It Is Time to Close the Lies and Misconceptions Associated With the Term “Anarchy”

By: Gary D. Barnett

“Anarchism is not a romantic myth however the hardheaded awareness, based on five thousand years of experience, that we can not entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners.”

~ Edward Abbey

What Anarchy Is:

I tire of continuously needing to discuss what anarchy is and what it is not. I tire of needing to explain our language to those who appear never ever to have the time or disposition to study and learn it by themselves, and without bias. Words imply things, and can not be arbitrarily altered, or altered to fit a state of mind, a program, or be utilized incorrectly in order to produce out of thin air, a State or political story, or to advance any particular agenda. To begin my remarks, I will clarify that the word anarchy just means no rule– no rulers, and for that reason, no master or government; duration. With that, we can start to examine the total bastardization, purposeful and misleading I might include, of this grand and liberating idea that is anarchy. From any ethical viewpoint, no human has any ‘best’ whatsoever, to rule over or enslave another, so no ‘ideal’ exists that could enable one to entrust any ‘best’ to another to ‘lawfully’ rule or shackle, yet that is exactly what all federal government claims’ as its right’ to do.

First, it is necessary to stress that real anarchy is not a political system, a political celebration, a system of ‘guideline’ for nation-states, and it can not be accomplished for severe collectives, particularly entire states and nations. It is merely independent guideline of self without any force against another. This can be accomplished in your area, or can be accomplished by any liberty oriented group of people in a bigger setting. This is why secession at every level from any master/slave relationship, such as all government and State reliable structures, is critical if true flexibility is preferred. Anarchy is not for everyone, it is just proper for those who want and comprehend individual duty, and want to practice self-rule and non-aggression. Anarchy can just exist in a complimentary society, because everyone and every like-thinking group must be able to govern themselves, however also permit others to have any type of system or not, that they want, so long as they never ever attempt to require their political system on others. That is an honest voluntary system.

In other words, all ought to be able to live their favored life without interference from anyone or any entity, but leave all others to delight in that very same flexibility. In an environment such as this, numerous political systems together with anarchy, could co-exist peacefully, so long as overall liberty of the person was the rule, and definitely no force or aggressiveness was present by any opposing arranged political plan. However in such an setting, no State or nation could survive as an overall political structure, since the State only exists due to severe force, violence, and guideline over others, which is the reverse of freedom. Generally then, all states, nations, and gentility, would vanish if the value of anarchism were understood and accepted by the masses.

If the country were divided into anarchial systems, such as could occur with mass and major secession, however the State made it through in part, it is nearly a certainty that conflict would result. This dispute would not be due to those who acquired their liberty due to self-rule, however would always be pursued by the making it through State’s efforts to acquire universal control. For that reason, because the State as a political structure is constantly aggressive, its removal is needed for liberty to rule supreme.

As Murray Rothbard discussed in Libertarian Online forum v. 1, p. 535:

… I specify an anarchist society as one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression against the individual or home of any person. Anarchists oppose the State because it has its very remaining in such aggressiveness, specifically, the expropriation of private property through tax, the coercive exemption of other suppliers of defense service from its territory, and all of the other depredations and coercions that are built on these twin foci of invasions of individual rights.

What Anarchy Is Not:

If one is to go to a lot of any modern-day dictionary, or look at dictionary synonyms, the list is common. The synonyms utilized to describe anarchy are: mayhem, confusion, disorder, lawlessness, nihilism, disobedience, riot, turmoil, lack of organization, insurrection, mutiny, revolution, tumult, mobocracy, mob rule, non-government, reign of horror, and discontent. Just one of these terms is appropriate; all the others are false, and have been deliberately produced to change the real meaning of anarchy. Non-government (no government) is the only proper synonym utilized, however all other descriptions are what the majority of any would not only find if looking for the meaning of anarchy, but what they would likewise believe. Of course, couple of would locate the real meaning by going to the Greek root system of our language, and of course, that is by style also. Why else do ‘public’ (federal government managed) schools (government indoctrination training centers) exist?

The control and control of language has actually reached an offending peak in this ‘contemporary’ day and age. Much, if not a significant part of our language, has actually been decimated, altered, bastardized, and false significances entrenched in the minds of the indoctrinated and brainwashed typical proletariat. This is a designed plot suggested to create dishonest revision and confusion, in order to more quickly handle the collective herd. With the large communication networks today, and a government-controlled huge media propaganda device, this deceit worrying the significance of things, has actually become a weapon against individual intellect, and for that reason, the outcome has actually been the intentional dumbing down of society as a whole. No good can originate from this deception by the State.

To comprehend what anarchy is not, can lead to an awakening by large numbers, as to what anarchy truly is, but the lies committed by the State will be strongly protected by the entire gentility and their corrupt and unethical enforcers called authorities and military. The most dangerous issue with society today is due to dependence on the State for nearly every aspect of their lives. Reliance results in obedience, and obedience to a false authority such as federal government, leads directly to enslavement. This can not be argued, and any evaluation of our existing despotic situation, can be traced specifically back to reliance on government rather of self. This paradigm is the exact reverse of any idea of liberty, and the epitome of the destruction of the private and self-rule.


Anybody who looks for relief from totalitarian rule by utilize of any political procedure or system, is entirely lost in a sea of madness and madness. The embodiment of rule lies in obedience and voluntary compliance by those subjects of the State. Those subjects are any and all who believe in, permit, authorize, condone, worship, or participate in, any State system or government that makes it through by a top-down judgment structure. Any rule of one queen or any oligarchy over any other is absolutely unethical. No political leader, no political party, no federal government, no president, no congress, no ‘democracy,’ no ‘republic,’ or any other crazy power and control system, can exist if flexibility is to be accomplished. Only anarchy, self-rule; of, by, and for the person, can co-exist with liberty.

Ballot for that reason, whether for republican, democrat, independent, Libertarian, or any other problematic system counting on government, is the death knell of liberty, for it is an admission that a master or ruling class, is required in order for societal harmony and flexibility to dominate. In fact, rule (federal government) is the very factor that turmoil, theft of property, corruption, browbeating, violence, imprisonment, torture, murder, war, and cumulative enslavement, can and will constantly exist in any environment aside from anarchy.

Keep in mind, when you elect, choose, or allow another human or group of humans, (expected ‘agents’) who are similar to all others, other than in the case of politicians, who are the worst of mankind, demented in truth, to lord over and manage you, you have actually quit your individuality and your liberty. If you accept this lot in life, you do not even deserve the flexibility that you naturally had when you were born!

“Order obtained through submission and kept by fear is not much of a safe warranty; yet that is the only ‘order’ that governments have actually ever preserved.”

~ Emma Goldman, Anarchism and Other Essays


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