Nolte: SEE– Looks Like Biden Dozed Off at Maui Victim Event

His Fraudulency Joe Biden appears to have dozed off throughout a ceremony in Hawaii to honor the victims of that awful Maui wildfire.

See on your own:

n’t praying. Biden moves his lips when he prays, and you can constantly clearly see

him mouthing the words, “Oh, Satan. Yay, Satan.”Just how much rest does Joe Biden need? He’s been on holiday for a couple of weeks now. He flew to Hawaii on among the most

elegant aircrafts ever. There’s a comfy bed, warm milk, and Matlock DVDs. Possibly he’s still tired from saving his Corvette and feline from that”horrific”kitchen area fire in 2004.

Listen, I understand Biden is too old to be president or to be left alone with matches, however in this case, his innovative age is a weak excuse. Like it or not, Joe Biden is President of the United States, and what happened and is happening in Maui is an American catastrophe. Over 100 Americans are validated dead

, over 800 Americans are still missing out on, an American city is ravaged, and this guy can’t be awakened to focus and stay awake? Although he’s doddering, he seems plenty knowledgeable about what’s going on when he’s out and about for an ice cream run. This tells me that whatever he has actually left in the tank that keeps him awake when he appreciates something sure didn’t wish to kick in throughout an event honoring dead Americans. This tells me he didn’t and does not care, which obviously, comes as no surprise. This isn’t the first time Biden has been captured dozing. In November 2021, he dozed off throughout some dumb environment conference in Scotland. So now we understand that Biden has as much interest in dead Americans as he carries out in dull speeches about the weather condition. Former president George W. Bush was condemned for his handling of Katrina. Most of that criticism

was unjust, in my viewpoint, a method for the corporate media to safeguard the regional Democrats who mishandled everything they touched, however Bush never dozed off like this. Absolutely nothing is more tiring than stating,” Imagine the fake media if Trump or Bush or any Republican was caught dozing

off throughout a time like this. “Yes, at this moment, that’s a dumb workout, but look at this and this and this … Those links aren’t broken. There’s absolutely nothing about this in the media. Absolutely nothing. Not a noise, not a peep, just an one hundred percent coverup.

Democrats sure got it good. Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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