New World Order: The International Criminal Court and War on Russia

Simon Elmer

” It remains in the ranks of the Party, and above all the Inner Party, that the true war enthusiasm is found. World-conquest is believed in most firmly by those who know it to be difficult.”
George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

On 17 March, the International Lawbreaker Court (ICC) issued a warrant for the arrest of Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, for the illegal deportation and transferal of children from inhabited regions in the Ukraine into the Russian Federation, which it evaluated to be a war criminal activity. 123 states are celebration to the judgement of the International Crook Court, consisting of Brazil and South Africa but not consisting of India, China or Russia itself. The U.S.A. likewise does not identify the authority of the ICC. Undoubtedly, in 2018, the United States threatened to detain ICC judges if they pursued an examination of US military personnel for war crimes devoted in Afghanistan; and in 2020 the United States enforced sanctions versus two judges for investigating human rights infractions by the United States armed force. So why has the ICC– apparently at the bidding of the United States, and certainly to its advantage– provided a warrant for the arrest of Vladimir Putin? The response depends on how this warrant will be deployed by the United States and its military allies in the geopolitical resist Russia.

First, the West, through what is in impact its kangaroo court, has actually put pressure on parties bound to enact the ICC warrant to arrest Putin if he visits their nations, successfully forbiding him from diplomatic relations with the rest of the world.

Second, the USA is requiring NATO states to choose between alliance with the West– which implies, first and foremost, obligation to the US dollar as the dominant reserve currency of the world– and the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), 3 of which are not celebrations to the International Lawbreaker Court. As an example of which, last week South Africa welcomed Putin to go to the BRICS summit in August, efficiently aligning itself with this growing financial alliance of nations and its danger to Western hegemony.

And 3rd, by including the Russian President on a list of desired crooks, the ICC has laid the legal ground for a statement of war against Vladimir Putin himself. The same legal technique was utilized in 1815 when, in response to his escape from exile on the Island of Elba, the Congress of Vienna declared war not on France however on Napoleon Bonaparte himself, whom they stated a ‘criminal’ for breaching the regards to his banishment. More recently, in 2003, the U.S.A. and its European allies stated war not on the Iraqi people however on the government of President Saddam Hussein, thereby justifying their unlawful and genocidal intrusion of Iraq and the theft of its oil reserves as a desire for ‘routine modification’.

As it made with the similarly made war on Iraq, HM Governments like to state war in March, as it gives military projects in the Northern Hemisphere the maximum time before winter returns. If I were a wagering guy, I ‘d have a flutter on the most servile Parliament in UK history stating war on Russia this or next month. The UK brazenly offers arms to Saudi Arabia, Israel and other criminal states, so if all we were going to do was sell him some armour-piercing rounds consisting of diminished uranium there was no requirement for the pomp and circumstance that went to President Zelenskyy’s check out in February. When the UK state cleans off the stained-glass windows and gets its monarch out of mothballs, you understand it means murder. And just like we were in 2003, the UK will be at the back of a long union led by the US, endorsed by the UN, funded by the arms dealers and energy business and spent for by us, the tax-payers.

However whenever we do fight, I think it will be stated against Putin himself, as a criminal desired by the ICC, in pursuance of whose arrest the West will validate its prohibited war on Russia and theft of its oil and mineral resources. In this regard, the ICC warrant is the ratification and legal type of the unilateral judgement of the USA– which was imperiously announced by United States Vice-President Kamala Harris at the Munich Security Conference in February– that Russia has devoted ‘criminal activities against humanity’, which Putin will be held personally accountable.

As a measure of the impact the West has more than the so-called International Bad guy Court it funds and why many non-Western countries decline to acknowledge it as independent and objective, the ICC, which was founded in 1998, has actually issued no equivalent warrant for the arrest of the Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman and before him the King of Saudi Arabia, for criminal activities versus their own people and war criminal offenses versus the people of Yemen; of the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, for the genocidal treatment of the Palestinian people; of the Presidents of the Ukraine, Volodmyr Zelenskyy and prior to him Petro Poroshenko, for the ethnic cleaning of the Donbass; or of the Presidents of the U.S.A., starting with Barack Obama and George W. Bush, for war criminal offenses dedicated by United States forces in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Libya, and in every other nation they have invaded since the end of the Second World War.

