Open Letter to His Holiness, Pope Francis I, Bishop of Rome

Your collusion is nudging us not just into a non-Christian civilization, but an anti-Christian and anti-human non-civilization.

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and VK. Dear Pope Frank, Although the Church has learnt some genuinely dreadful Papacies considering that Popes Peter and Linus got the ball rolling all those years ago, you are genuinely in a lower league of your own. Whereas those spicier Popes, at least, had character, you have none. And you have even less managerial abilities. It is not a lot the Holy Spirit the Church requires to stable the ship however McKinsey and Boston Consulting who would, if offered free rein, provide you and the majority of your gout-ridden fellow-bishops your marching orders. Much of the reason for that is the Catholic Church which, Lord help us, you are expected to steer, has collapsed in its conventional strongholds of Germany, the Netherlands and Quebec which

has, with your connivance, passed off that Justin Trudeau warmongering anti-Christ on us. I understand Jesus liked to knock around with sinners, much of whom tend to be a vibrant lot however there are limits. Here you are with serial war criminal, serial sex wrongdoer and serial Orgy Island commuter POTUS Costs Clinton. Whoever you are trying to impress there it is not the Serbs, the Haitians, the Clintons’countless other victims or their buddies, families and general well-wishers. And, as Alex Soros, son of arch-manipulator George, was in that exact same Clinton celebration, one should truly question

what your game is. Though you prattle on about the devil a lot, I question you ‘d identify him if he shook you by the hand. Although that link has you shaking hands with Clown Prince Zelensky, whom your Church slobbers all over, you call Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega all type of names. Although the 25 year sentence Nicaragua summarily slapped on Bishop Rolando José Álvarez is totally unjustifiable, so too are the barbaric sentences your Zelensky mate portions whenever he gets the desire to act the tough man on his defenceless topics. Whereas Noriega epitomizes your failures in Latin America, Zelensky represents the much bigger failures of your Ostpolitik. On the topic of Nicaragua, isn’t it amazing that Bianca Jagger, who married Rolling Stones ‘frontman Mick in a Catholic wedding event, makes a much better diplomat not just in her native Nicaragua but throughout your own yard of Latin America than do you and your own bevy of clerical diplomats? If you were a straight shooter, you would get the blower to Belarusian peace activist, President Aleksandr Lukashenko, who might use his good offices to persuade Noriega to act like a grownup. However Noriega is not the only one in need of a chill pill, as he has his factors to be cautious of the Dutch, the Red Cross and all of those, like the Vatican, linked near or far to the Yankees and their nun-raping Contra killers. For all your Russophobia, American death teams in Latin America killed even more Catholic priests and gang raped much more Catholic nuns than did Communists in eastern Europe but you are fine with that. And, although Spain and Nicaragua have re-established diplomatic relations, that pleased occasion is not a case of God closing one door and opening another however of the Vatican choosing to see spectacle over strategy, which is sadly gone walkabout in your haphazard attire. Leave Jumpin’Jack Flash to the 80 year-old Mick Jagger and you adhere to doing your own job, once you correctly define it. If we go back to your 2015 conference with Italy’s bishops in Florence, you quipped that”we are not living in a period of modification but a modification of age”. Great words, whatever they mean but they are, as Hamlet stated, only words, words, words, and

talk, rather than action, is low-cost. And by actions I don’t suggest kissing the feet of South Sudanese grifters, meeting that Swedish show-boater Greta Thunberg or any of your other social media clickbait tricks.

You should be more concerned about the massacre of Catholics in Nigeria than with kissing the feet of grifters or humouring your old sparring partner, Argentine Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández, who composed a book about kissing. Assuming that was only about kissing in the abstract, it puts me in mind of Thomas Mann blogging about princesses kissing lepers, who called the sores they got from them Roses of Christ, or some such Middle ages rot. Quite frankly, they also advise me of

you with your fetish for kissing the feet of random complete strangers. You are a Pope. You should act like one. Not just is that pointless kissing a grave insult to Catholics however it is a bigger one to Buddhists, who would crack your

head large open for such an insult. You are not back home with your mother in the Buenos Aries of your youth lighting cent candles to Santa Niňo in your regional ermita however in Rome, where you are the one in charge of managers of a global clothing and where, paradise assist us, you are expected to be Christ’s Vicar in the world. You need to form up, act the part and leave the theatrics to Zelensky, Trudeau and Soros’Biden puppet(

who has actually disowned his own granddaughter, for paradise’s sake), all three of whom play you like a violin. Your collusion is nudging us not simply into a non-Christian civilization, however an anti-Christian and anti-human non-civilization. Whatever the Catholic Church provided the West, and through it the world, is being actively deserted, despised, and spat upon. France is changing from the eldest daughter of the Catholic Church to becoming the wrecked niece of Islam. Georgetown, the flagship university of your Jesuit network, is the nerve centre of the CIA and the World Economic Forum’s hub for international spiritual control. Pope Benedict lived, as all of us should, within his own myths and was, in the end, reversed by the failure of Pope John Paul to hearken dangers from the West along with the East. I refer to how and why he neglected the child rape scandals of money rich attires like the Legionaries of Christ and how and why Pope John Paul 11 and others completely signed up to the CIA’s Ostpolitik. Speaking of the East, you are off to Mongolia in late August. Fortunate fellow. However do not go kissing Buddhists’feet or they will set a few of their Sumo wrestlers on you. And don’t, as my previous short articles gone over, go insulting the Buryats or waving your dumb ass Ukrainian Nazi flags about. Not just will the Chinese and Russian authorities be in presence but they will be there as part of their particular missions

to secure and secure their people, a number of whom will feel queasy about having an enabler of Ukrainian Nazis and Hong Kong pro-democracy murderers in

their midst. Work out a bit of good sense. And bravery. If you need to go to anywhere, go visit the Syrian Arab Republic, whose heroic army and people, Catholic and allied priests and bishops amongst them, have spilled their blood in abundance for diversity, inclusion and the other shibboleths you and their Yankee killers proclaim to champion. And, while you are in the area, go check out the Christians of Palestine without very first paying homage to their overseers. Grow some huevos, as Maradona, Messi or di Stéfano may state. In early August, you are off to Fatima where Our Divine Girl asked us to pray for the conversion of Russia not, please note, Ukraine, as there was no such real or imagined nation then. Russia appears to be doing ok on that front right now however why smear the Russian people by linking them to the savages who run Ukraine? They are not equates to.

