Harvard: All Race, All the Time

Daniel Oliver

July 01, 2023

Harvard University - Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard University-Cambridge, Massachusetts Source: Bigstock As the clock ticked on racist admission policies at the nation’s leading colleges, Harvard revealed prophylactically (but in vain) its choice of a brand-new president, Claudine Gay, who becomes Harvard’s 30th president today. It did not shock that the option was a black woman. It might have shocked that she is not a lesbian. But Rome wasn’t burned in a day.

Why should we care that Ms. Gay is black? Would we care if she were the very first Harvard president with complete heterochromia? Or incurable halitosis? Do we care that she’s black because she’s doing something useful for blacks? You understand the response. Her selection, announced months ago, was part token, suggested to relieve those pesky Supreme Court justices designated by President Trump. But she’s really more than that.

Ms. Gay is a card-carrying member of the woke gestapo. Recently she was the Gruppenführer of an indoor lynching of a black tenured teacher at Harvard, Roland G. Fryer. Fryer, a trainee of Nobel laureate Gary Becker, and the recipient of a MacArthur “genius” grant for his work on the black “achievement space” in elementary school, presented a problem: His research study showed that black children are not locked into scholastic last place before they even reach school. Their surroundings and training (married moms and dads?) make a distinction (who knew?!). Fryer also composed a paper (“An Empirical Analysis of Racial Distinctions in Police Use of Force”) that contradicted the claim of the Black Lives Matter crowd– and the usual gaggle of Harvard über-racists– that the police target blacks. Clearly, Fryer needed to be punished. So the university suspended him for 2 years and barred him from teaching or utilizing university resources. Uppity black!

“Okay: Understanding matters. However does it matter to Ms. Gay?”

But Gay has other talents also. She’s a first-rate sociobabbler. Among her research study interests listed in a 2012 résumé (the most recent one available online) was “Voting Behavior, Political Participation, Popular Opinion, Minority Politics, and Representation.” 2 documents listed as “in preparation” were “Is Racial Linked Fate Special: Comparing Race, Ethnicity, Class, Gender, and Religious Beliefs (with Jennifer Hochschild)” and “Race and Perceptions of the ‘Crucial Issue.'” Under “Recent Talks” from the same 2012 résumé are noted: “Understanding Matters: Policy Cross-Pressures and Black Partisanship” and “Race, Representation, and Responsiveness: Lessons from the Post-Civil Rights United States.” This is not Netflix product.

There might be a silver lining: Anyone who sounds as tedious and pedestrian as Ms. Gay may be able to finish off Harvard prior to the next inescapable suit challenging the inescapable racial discrimination by the organization as it looks for a work-around to the Supreme Court decision.

Ms. Gay is undoubtedly a reliably liberal Democrat. Asked by The Harvard Gazette, “How do we make sure that democracy makes it through in this nation?” she replied, “One response might be a bipartisan consensus and commitment to re-establish a typical structure of realities.”

Would that consist of a common foundation of facts about the prospects for president and their family members, e.g., Mr. Biden and his kid Hunter? A common structure of realities concerning Hunter Biden’s laptop computer was reduced by social media at the prompting, we now know, of the FBI and Antony Blinken, who was designated Secretary of State for his troubles. Would understanding of those realities (remember “Understanding Matters”) have mattered? Polls suggested that the response is yes.

It would likewise be interesting to know what Ms. Gay has actually said or written about the public’s lack of knowledge of the migration crisis at the U.S. southern border. Is that a race concern?

In fiscal year 2022, Border Patrol representatives came across 2,378,944 immigrants crossing illegally into the U.S.– a record. And there were an extra 600,000 who averted the Border Patrol completely. Given that Biden ended up being president, more than 5 million immigrants have entered the country unlawfully. And with the expiration of Title 42 on May 11, the flood became a tsunami.

The variety of unlawful immigrants is startling– always presuming you retain the capacity to be startled. Do Harvard students know those numbers? Does Ms. Gay?

It’s not an irrelevant question. According to Ms. Gay’s CV, she is extremely interested in race. Question: What group of individuals is most likely to be injured significantly, and maybe most, by countless prohibited immigrants flooding into the United States and soon to be crowding public schools?

A good answer might be those American people who are most in requirement of great public schools. Those Americans tend to be blacks. Now, per the 1982 Supreme Court’s ruling in Plyler vs. Doe, black residents will need to contend for the attention of school personnel with the countless illegals who are– till that case is reversed– as entitled to public school services as citizens are.

And what group is most hurt by the Democrat celebration’s obsession with removing charter schools? Blacks, naturally. Has Ms. Gay ever even went to a charter school?

Even if a person is black doesn’t indicate that she is required to appreciate public law or about making much better public law for blacks. However if studying public policy as it relates to blacks is what you do– as it is what Ms. Gay does– you probably should be on record speaking about major policies that injure blacks, 2 of which are immigration and making it hard or difficult for black kids to go to great schools.

In her paper, “Knowledge Matters,” she composes: “Once you separate the relationship of policy views to partisan mindsets among the politically notified from the very same relationships amongst the uninformed, we start to see the degree to which the strength of [blacks’ dedication to the Democrat party] is sustained not only by the bond of race, but likewise by low understanding.” If you do not think that’s an actually surprising admission from an überpartisan Democrat, read it once again.

Yes, knowledge matters– which is why it is necessary for Democrats to keep blacks oblivious, and to make it easy for the most ignorant to vote. Throughout the 2012 governmental project Joe Biden told blacks, “They’re gon na put y’ all back in chains.” And attacking voter ID laws, Biden stated, “The 21st-century Jim Crow assault is genuine. It’s unrelenting.” And in April 2021, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (RACE BAITER– NY) participated with, “A few of these citizen suppression laws in Georgia and other Republican states smack of Jim Crow raising its awful head when again.”

Okay: Knowledge matters. But does it matter to Ms. Gay? In her interview with The Harvard Gazette, she complained that Americans now reside in separate “‘factual’ universes.”

And simply what universe does Ms. Gay reside in? Does she learn about Ray Epps, perhaps an FBI plant who urged individuals to go into the Capitol on January 6, but who stays unindicted? Does she learn about the intrusion of illegals at the U.S. southern border? Does she understand just how much better charter schools are than public schools? And does she understand about the Hunter Biden laptop computer and the scandals it contains? And if she did (or does) understand about all those matters, would it change her position on the major issues of our time? The response, clearly, is no.

Ms. Gay is no Clarence Thomas, however nevertheless, and despite the fact that she went to Exeter, Stanford, and Harvard, she could– in addition to being an uninteresting “scholar” writing third-rate sociobabble– be a supporter for significant policies that would actually assist blacks, specifically those blacks who will not be admitted to Harvard.

But if she were, she would not have been chosen to be the brand-new president of Harvard.

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