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In The Second World War, we Americans did not go to war with Germany for Great Britain, when it stated war on Hitler’s Germany and then was defeated in France. We fought with Germany only when Hitler declared war on us, four days after Pearl Harbor in December 1941.
When numerous NATO nations revealed that they had lots of Russian-made MiG-29s, the concept emerged to fly them to Ukraine and turn them over to Ukrainian pilots familiar with the MiGs.
America would offer F-16s to replace the MiGs.
Poland had an even better concept. Warsaw would fly its 27 MiG fighter jets to the U.S. Ramstein Flying Force Base in Germany. The aircrafts would be turned over to the Americans there, repainted and flown to Ukraine.
How to get the MiGs to Ukraine’s pilots would be delegated the Americans.
Now, as Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that a NATO “no-fly zone” over Ukraine would be an act of war, and NATO intervention could intensify to nuclear war, Warsaw’s proposal raised immediate American alarms.
The Poles appeared, in the old cliche, to be putting the monkey on our back, having the Americans take the primary danger of defying a particular warning of Putin.
Pentagon representative John Kirby splashed cold water all over the Poles’ concept:
“The prospect of fighter jets ‘at the disposal of the Government of the United States of America’ departing from a U.S./ NATO base in Germany to fly into airspace that is objected to with Russia over Ukraine raises major concerns for the entire NATO alliance.”
According to The Washington Post, CIA Director William Burns was at the exact same time warning your home intelligence committee that Putin’s nuclear saber-rattling is of concern, since of Moscow’s military doctrine of “intensify to de-escalate” during a regional conflict.
Russia, stated Burns, will use tactical nuclear strikes “in extremis” if its forces stop working to pacify Ukraine and the U.S. and NATO sign up with the war.
Yet, the Poles’ MiG strategy, now dead, is exposing for what it says about us.
Have something to say about this column?Visit Gab– The social media network that champions free speech– Comment without Censorship!Or go to Pat’s FaceBook page and post your comments … First, while we support Kyiv in its simply war, there are limitations to that assistance. We are not going to risk war with Russia for the independence or territorial stability, or even the continued existence, of Ukraine. Second, as we are unwilling to send out MiGs to Ukraine to stop the Russian bombing, lest that include us in a war with Russia, what is there of adequate value to us in Eastern Europe that we would really declare war on Russia, a war that could terribly harm or ruin us both? When the Russians hit a maternity healthcare facility in Mariupol, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky castigated the U.S. and NATO: “Just how much longer will the world be an accomplice disregarding fear? Close the sky today!””Stop the killings!”Zelensky roared:”You have power, however you appear to be losing humanity. “Zelensky’s message to the U.S. and NATO,
almost daily now, is:”Don’t be cowards. Man up. Do your duty. Close the skies over Ukraine, or
send us the aircrafts to do it ourselves. “The U.S.-NATO reply: “We’re with you up to a point.
But we are not risking our own security and survival, in what is not our war, for yours. “Putin’s ambition, his goal, his dream, appear transparent– to bring home to the bosom of
Mom Russia the diaspora Russians left behind in the lost 14 republics when the USSR splintered and split up. Those real estate significant Russian minorities are Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Baltic republics of Latvia and Estonia. Query: Would we really go to war with Russia if Russia invaded our NATO ally Estonia to bring house Russian peoples left at the end of the Cold War? View the current Videos on Our Buchanan-Trump YouTube Playlist! If Russia looks for to create a land corridor through Lithuania and Poland to its separated province of Kaliningrad on the Baltic, would we state war on a nuclear-armed Russia to avoid it? The Biden administration, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken in the lead,
has actually reiterated and once again these last 2 weeks that the U.S. will protect “every inch”of NATO territory. Will we? What are we really ready to die for, and what should we want to combat for? For that suggests jeopardizing the lives of millions of our people and the mess up of our
nation. In The Second World War, we Americans did not go to war with Germany for Great Britain, when it stated war on Hitler’s Germany and then was beat in France. We fought with Germany only when Hitler declared war on us, 4 days after Pearl Harbor in December 1941. America’s media have plenty of reports of the new “unity”in NATO. But one of the matters about which the Allies appear to be most joined
is that the Russia-Ukraine war is not ours to eliminate and we should prevent its spread to any of the 30 NATO nations. On national media, one also hears interest for bringing Finland and Sweden into NATO. However Finland is the size of Germany and has an 833-mile border with Russia, which would be NATO’s largest. Is it truly reputable that the U.S. would declare war or fight with Russia to
secure Finland’s border? Do You Appreciate Reading Our E-mails and Site? Let us know how we are doing– Send us a Thank You Via Paypal!
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