Any serious homesteader can tell you that nine out of ten of those crazy DIY home remedies are just that: crazy. Myth, folklore, and cultural legends of ‘healers’ have brought about many of these rumors over the years. However, studies have proven that natural remedies do in fact exist, even if they’re only the one in ten. Lucky for you, we’ve done the work for you and compiled a list of seven time-tested remedies and all of their benefits. Interested? Then keep reading.
Honey was first recorded to be used as a medicine 3,000 years ago in Egypt, and since then its benefits have been found to be numerous. Note: These remedies refer to raw honey, meaning honey in its purest, most natural state.
- Relieve sore throat – Mix honey with lemon, peppermint oil, or tea (or all three) for fast results.
- Heal wounds – Apply honey topically to a rash, abrasion, wound, or mild burn to speed up the healing process.
- Reduce inflammation – Honey’s anti-inflammatory agents can even help treat conditions like asthma.
- Moisturize – Make a hydrating lotion with a olive oil, a spoonful of honey, and a squeeze of lemon.
- Treat eczema – Mix equal parts of honey and cinnamon and apply topically.
- Treat allergies – Locally sourced honey can be helpful in the reduction of seasonal allergies.
- Treat UTI’s– Honey possesses strong antibacterial properties.
- Treat acne – Warm half a teaspoon of honey between your hands and spread on your face. Let it sit for about 10 minutes, rinse, and pat dry.
- Improve circulation – Raw honey strengthens the heart and optimizes brain function.
- Provide probiotic support – The natural probiotics in honey aid the growth of good bacteria in your gut.
- Reduce Insomnia – Mixed with a tablespoon of warm milk, honey will help you sleep by increasing melatonin output.
- Lower Cholesterol – The minerals and complex vitamins in honey are known cholesterol fighters.
- Relieve indigestion – Ingesting just one or two tablespoons will help get your digestive system back on track.
Licorice Root
Way back when, the entire licorice root may have been eaten raw, but today the roots are more often dried, chopped, and made into tea. Here’s a brief list of how licorice root can cure your ailments.
- Digestive trouble – Combine one teaspoon of powdered licorice root with one cup of hot water, cover, and let it steep for ten minutes. Strain and drink two to three times a day for a week.
- Liver health – Make the tea as listed above, only using ½ a teaspoon of licorice root. Drink every day for a week and one or two week intervals.
- Respiratory infections – Drink a few cups of tea every day, with the optional mixing in of a bit of raw honey.
- Gums and teeth – Licorice root contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that will reduce plaque, combat bad breath, prevent the growth of bacteria, and keep your mouth healthy.
- Canker sores – The licorice root has mucosal-healing and anti-inflammatory properties.
Willow Bark
Salicin, the active ingredient in aspirin, is an anti-inflammatory pain reliever found in willow bark. Using willow bark requires cutting out a chunk of bark from the tree, about three inches by three inches. White willow possesses the highest concentration of salicin, but any willow will work.
Scrape the xylem, or inner bark (the pink stuff), onto a plate and wrap it up in a coffee filter. Steep it in boiling water (turn the heat off after putting it in) for ten minutes. Strain, and take one tablespoon at a time until your symptoms go away.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Considered so valuable and effective that books have been written on it, it’s known to help with weight loss and boost your health with all the nutrients and micronutrients it provides for your body. It contains minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus and soluble fibers like lycopene, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, beta-carotene, pectin, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and vitamin E.
Vinegars have strong antifungal and antibacterial properties and therefore can be used as an antiseptic for cleaning wounds or just generally for killing germs.
ACV has also been used to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, arthritis, sore throat, sinus congestion, upset stomach, and leg cramps.
Echinacea Root
The antioxidant properties in the roots of the Echinacea make it perfect for flu and cold treatments. Put ½ cup of dried Echinacea root in a 1 pint mason jar and top it with 1 pint of vodka. While it’s likely the Native Americans used hot water, the alcohol content will draw out the key elements of the tincture and actually help preserve it and prevent bacterial growth.
After combining all the ingredients, seal tightly and store the jar for about six weeks at room temperature, shaking it every so often. Once the time is up, strain the mix and throw out the roots.
The recommended dosage is ½ to ¾ teaspoons of the tincture three to four times a day. The dosage can also be added to juice to make it easier to take.
Beet Juice
Recent clinical studies have shown that raw beet juice does in fact have a massive effect on blood pressure. Beets contain high concentrations of folate, potassium, and natural nitrites that serve as the key elements to its blood pressure miracles. The contents also support the function of blood vessels as well as increase blood flow and smooth muscle tissue.
One study claimed that two glasses of beet juice consumed daily was found to be just as effective in treating hypertension as nitrate tablets. Another showed that the consuming of eight ounces of raw beet juice resulted in a five point drop in blood pressure in one hour.
Remember that these results are based upon raw beet juice, the pre-packaged stuff won’t bring about the same results.
Dubbed the ‘plant of immortality’ by the Egyptians, the aloe vera plant contains eight amino acids and a range of enzymes not made by our bodies. It’s a member of the cactus family, and so thrived particularly in the Southwest deserts. Fortunately, it also grows in North America and can easily be kept as a house plant. The pulp contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals and has strong antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties.
Below is a list of symptoms aloe can be used to treat.
External Uses For Pulp
- Hemorrhoids
- Insect stings
- Itching
- Athlete’s foot
- Poison Ivy
- Blisters
- Rashes
- Warts
- Sores
- Cuts
- Boils
- Rosacea
- Acne
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Scars
Internal Use Combined With Juice or Water
- Arthritis
- Detox
- Immune system support
- Inflammation
- Heartburn
- Indigestion
- Bloating
- Acid relux
- Peptic Ulcers
- Colitis
- Prostate health
- Constipation