All posts in "Uncategorized"

The Scholzisation vs the Schroederization of Germany and the EU

By / May 27, 2023

An ever-growing number of political leaders in Germany and EU wish to turn the clock back to the method things used to be ‘pre-conflict in Ukraine’ days. Expensive rates for energy supplies and economic crisis which fell upon the Western Europe as an action to the EU sanctions against Russia have actually made lots of […]


Divisive Societal Collectivism Is a Primary Motorist of Total Control Over individuals

By / May 27, 2023

By: Gary D. Barnett “However we should understand that even this propensity to restrict the exploitation of class benefits is a fairly common component of totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is not merely amoral. It is the morality of the closed society– of the group, or of the tribe; it is not individual selfishness, but it is cumulative […]


The Middle Class Is Being Methodically Destroyed

By / May 26, 2023

If you wanted to destroy the middle class, one manner in which you could accomplish that objective would be to flood the system with money. Of course that is specifically what we have witnessed over the previous couple of years. Our leaders have actually pumped trillions of new dollars into the system, and the wealthy […]


A Dangerous Proposal

By / May 26, 2023

The foreign policy establishment’s love affair with Zelensky knows no bounds. By Ted Galen CARPENTER Just when one is tempted to conclude that Ukraine’s sycophantic backers in the West can’t embrace policies that are more detached from reality, leading figures in that faction manage to plumb new depths of absurdity. The latest example is a […]


Black Chicago Homeowners Sue City Officials over Accepting Illegal Immigrants

By / May 25, 2023

A movement of common Chicago residents filed a lawsuit to stop the city government from placing 500 migrants in a southside area school. The May 10 claim states: The [city government’s] proposed action appears to neglect the zoning laws that remain in place to safeguard the South Shore community. The failure to abide by these […]


Don’t Do This – Ask a Prepper

By / May 25, 2023

The truth that you are reading this short article informs me that you are probably more prepared than most people. Perhaps you have a stockpile, a bunker, or a grab-n’-go bag. Maybe you lead the game and have a highly arranged system and a strong prepare for an emergency. That’s terrific! However, even the best-laid […]


Mises Debunks the Religious Case for the State

By / May 25, 2023

In 1920, Ludwig von Mises wrote a thorough review of the economics of socialism that introduced the “computation argument.” The significance of his critical essay, “Economic Computation in the Socialist Commonwealth,” as Mises Institute Senior Citizen Fellow Joseph Salerno composes in a postscript, is that it “extends far beyond its disastrous presentation of the impossibility […]


The Coming War– Time to Speak Up

By / May 25, 2023

Silences filled with an agreement of propaganda contaminate almost everything we read, see and hear. War by media is now an essential task of so-called mainstream journalism. By John PILGER In 1935, the Congress of American Writers was kept in New york city City, followed by another 2 years later on. They contacted “the hundreds […]

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