ENJOY: OJ Simpson Says Absence of Rely On Media, Election Process Belongs to ‘Communist Propaganda’

In a video published to Twitter, former NFL great OJ Simpson railed versus the state of suspect Americans have in their enduring institutions, comparing the state of distrust to “communist propaganda.”

On Sunday, OJ leapt to his Twitter account to expose how confused he is about America today.

“Hey, Twitter world, yours really here,” Simpson said at the start of his video.

“Let me see if I got this right,” the male once implicated of killing his better half continued.

“Do not trust the media, don’t trust our security agencies– FBI, CIA– do not rely on the justice department, don’t rely on the executive office, and do not trust our election treatments, our ballot,” he stated.

“Isn’t this what Xi Jinping and Putin … all my life, this would be called communist propaganda. And now we’re doing it to ourself,” Simpson said.

“I’m just stating,” he concluded. “Make sure.”

It is unclear if OJ was saying on the turn-around in sensations or if he was saying we must trust these organizations and government firms.

Naturally, the irony is that OJ Simpson perhaps added to this state of internal mistrust. After he was detained and put on trial for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her good friend Ronald Goldman back in 1994.

Simpson always preserved that he was innocent of the murders, but millions of Americans never ever thought his pronouncements. Then, when he was pronounced innocent of the murders, millions of Americans pertained to feel that the justice system entirely stopped working which Simpson was clearly guilty.

The Simpson trial resulted in a major schism between blacks and whites. Still, 20 years later, the majority of Americans state they felt that OJ was guilty and that the justice system had actually stopped working.

Meanwhile, as each year has passed given that 1994, American systems and organizations have gradually, steadily fallen into disrepair stimulating Americans to feel less confident that America is working the method it should.

Simpson pointed out the media, for instance, and a new poll discovered that 59 percent of those reacting firmly insisted that the media is “truly the enemy of individuals.”

In Feb., only 33 percent stated they felt the U.S. was entering the right instructions.

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