International Man: Just Recently, the Biden administration threatened Russia over Ukraine.
What’s really going on? Is the United States federal government toying with the prospect of war with Russia over Ukraine?
Doug Casey: Over countless years of history, governments have constantly threatened each other with war. It’s an excellent part of what they do to validate their existence, and it’s been stated, properly, that war is the health of the state. Nothing has actually altered in that regard.
The primary factor that the United States government is beating the war drums is that war has constantly been an interruption from domestic problems. Produce a foreign enemy on whom to blame domestic problems, and it will dependably divert the news cycle from things you don’t want the hoi polloi to hear or discuss. A real or made foreign enemy joins the public. The further the economy and the society degrade, the more war-mongering we’ll speak with Washington.
It’s particularly perverse because anything that occurs between Russia and Ukraine is of absolutely no relevance to the United States. Ukraine is a backwater. It’s as illogical for the United States to stick its nose into that hornet’s nest regarding get involved in any of lots of African revolts, coups, and border wars. I marvel the Jacobins in the Biden administration haven’t, for example, gotten associated with Ethiopia’s continuous civil war too. The majority of people are entirely unaware of it– which is really an advantage in the existing environment.
International Guy: The mainstream media has actually reported that Russia might be preparing to get into Ukraine.
What do you make of this?
Doug Casey: The part of the Ukraine in question is called the Donbas. It’s occupied about 70% by Russians and 30% by Ukrainians, as is Crimea.
Theoretically, nation-states are everything about the ethnic background of their citizens. When there’s more than one considerable ethnic group in a nation-state, it’s best described as an empire. Forcing various ethnic backgrounds into one country is analogous to putting tigers, cows, snakes, and birds into one cage together. In any occasion, these locations have belonged to Russia for about 200 years since the Russians took them from the Ottomans.
Nikita Krushchev, a Ukrainian, arbitrarily transferred Crimea from the Russian SSR to the Ukrainian SSR in 1954 to assist cement his USSR management position in the turbulent time after Stalin’s death. It should be recognized that the extremely word “Ukraine” comes from the old Slavic term for borderland. It’s a location where borders have actually always been ill-defined and fluid. The location is more of an idea than a genuine country; it was just acknowledged as a country with the creation of the USSR. Up until recently, the place was called “The Ukraine” in recognition of its amorphous status– although that term is no longer political correctness.
The idea of the United States keeping Ukraine’s territorial stability is borderline ridiculous. The US can’t even keep its own border stability. Apparently, simply in the last year, 2 million unlawful foreign migrants have crossed into the US, with more on the way. This whole thing is absurd and produced.
Will the Russians attack Ukraine? There’s been a low-intensity war on the Ukraine/Donbas border given that 2014. The way I read it is that the 2 Oblasts that make up Donbas have actually wished to secede from Ukraine considering that the so-called Orange Transformation was fomented by the US. The federal government in Kiev wishes to keep them in. The Russians are informally assisting the secession. The internal politics of Ukraine are too dirty and corrupt for an outsider to understand. I’ll just state the Russians are on the right side of the dispute– something you’re never ever, ever, supposed to state. However any power, anywhere, that backs a secession motion is usually on the ethical high ground.
The ideal option, I believe, is for Donbas to end up being an independent country. Of course, the West would never ever acknowledge that considering that Russia is in favor of it. Crimea needs to be acknowledged as part of Russia, partially because of its history however likewise since it’s where the Russians have their Black Sea fleet. On the planet of realpolitik, no chance will they quit Sebastopol.
Americans have notoriously brief memories, but they may ask themselves whether it’s not best to let the locals just combat it out. For example, the Israelis took the Golan Heights far from Syria in 1967. Would it be smart to get included now to change things? Most likely not. The French and the Germans have challenged who gets to tax Alsace-Lorraine for centuries. Should the United States butt in with soldiers if that warms up again?
The Russians won’t get into Ukraine itself. Only the lame-brained Biden administration can even picture something so silly. The place is a net liability. We no longer reside in the days when an intrusion let conquerors loot a place of its gold, livestock, women, and artwork. At many, the Russkies want to solidify the Donbas/Ukraine border. The chances of their attempting to inhabit the entire country have to do with absolutely no. All they could want to receive from it is a possible guerrilla war, not to point out sanctions and perhaps a hot war with the West.
Obviously, anything is possible due to the fact that the Putin regime is in fact stopping working. It’s propped up mainly by high oil and other product prices– much as the old USSR was.
Putin served a helpful function for Russia early on, when it needed a strong man to rally around and “Make Russia Great Again,” as it were. Earnings taxes were slashed to about 10%; monetary markets began, great deals of business and property were privatized, and a lot more. Putin handled the transition from a completely dysfunctional and criminal socialist routine to something that’s a reasonable facsimile of a regular nation. And he did it without wholesale bloodshed.