When NATO– which is the military form of US hegemony in Europe– states war on Russia, I think it will do so not on the premises of the military defence of the Ukraine but on a legal basis. In doing so, the taking place conflict will be put outside the political realm, and for that reason not open to dispute in our legislatures. Like the equally made ‘war’ on COVID, this will be a war for biosecurity. And like all wars of biosecurity, it will be waged not against the Russian individuals but for them; not to beat them however to conserve them; not for our advantage however for theirs. And like the police who, under coronavirus-justified policies, beat the non-compliant with weighted truncheons, sprayed their eyes with tear-gas and shot them with rubber bullets in order to ‘safeguard public health’, we’ll make those Ruskis complimentary– or they’ll die trying!

The more recent example of a war waged versus a head of state is the so-called ‘decapitation strikes’ released by the United States military in 2011 versus the President of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, who 2 years prior to had started the Gold Dinar as an alternative currency for Africa. The Dinar was meant to divert Africa’s oil profits towards state-controlled funds instead of through United States banks; and simply as Gaddafi was assassinated by US-backed rebels for this risk to the dollar, so the criminal cartel we call the US Department of Defence will attempt to do the exact same versus Vladimir Putin. Doubtless the celebrating crime bosses in the United States military who enjoyed distributing pictures of the dead and mutilated bodies of Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein one day intend to add the body of Vladimir Putin to their list of assassinated Presidents.

There is a problem with their strategy, however, which is, of course, that Russia is not Libya or Iraq or the other little nations the US attacks with impunity as the rest of the West sits on its hands in the International Criminal Court, the European Court of Person Rights and the United Nations. Russia has the second strongest military in the world and the biggest nuclear toolbox; and it has just declared– extremely openly– its alliance with China, which has the 3rd strongest military on the planet. Moreover, the Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council, Dimitry Medvedev, has actually made it very clear that any effort by a foreign power to enact the ICC warrant and arrest Putin– or to attack the Crimea— will be taken as a declaration of war, which Russia would respond with all its military capabilities, consisting of nuclear missiles.

However, beyond the military balance between NATO and the Moscow-Beijing alliance, there is the balance of foreign debt. The USA has a nationwide debt of $31.6 trillion, providing it a public financial obligation to GDP ratio of 94.75 percent. This has risen from 63 percent in 2007, the year the last Global Financial Crisis started; from 55 per cent in 2001, the year the United States released the so-called ‘War on Horror’; and from 31 percent in 1981, the year Ronald Reagan was elected President and began to enforce the financial and fiscal policies of neoliberal industrialism not only on the USA however on the rest of the world too. The US external debt to GDP ratio– that is, the debt owed by the US Federal government to other countries, which increases the danger of defaulting on repayments and decreases financial development– is 93.28 per cent. In contrast, Russia, with simply $422 billion of debt– 1/75th that of the US– has an external financial obligation to GDP ratio of 26.43 percent, while China’s is just 17.71 per cent. In the UK, the ratio is 298.49 percent, which is amongst the greatest on the planet. This is just one measure of the financial crisis Western industrialism is dealing with.

At their meeting in Moscow recently, Xi Jinping, the President of individuals’s Republic of China because 2013, stated to Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation given that 2012: ‘Change is coming that hasn’t happened in a century, and we are driving this change together.’ Both these men have long experience of leading their nations and, in Putin’s case, years in his country’s security services. They have actually consistently run rings around the senile robots, insolvent game-show hosts, recovering alcoholics, born-again fundamentalists, former lenders, ex-hacks and World Economic Online forum puppets struggling to develop the diplomacy of the West as they pump more and more magic money into their failing economies.

United States hegemony– which has actually lasted less than 80 years– is nearing completion of its bloody and genocidal history, and a New World Order is on the point of forming. Nevertheless, the more its economic monopoly over the globe wanes, the more the United States bends its large military muscle. The obstacle dealing with the rest of the world is to survive its failure. Like all school bullies who don’t understand the play area has turned against them up until they’re surrounded and without a pal to turn to, it isn’t going to be quite. Either China will end up being the new hegemon as the lead partner in a Beijing-Moscow axis, or the United States will take all of us down with it– and a king whose crown is threatened is a hazardous thing! As Richard III told his doomed army in 1485 at the Fight of Bosworth Field:

Our strong arms be our conscience, swords our law.

March on! Sign up with bravely. Let us to it pell-mell– If not to Heaven

, then hand in hand to hell!

Simon Elmer is the author of 2 brand-new volumes of short articles on the UK biosecurity state, Virtue and Horror and The New Typical, which are readily available in hardback, paperback and as an ebook.


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