Humankind as it Exists Today Is Facing Extinction: An Inevitable Danger

By: Gary D. Barnett

“The autocrat, who in order to hold his power, suppresses every supremacy, does away with great men, prohibits education and light, manages every movement of the citizens and, keeping them under a continuous yoke, wants them to grow familiar with baseness and cowardice, has his spies everywhere to listen to what is stated in the meetings, and spreads dissension and calumny amongst the people and impoverishes them, is required to make war in order to keep his topics occupied and impose on them irreversible need of a chief.”

~ Aristotle

What Aristotle understood about tyrants and the weak point and pathetic nature of guy over 2,400 years back, still holds true today. What this implies is that with all that time passed, all that history, all the benefit of the terrific thinker’s minds over thousands of years, modern ‘education,’ modern-day innovation, and every chance for a human awakening, the common man has not advanced intellectually, nor has he prospered worrying any quest to affirm his own flexibility. Truth suggests, in truth, that mankind has not in fact advanced at all, however has actually come down deeper into a state of chaotic ignorance.

Considering this long term habituated state of being, how then can any vital believing private anticipate humanity as a whole to all of a sudden alter throughout this current totalitarian attack versus specific liberty? Throughout history, some nations and some parts of the world, were under more brutal and high-handed guideline than others, however some collective freedom did constantly exist briefly in specific societies. This constantly resulted in a ‘hope’ that the possibility of liberty was simply around the corner, or at least obtainable to those happy to fight for it. This obviously was never ever guaranteed or accomplished since the populations of these less-abused societies were never happy to face the reality, or to take full obligation or risk for their own well-being. Genuine freedom can never ever exist so long as governments continue to rule over others, despite what governing structure is in place, but the perception that liberty stayed obtainable for the crowd was kept alive. Was this by design?

The major difference today is that this tried fascist and communistic takeover is a total global effort, so practically every country on earth is under siege by evil governing forces and those who control them. Simply put, there is a concerted effort by the so-called master class, to guarantee an international takeover of mankind, thus stifling any and all thought of specific thought and flexibility amongst the collective masses. There is just one sanctuary in a world such as this, and that sanctuary can only exist in the intellectually fully grown mind and souls of free-thinking independent people. If the few can rule the many, why then can not the billions beat the judgment cabal attempting to ruin humankind as it exists today? The hazard of human damage should have been recognized by many all as inescapable long ago considering all historic accounts of totalitarian aggression, not to simply those few who have had the nerve to deal with the reality.

War has been used for thousands of years to subdue and manage the masses, all in the name of safety. The hazard of war will continue to be an arrow in the quiver of the ruling beasts, just as is being witnessed today with the aggressive posturing by the U.S versus Russia, China, and much of the remainder of the world. However standard war has actually stopped to be the first tool of tyranny, as now the phony risk of non-existent ‘viruses’ and plagues, produced department, and purposely stired hatred have actually ended up being the ‘modern-day’ methods of warfare. Modern war is no longer war versus far thought of enemies using guns and bullets under the guise of nationalism, but war directed specifically versus the domestic populations on an international scale. This method not only permits overall control over societies, but likewise enables mass murder by the state of its own citizenry, which is democide. Among the most state desired benefits of this atrocious technique to killing, is that it enables the rulers to target particular people or groups who are incorrectly constructed to be a threat to government and the general public. All those said to be out of favor with the gentility are stated to be a threat to the status quo, triggering at the very same time due to unending propaganda, the scared general population to support hostility towards those brave enough to stand versus the state.

The very people who could save mankind will be the targeted classes. This will consist of truth-tellers, whistleblowers, dissenters, bold anti-vaxxers, freedom supporters, truthful protesters against the state, and all others not willing to be loyal fools and lay down and acquiesce abhorrent incorrect authority. These are the heros of mankind, however will be said to be the opponent of the people, when in reality they are the defenders of liberty and the opponent of tyranny.

The strategy of the non-human claimed ‘elites’ and their minions in government is to depopulate this earth, murder those willing to safeguard themselves and others against this totalitarian takeover called “The Great Reset,’ monopolize all monetary systems and produce a worldwide digitized system in order to acquire control of all money and residential or commercial property, modify the human genome so as to develop a totally controllable cyborg society under technocratic management; all under the dishonest auspices of security and securing the earth from fake manmade environment change. This can be made with injectable bioweapons falsely called ‘vaccines,’ and other invasive strategies too, but so far has actually mostly been achieved by totally voluntary cooperation by the useless masses.

What is to come of modern-day guy? Human problems, worries, absence of guts and conviction, desire to escape responsibility, indifference, and dependence on others instead of self, have triggered not just a reducing of intellect, but also have exposed the underbelly of the unpleasant contemporary human animal. The four most obvious qualities of contemporary guy are weakness, ignorance, dependency, and worry, and all of these qualities can lead only to an empty life of thrall.

But I’m simply joking. Continue as you do, take no responsibility for self, hope and want better times, hide in the shadows, never ever put down your phone, watch just mainstream news, turn in your next-door neighbors who do not abide by state orders, reveal your documents wherever you go, wear your masks, get your ‘Covid’ injection and every booster, and sing the national anthem loudly. Your “brand-new regular” will be here before you know it!

“If you are too weak to give yourselves your own law, then a tyrant will lay his yoke upon you and say: “Follow! Clench your teeth and comply with!” And all great and evil will be drowned in obedience to him.”

~ Friedrich Nietzsche


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