However it’s deteriorated from a chaotic free-for-all into a giant concrete-bound kleptocracy, where Putin is maybe the wealthiest oligarch on the planet. At this moment, he most likely struggles with paranoia, with nobody he can trust. This happens to all dictators. He’s separated from everything. I suspect things are getting unsteady, both in his personal life and Russia as a whole.
The crucial thing to bear in mind here is that Russia itself isn’t a threat to any person. It’s really absolutely nothing but a gas station with an attached gun shop in the middle of a wheat field. The paranoia all totalitarians experience makes Putin rather hazardous should the Russian economy collapse. But with oil high, and going greater, together with the costs of other commodities they export, there’s no instant risk.
The concept of Russia rolling over Western Europe is absurd from every viewpoint.
International Guy: How major could a military relocation by Russia or the United States be?
Doug Casey: Any war can escalate because one thing can result in another. War is unforeseeable by its nature.
However, it is very important to keep in mind that the average people in any nation– whether we’re speaking about Russia, Ukraine, or the United States– do not want war. They just wish to live their individual lives and increase their standard of living. They have adequate problems simply handling their households. Forget the death and mass damage of a war. The Russians comprehend that better than anyone– with the possible exception of the Germans. The effete neocon warmongers in Washington– not so much.
With couple of exceptions, the only reason people get associated with war is since their government beats the war drums, amazing the more naïve and dumb of their topics.
If Biden and Putin get associated with some type of war, it’s due to the fact that they’re imitating a number of barons in feudal days. I guarantee you the average American can’t even find Donbas or Crimea on a map and knows zero about them. His congressman just knows what his assistants and party chieftains inform him. Nobody is allowed to state it, but the charade highlights the truth that democracy itself is a sham.
Democracy is not the guideline of individuals because individuals do not want war. Only its leaders ever do. Washington might yet foment one. Biden’s beneficial interest in Ukraine likely originates from the many countless dollars he and his degraded boy Hunter stole from the place. Or perhaps Kiev is holding some type of blackmail over his head. Although Kiev doesn’t want a real war in Donbas. They ‘d lose. And definitely not with Russia.
I suspect Kiev will simply have to acknowledge Donbas and Crimea aren’t part of Ukraine and let them go. That’s how this will likely end.
International Guy: Ukraine shares a border with the EU and with Russia. How do you believe Russia views United States participation right in its yard?
Doug Casey: It’s very sensible on the part of the Russians to desire the US out of Ukraine for the very same reasons the United States wanted Russia out of Cuba during the 60s. How would the US like it if Russian soldiers remained in Canada or Mexico today? Although when again, I ‘d argue that Russia is a complete non-threat. To make the analogy realistic, we can replace China for Russia.
No country wants an aggressive foreign power right on its border. And the US Government, with its huge military budget, fight soldiers in many countries, and the CIA all over, is a genuine danger.
International Male: What do you make from the United States efforts to include Ukraine into NATO?
Doug Casey: It’s absolutely ridiculous in every way.
First of all, NATO ought to have been eliminated in 1991, when the Soviet Union fell. What is NATO there for? Who’s it preventing? Definitely not Russia, which is a paper tiger at best. NATO’s presence is a justification, serving no useful function. NATO is a self-maintaining administration; its interests are in fact at odds with the people of Western Europe.
Apart from that, Ukraine brings absolutely nothing but liabilities to either the EU or NATO. The European NATO members understand that and do not desire Ukraine in. It’s amusing, in fact. If the US provokes a war over Donbas, they’ll probably just get locations like Dominica, St. Vincent, Grenada, and Haiti to join it, in exchange for the customary allurements, so the intrusion force can be called a “coalition of the prepared.”
The colors of the map on the wall have actually been running because Day One, and that will continue. Some countries are more real and more steady than others. The concept of attempting to preserve the synthetic borders of Ukraine, which is just an ethnic area, is outrageous and harmful.
However of course, some Americans believe that it is necessary to act “difficult.” It’s truly simply proof that the US Federal government has actually ended up being completely unprincipled and out of control. It’s whipping around like a giant dinosaur in its death throes.
There are a lots areas on the planet where the US Government may choose to be “hard” for some approximate reason. It just makes us look outrageous when we’re already a failing state. Acting tough when your country is literally falling apart gives genuine measurement to the idea of stupidity.
Editor’s Note: The US government is overextending itself by interfering in every corner of the world. It’s all financed by huge amounts of money printing. Nevertheless, the next financial crisis might end the entire charade quickly.
The truth is, we’re on the cusp of a worldwide economic crisis that could eclipse anything we’ve seen prior to. And many people won’t be gotten ready for what’s coming. That’s exactly why bestselling author Doug Casey and his team simply launched a free report with all the information on how to endure a financial collapse. Click here to download the PDF now.