Land of the Libtards

Steven Tucker

June 05, 2023

Source: Bigstock Annual Excessive Gay Pride Month is here, and, as symbols of the Rainbow Reich are by force hoisted all over like sodomite swastikas, it appears to many as if the world has actually gone absolutely ridiculous. But might there be some evidence homosexuality itself is either a cause, or perhaps an outright form, of real mental illness?

Homosexuality was formally listed as an incapacitating mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association till as recently as 1973, when it was unexpectedly reclassified as a simple kind of “sexual preference disruption”– i.e., a perversion.

In a vote, about 6,800 APA members desired it eliminated, so they could bum one another more easily, and about 3,800 wanted it retained, so they might continue to check out the restroom safely during their conferences. This vote, every bit as divided down the middle as Liberace’s sphincter, suggests plainly that what any provided society considers to make up insanity is at least partly a matter of subjective social convention.

“Feeling peer-pressured into pretending you are gay appears highly most likely to send you as mad as a box of dildos.”

Anal Personality Disorder
Only in 1987 was gayness struck out from the DSM completely, whereupon, immediately, the world started to go quite doolally: In Palestine, the first intifada was released versus Israel, Terry Waite was abducted in Beirut, the Unabomber (or Unabummer, possibly?) struck once more in Utah, a huge earthquake hit New Zealand, a military coup happened in Burkina Faso, Rudolf Hess hanged himself in his cell in Spandau Jail, and, worst of all, “Never Gon na Provide You Up” was released as a hit single by Rick Astley. In acknowledgment of a year of outright fucking madness, the Canadian government even launched a brand-new one-dollar coin, dubbed “The Loonie.”

Meanwhile, it was not up until 2019 that the World Health Organization (WHO) lastly eliminated being a big fat tranny from its list of conditions that officially made you into a nutcase, to the enormous relief of completely psychologically regular people with imaginary genital areas all over.

Yet not all cultures concur: Islam, for instance. This 2014 paper from The Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran professes to prove that a fantastic 81 percent of native Iranian transsexuals have some type of underlying psychiatric comorbidity like conceited personality disorder, schizophrenia, fear, or being Jewish.

Possibly you believe such Islamic medical diagnoses are likely to be culturally biased, however so, this layperson would suggest, are many contrasting scientific studies here in today’s diversity-worshipping West, too.

Consider this paper, claiming to prove teen trannies who begin gender-bending hormonal agent therapy as kids mature to be much happier than those who wait up until they have passed the age of puberty to start being pumped filled with unneeded drugs by their friendly area Dr. Mengeles. Do you really think such conclusions would have been drawn by American physicians prior to about five minutes ago, when being psychologically disturbed suddenly became quite so fashionable?

Hammer Home of Homos
The WHO’s formal 2019 declassification of transgenderism as representing a type of apparent brain-buggery is particularly interesting, as you may have thought thinking you’re a female when you’re actually a male or vice versa (or, even more tellingly, continuously flipping between the 2 like a genderqueer) is a type of Split personality Condition (MPD).

One man (for he is just that) who would seem to the unqualified eyes of non-Mengeles like myself to suffer delusions of multiple personality is Eddie Izzard, as soon as an amusing cross-dressing English comedian quite happy to explain himself merely as a humble drag queen, now an unfunny full-on transgenderist weirdo whose primary pastime seems urinating through his male penis in female toilets, even if the law now states he can.

“There utilized to be a name for men hanging around ladies’s restrooms,” one outraged analyst said when news of all this first emerged online. There still is: It’s Eddie Izzard.

Today, Izzard asks to be described as “she,” an outright lie in which HE need to not be indulged, and claims, like some genderqueer light switch, to be able to turn between “kid mode and girl mode” at will. He does not just suggest this metaphorically. Izzard states he literally has “woman genetics and boy genetics,” something that might well be “his truth” but certainly isn’t “the fact.” He most likely even still leaves the seat up after he’s completed weeing.

Properly enough, Unsteady Eddie’s next upcoming motion picture is Medical professional Jekyll, a new trans take on Jekyll and Hyde from the recently resurrected old British Hammer Home of Scary studio. Apparently it will not have to do with a man amazingly changing into a female, like in 1971’s Dr. Jekyll and Sis Hyde, as lots of audiences think about such a situation far too implausible to consider, specifically once they have actually seen real-life images of Eddie himself, appearing like Herman Munster in drag.

Hey There, Sailor!Frightened British
females with weak bladders may be disturbed to discover that, pretty soon, there will be no escape from schizoid pissing penises even in the office. In November 2022, it emerged that loon-friendly U.K. queer lobby group Stonewall desired employers to allow their “nonbinary” personnel to have 2 separate e-mail addresses, one in the name of a kid, the other in the name of a woman, depending on whether they felt like turning up to the office named Penis or Fanny on any offered day of the week.