Moscow is the 3rd Rome and you need to handle her as such. Though your Ostpolitik, being a continuation of Pope John Paul’s, contains the strengths but, more so, the weaknesses of his prejudices, you need to remember that his era has actually passed. Though his Polish and Ukrainian generation had some issues with the Russians, they were as much supervisory as ideological. The Soviets were dreadful managers and far a lot of Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Chechens and lots of others, suffered as a result as, I am sure, did your Buddhist banes, the Buryats. To get beyond all of that, you should stop being the hand-maiden of Ukrainian gangsters and Polish war-mongers, neither of whom serve the interests of their particular individuals. And, whilst harping on about Soviet mismanagement, you must remedy the supervisory mistakes of the late Polish Pope. Chief of these was his emasculation of Latin American radicalism.

We are not talking here of being Che Guevara (another moron)in a cassock but of Brazilians like Hélder Cȃmara who thought, appropriately or incorrectly that the favelas’ poor had souls and requires simply as much as had Latin America’s rich that the Legionaries of Christ shook down for the greater splendor of God and the Vatican’s coffers. Though priests like Cȃmara, Romero and nuns like those the CIA gang raped and killed in El Salvador or device gunned to death in Yemen were, thus lots of priests and bishops in Syria, abandoned by you and yours, they did not abandon their charges. I omit Fr Paolo Dall’Oglio, your fellow Jesuit, from that list, as requiring the gassing of Syria’s Christians and Alawites was not the work of a male of God but a guy of the CIA, whose proxies ultimately did him in, just as they are performing in your Church in Latin America and the Philippines right in front of your really eyes. However you understand all that, as Syria’s Jesuits disowned him, even if you and yours did not. If we follow the Legionaries of Christ ex malo

bonum slogan, then you and your fellow Jesuits ought to get your own home in order prior to you begin sounding off on the Buddhists of Siberia and Mongolia. You need to tone down the rhetoric on Ukraine and set stringent conditions on any additional display screens of support for their Uniate Church and their Polish and CIA enablers. You are not Khruschev banging his shoe on the UN’s podium and you are definitely not Iraqi super-hero Muntadhar al-Zaidi throwing his shoes at American war criminal and Papal friend, POTUS George Bush. In addition to seeing why Iraqis, Buddhists and other civilised peoples abhor foot-related insults you must

, in your down time, read Rerum Novarum, Quadragesimo Anno, Pacem in Terris, Populorum Progressio, Humane Vitae and all the great encyclicals and penny handouts of the last 150 years expounding on the labour, trans-humanist and other topical problems surrounding them. In fact, your office should stop squandering everybody’s time accosting Texan Bishop Thomas Strickland, Puerto Rican Bishop Daniel Fernandez Torres, Paraguayan Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano therefore many others in Vatican visitations that more resemble Walmart’s despotic supervisory style than what one need to anticipate from the Vatican. I feel like the fantastic Syrian apostle Paul composing to the Corinthians, the Philippians, the Thessalonians, the Romans, the Ephesians and the Colossians, all of whom were probably doing their own thing and were too hectic to compose back to him. The roots of the Catholic Church go back not only to the great St Paul however also to the great well-springs of knowledge that sprang up around the Jordan, Euphrates, Orontes and Tigris rivers. Your objective which of your Church is to collect all typefaces of that knowledge and, like St Paul and his buddies, infuse their essence into the 4 corners of the earth, learning from the 2nd and 3rd Romes and from everyone and all over else as you go along.

You need a system of natural decay where you use your Church’s skills and resources to where they are needed, more or less as human seed capital and after that, when the project can sustain itself, withdraw. You need to stop sealing in our holy wells and allow us to sing in Latin or any other language or idiom we care to. To pontificate otherwise is to show oneself to be a Philistine. If Catholics want to sing hymns to Mary or sprinkle out on a High Mass in Latin, who are you to evaluate!.?.!? Though it is a happiness to celebrate Mass with countless Nigerian choristers, it is similarly so to be at a sung Latin High Mass or to be in a French cathedral resounding with their own terrific hymns for God sings, as just God can, in all such tongues.

God walks on a thousand various routes. He strolled with the Cherokee, the Creek, the Chickasaw, the Choctaw and the Seminole on their Trail of Tears. He strolls with the Palestinians, the Syrians and the Armenians as their Golgothas continue. He strolled with Bologna’s Cardinal Giacamo Lercaro, among the four mediators of the Second Vatican Council, who denounced the United States’genocide campaign in North Vietnam from the High Altar on New Year’s Day 1968 when he stated” The Church can not be neutral in the face of evil, however should be prophetic “. God has strolled enough. God ought to take a seat and not simply with Julian Assange, Gonzalo Lira and all the other innocents in British, Israeli and Ukrainian prison cells. And you should get up and do your job, which is to allow millions of others to do His work so that, as the Excellent Book tells us, the meek will acquire the earth even as those good friends of yours I have castigated continue to drag the world along with them on their highway to nuclear hell.

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