Dispute Advice for Republicans: Issues, Not Oprah

Ann Coulter

August 17, 2023

Ronald and Nancy Reagan, 1972

Ronald and Nancy Reagan, 1972 Source: Wikimedia Commons As the first Republican dispute techniques, I have an immediate attract the prospects: Please adopt the good ideas Donald Trump did and skip the catastrophic parts (i.e., everything after the project ended on Nov. 8, 2016).

Although he presided over the most squandered presidency in history, the 2016 Trump campaign was stunning, without peer, ideal in every regard. I described the lots of helpful innovations of that project in my book “In Trump We Trust.” Please begin there, Republicans.

President Trump may have been a worthless crybaby too ascared to fire his own chief law officer– much less ask Speaker of the House Paul Ryan for wall funding– but in 2016, it was all image, and candidate Trump encountered as strong.

“Republican citizens want concerns, not Oprah.”

Don’t fall under these consultant-created traps of providing yourself as a weakling, prospects. Keep in mind that you’re going to be leader of the free world. Cat women aren’t electing you. Republicans are.

1) Stop utilizing the royal “we,” e.g., “We testified before the grand jury …,” “We did our responsibility …,” “We decided to run …” Committees did refrain from doing these things. You did. Be a man and state so.

2) Do not tell us about the time you were discriminated against– and yes, I’m looking at you Sen. Tim Scott and Gov. Nikki Haley. We’ve all had barriers and don’t require to find out about yours, least of all that time in grade school when somebody was mean to you.

3) Do not state “When I am president …” This is a flashing neon indication announcing that you have absolutely no possibility of ever being within a thousand feet of the Oval Office.

4) Lastly, for the love of God, please stop telling us about your families. We don’t care about your partner, your parents or your kids. In truth, we ‘d prefer a first girl who doesn’t speak English.

Quiz: Who is the best president of the last century?

Answer: Ronald Reagan.

You think he won because he had the nicest family? He would not have actually been chosen dogcatcher with that bunch. Yet in some way, Reagan won a 44-state landslide in 1980 and a 49-state landslide in 1984.

His partner, Nancy, badgered him throughout his presidency to be pro-choice. Keep in mind that the important word in the previous sentence isn’t “pro-choice”; it’s “spouse.” Nancy hadn’t been elected to anything. He neglected her– and went on to spark an economic boom that lasted thirty years, defeat the Evil Empire and restore a nation in decrease to its superpower status.

But every four years, campaign consultants convince the prospects that citizens are passing away to become aware of their households. Two for the rate of one!, to borrow an embarrassing motto of the Clintons’.

Let’s review a few of the horrors from 2016:

In addition to Sen. Marco Rubio’s odd concept that having a bartender daddy was a vital qualification for president, his common opening statement went something like this:

“My name is Marco Rubio. I’m from Florida. My better half, Jeanette, and I are the proud– we have actually been married 17 years, and we’re the happy parents of 4 children, two of whom had the ability to join us here this night.” (The other two remained in bartender school.)

Compare that to Trump’s opening statement: “I’m Donald Trump. … I’ve made billions and billions of dollars dealing with individuals all over the world, and I want to put whatever that skill is to work for this country so we have fantastic trade deals, we make our nation rich once again, we make it great once again.”

[Candidate continues to govern like Jeb!, however we didn’t know that at the time.]

Gov. John Kasich introduced himself at the first GOP dispute, stating, “Hey there, I’m John Kasich, the governor of Ohio. Emma and Reese, my children, and Karen– enjoy ya, girls. Thanks for viewing tonight.” Asked why he needs to be president of the United States, he stated: “Just recently, a buddy asked among my daughters …” Asked how he would handle Hillary Clinton, Kasich said, “Let’s start with my father being a mailman.” Again, at the same debate, he reminded the audience, “my father was a mailman.”

And that’s why we look back at Dwight Eisenhower and say, You know what made him excellent? His dad was a mailman. No, I’m sorry– his father was an engineer.

In explaining why he didn’t trust Trump with a nuclear arsenal, Sen. Ted Cruz started, “You know, my children, Caroline and Catherine, came tonight. They’re 7 and 5.”

Responding to a question about women in battle, Gov. Chris Christie said, “Can I be actually clear on this? Due to the fact that I am the father of two children. One of them is here this evening. What my better half and I have taught our daughters …”

(Simply curious, but don’t any of them have children?)

Jimmy Carter’s invocation of his daughter at the 1980 presidential argument was widely considered as the reason he lost. Inquired about nuclear treaties at the debate, Carter said: “I had a conversation with my daughter, Amy, a few days ago prior to I came here to ask her what the most important problem was. She said she believed nuclear weaponry and the control of nuclear arms.” (Her second-most important concern? Why Wendy Smith at school was so held up.)

One week later on, The New York City Times started a post on Carter’s sweeping defeat with this: “Jimmy Carter practically had Leslie Fleisher’s vote … till she saw his debate with Ronald Reagan last Tuesday and heard Mr. Carter point out that his 13-year-old child, Amy, regarded nuclear weaponry as the most crucial issue. Then she decided to stay at home.”

Mindful readers will recall Christie’s utter catastrophe of a convention speech in 2012, which consisted of a full recitation of his autobiography for the hapless audience: “In the car of life, Father was just a traveler. Mom was the driver …” It went on because vein for another six hours.

Despite gruesome evaluations, Christie must have believed the problem was he hadn’t bored us with enough triviality about his household and went back to finish the task in his 2016 presidential run. His closing statement at the first dispute began: “Listen, I was born into a middle-class family in New Jersey. My papa got home …”

This simple pie crap started with Costs Clinton, who specifically requested that speakers at the 1992 Democratic National Convention tell stories of youth deprivation (as documented by Ron Fournier, then of the Associated Press).

The I-Feel-Your-Pain routine was a big hit with city liberals, but Clinton went on to lose the working-class vote. Not coincidentally, this was the exact minute the Democrats disposed the working class and became the celebration of Wall Street and well-being bums.

Republican voters desire concerns, not Oprah.

Candidates, we do not care if you were born a bad black child (Steve Martin, “The Jerk”) or your partner is hell on wheels. Please just assure to develop a wall and execute bad guys.

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