I ORIGINATE FROM A LAND DOWN UNDER … where rights are ripped asunder.
In fact, it’s rather paradoxical that the memorable tune from which I took the above heading, “The Land Down Under,” is written and sung by the band “Male at Work”.
Why is that paradoxical? Due to the fact that right now males in Australia are distinctly NOT at work. They are rather on the couch, attached to the WiFi, their rights removed from them under the ludicrous guise of a pandemic, unless, of course, they’re considered by some pointy-shoe beaurocrat as “vital.”
The Great Reset barrels ahead in Australia at a blistering pace. All hail the albino snail that lost his shell.
The damage already done is incalculable, and yet to come is much, a lot more since we have actually naturally been promised far more. At the same time the sheeple sleep, noise in the belief their leaders are safeguarding them and keeping them safe.
Some have stated that the Australian federal government has actually lost the plot. No, they haven’t. Recommending that offers a plausibility to their actions. There is none. It is not possible to carry out such far reaching, damaging guidelines and guidelines by merely mishandling, and definitely not for such a length of time, where the proof stacks high that emphasize the innefectiveness of the speculative gene therapies, constantly altering protocols and requireds (no mask, one mask, 2 masks, and so on), and control groups such as Sweden, which rather of being utilized as a proof of evidence are chastised and ignored, or where the nation sporting the greatest deaths per capita is at the same time the country most vaccinated: Israel.
No, just an idiot would look at all of this and conclude that it is simple incompetence. Just a moron would take a look at this and conclude that it is being performed in great faith.
No this is prepared. It is, folks,”the terrific reset “that
the worldwide elites scumbags drool over. Davos male has actually been hard at work. And you might say, “Well, they have no genuine power. I imply, they do not pass these laws.” True. They don’t need to. Rather, like a mob manager who never brings out the baseball bat to beat the victim, relying rather on his henchman, today it is gutless invertebrates that out of large cowardice follow them.
Corporates, CEOs, guvs, local chosen authorities. And, of course, there is the media– the poisoned chalice that never stops offering. Driving the hysteria, and boy has it worked. More clicks, more eyeballs. Then, of course, there is the fact that the income model for media has actually turned to one of advertising. And so it is that the marketers pull the strings.
For context, Bill Gates, via numerous structures, owns 113 media outlets.
And don’t get me begun on the “fact checkers.” These are the folks informing Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier (whose field of knowledge is virology) to stand down and stop spreading “false information.” The same folks informing us that the creator of mRNA technology Dr. Robert Malone doesn’t understand what he’s speaking about when he yells from the rooftops that we’re in the process of devoting a sluggish movement global genocide.
It is surreal. I comprehend that, however even if it’s surreal does not mean it’s not occurring.
We look at evidence, such as this.
However when we look around us the results of this proof are no place to be found. Everyone dutifully scans into stores, puts on a worthless, dirty mask ensuring they breathe their own co2 back into their body together with the chemicals from the mask.
Here is the concern, folks, and it’s dead bloody serious. This is a gigantic deception based upon fraud and lies. The governments of Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, all those in the European Union, and the UK have actually borrowed amounts of cash that will never ever be paid back.
A father and his child in a park. Their criminal offense? Unmasked.
Unfortunately, one can see precisely where this is all headed. Most everybody knows exactly what Auschwitz and the many “centers” like it were. We likewise understand that much of the victims really voluntarily went to these camps. Heck, some paid the rail fare to arrive, such was the power of the propaganda.
And yet it is difficult to picture anything like this happening again, which is, obviously, why it takes place. It is why history repeats itself.
When you are faced with something so dark, so ominous, so dystopian that it makes you feel physically ill, and at the same time no one around you appears to think it an issue it is only typical to believe to yourself … well, it should be me that seethes. But you are not mad. You are the reasonable one. Just because you remain in the minority does not indicate you are wrong. It simply means that you remain in the minority.
Here is the new Alice Springs “quarantine” facility.
Not like, you understand, a prison.
And here are the rules. If you’re looking at this development of occasions and not alarmed, you have a screw loose. That it has as much to do with “public health” as a donkey relates to cryptography must be obvious to all.
So what follows? Property seizure.
Editor’s Note: Disturbing economic, political, and social trends are already in movement and now accelerating at spectacular speed. A lot of unpleasant of all, they can not be stopped.
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