As one non-mad trans individual (shockingly, they do exist, but are rarely listened to by our political leaders, media, or public institutions) observed at the time, nevertheless, a single non-gender-specific email address might far more quickly be designated any such worker anyway, consisting of simply their surname or a more honestly descriptive phrase like, or

Englishwomen still scared of being exposed to the penis-encased urethra of an amateur Izzard impersonator in their nearest land-based lavatory could always attempt running away to sea, other than– what’s this? Oh no! The Royal Navy, after being “challenged” by internal personnel lobby networks, is now supposedly thinking about providing sailors who declare to possess quantumly uncertain Schrödinger’s Twats with 2 separate ID cards.

This is (a) an obvious security risk, offering additional pass cards to potentially get lost or taken, and (b) Royal Navy ID cards consist of no specific information about holders’ gender anyhow. Rum, sodomy, and the lash undoubtedly– well, lashings of onboard sodomy, anyhow.

From High School to Bi-School
In April, the U.S. Centers for Illness Control and Prevention (CDC) released data suggesting 25 percent of American high school trainees now “identified” (an essential word) as LGBTQ, up from 11 percent in 2015, before Walt Disney started systematically grooming them all with animations. Yet only 3 percent were real full-blown homos (the official term used on the study), 12 percent said they were bi, 5 percent were “questioning,” whilst 4 percent were “other,” probably dog-rapists, fruit-fondlers, camel-strokers, Tetris-Sexuals, etc.

Whilst, given the particular body involved, it is heartening to see the U.S. government finally acknowledging homosexuality to be a real illness, the main reason sexperts offered for the abrupt boost in queer kids was not the truth that most of their instructors are now professional pedophiles, but due to the higher acceptance broader society now has for such deviants, as demonstrated so plainly by this current article. However, if so, why did the same CDC research also reveal bent students were also more likely to have considered suicide than straight ones?

Possibly it is because, rather than being groomed to be gay, they have actually been groomed to have a type of sexuality-based MPD. Scary 2022 research study showed 21 percent of Gen-Z Americans identified as LGBTQ. Yet this same information recommended there were also direct connections in between those youths claiming to be queer, and those being both left-wing and psychologically ill or self-destructive: literal gay libtards.

The strangest findings concerned bisexuals, the queer avatars of Jekyll and Hyde. Between 2008 and 2021, the variety of bi-identifying youth increased by 11 percentage points. However, of these, the number in a real same-sex relationship in the past five years (or maybe ever) increased by only 4 points. Incredibly, determining as bi was now two times as widespread as real bi habits.

The apparent description is that, as LGBTQWERTY crap has ended up being an ever-greater lefty shibboleth with each passing year that minces on by, persuaded teens and twentysomethings have begun believing it is morally desirable or fashionable to be gay, and so have actually simply begun determining as being so, although they really aren’t, a bit like Mr. Izzard pretending to be a lady on his potty.

Let’s Piss on Their Parade
Maybe this explains why this same data revealed 3 in four queer-identifying youngsters felt “persistently unfortunate or helpless.” It is challenging to conceive of something more likely to make you feel depressed than a continuous social pressure to engage in homosexual acts when you in fact discover them physically repellent– yet have actually been simultaneously groomed to find them politically and morally attractive.

Definitely, if I needed to fuck Eddie Izzard, I ‘d kill myself instantly. To be fair, as he also declares to be a lesbian trapped inside a male’s body, so would Eddie Izzard.

Transgenderism aside (which is an obvious pathological condition; burn all the new DSMs, they’re useless lies), I don’t really think being gay makes you mad. Socially normal homosexualists, like Prof. David Starkey or Douglas Murray, seem perfectly sane to me. However sensation peer-pressured into pretending you are gay appears extremely likely to send you as mad as a box of dildos.

Naturally, data shows those Gen-Zers who recognize as bent, but however act purely directly, intercourse-wise, have significantly even worse rates of anxiety, stress and anxiety, and misery. Rather of homos needing to reduce their true selves and pass as being straight, as in the days of Oscar Wilde, young straights are now needing to reverse this pattern and pass as being queer when they aren’t.

It appears the gay goose-steppers of Pride Month are really functioning as the Typhoid Marys of a modern mass psychological health epidemic: The CDC needs to truly prohibit all gay parades immediately on public health grounds, and not only due to the fact that of all the monkeypox.

How ironic that the word “gay” utilized to suggest happy …

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