th century Prussian history. The editorial, reprinted below, was published without Mises’s name, […]


The New Slavery: Nock on Spencer

By / April 11, 2022

[This is Albert Jay Nock’s (1870–1945) introduction to Spencer’s forgotten 1884 classic, The Man versus the State.] In 1851 Herbert Spencer published a treatise called Social Statics; or, The Conditions Essential to Human Happiness Specified. Among other specifications, this work established and made clear the fundamental principle that society should be organized on the basis of voluntary […]


Why So Much Hate for the Free Market?

By / April 10, 2022

The Power of Capitalism: A Journey through Recent History across Five ContinentsBy Rainer ZitelmannLID Publishing, 2018xiv + 233 pages Dr. Rainer Zitelmann is best known to the scholarly world for his outstanding study of Adolf Hitler’s economic ideology, now available in English translation as Hitler’s National Socialism. Originally written as a doctoral dissertation in 1986, […]


After More Than a Month of Fighting, Where Do Things Stand in the Russia-Ukraine War?

By / April 9, 2022

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine enters its second month, much is still in flux and our information is far from perfect, but three things stand out. First, Vladimir Putin appears close to securing many of the objectives he laid out before invading Ukraine. Second, this invasion has been a massive mistake. Third, while Joe Biden has […]

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