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The point of the episode for today’s crisis in Ukraine? An effective army on a country’s border can send out a message and determine terms without going in and without fighting.
When the Union was fighting to maintain itself in the Civil War, the France of Napoleon III moved soldiers into Mexico, toppled the routine of Benito Juarez, set up a monarchy and put Austrian Archduke Maximilian von Habsburg on the throne as Emperor of Mexico– one month prior to Gettysburg.
Preoccupied, the Union did nothing.
At war’s end, in 1865, nevertheless, at the advising of Gens. Ulysses S. Grant and William Sherman, the Union sent out 40,000 soldiers to the Mexican border.
Secretary of State William Seward dispatched Gen. John Schofield to Paris with the following directions: “I desire you to get your legs under Napoleon’s mahogany and inform him he should get out of Mexico.”
The U.S. soldiers on Mexico’s border convinced Napoleon to comply, though Maximilian fearlessly refused to leave and was captured and put prior to a shooting squad.
The point of the episode for today’s crisis in Ukraine?
A powerful army on a nation’s border can send out a message and determine terms without going in and without going to war.
Whether Russian President Vladimir Putin means to send his 100,000 soldiers now on the Crimean, Donbass and Belarusian borders of Ukraine into the country to occupy more territory we do not know.
But the message being sent by the Russian army is clear: Putin desires his own Monroe Teaching. Putin wants Ukraine outside of NATO, and completely.
If his demands are inappropriate, Putin is saying with his soldiers on the border, we reserve the right to send our army into Ukraine to secure our important nationwide interests in not having a hostile military alliance on our doorstep.
Have something to say about this column?Visit Gab– The social media network that champions totally free speech– Comment without Censorship!Or check out Pat’s FaceBook page and post your remarks … U.S. authorities have been explaining a Russian invasion as”imminent,”an attack that might come”any day now.”Given the Russian preparations and size of its forces, some U.S. officials said last week Kyiv might fall within hours of an attack and there could be 50,000 civilian casualties and 5 million Ukrainian refugees. Ukrainian leaders are less alarmist, arguing that an invasion is not impending and there is still room for a negotiated settlement. Russian officials are contemptuous of U.S. claims that they are about to attack. Last weekend, Russia’s deputy ambassador to the UN tweeted,
“Insanity and scaremongering continues. … What if we would say that United States could seize London in a week and cause 300k civilian deaths?”Should Russia get into, and surpass what President Joe Biden previously called a”small attack,” the occasion could be history-changing. A significant invasion would set off automated and serious sanctions on Russia, crippling European economies on both sides of the dispute and forcing Putin to take his nation more totally into a Eurasian
alliance with China. Yet, eventually, it is China, not the U.S., and not NATO, that is the long-lasting threat to Russia. Neither we nor Europe have any claims on Russian territory. See the Latest Videos on Our Buchanan-Trump YouTube Playlist! However China, with an economy 10 times the size of Russia’s, and a population 10 times as big, has historical claims on what are now Russian lands north of the Amur and Ussuri rivers. Russians residing in Siberia and the Far East are far surpassed by ratings
of countless Chinese just south of the border. These Russian lands
are abundant in the resources China covets. The two countries came close to war over these borderlands in the late 1960s. To go back to the analogy
of the U.S. waiting for the ideal minute to force France out of Mexico, China and Russia both now appear more powerful, more united, more assertive and more anti-U.S. than either was at the millenium. Russia is now demanding to have its borderlands– ex-Warsaw Pact nations and ex-Soviet republics– devoid of NATO setups and troops. Half a lots ex-Warsaw Pact countries and three USSR republics– Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia– are members of NATO
. China, with an economy and military far larger than at the turn of the century, is likewise ending up being more assertive about its land claims. These include claims versus India in the Mountain range, against half a dozen nations on the South China Sea, including our Philippines ally, against Taiwan, and declares to the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands. The combined strength and reach of Russia and China are growing, while the U.S., post-Afghanistan, is facing difficulties to its resources that it appears progressively strained to fulfill. Russia has marshaled an
army approximated at in between 127,000 and 175,000 soldiers in a couple of months, just across the border from Ukraine, while the U.S. this weekend sent 3,000 troops to Rumania, Germany and Poland. Where is the deterrent here? Again, Putin’s demands that ex-Warsaw Pact countries and Soviet republics be kept free of NATO installations, which the augmentation of NATO end, if agreed to, would leave Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova and Belarus permanently outside. But if Moscow is going to push to get rid of NATO forces from its borderlands, this indicates an endless series of diplomatic-military clashes or a U.S. acknowledgment of a Russian sphere of impact where NATO does not go. In other words, a Putin Monroe Doctrine. Do You Appreciate Reading Our E-mails and Website? Let us understand how we are doing– Send us a Thank You Via Paypal! Image Source: WikiMedia … Note: We are an Amazon Partner. Your purchases on Amazon.com via any of our links will help support Buchanan.org– at no additional cost to you! Make America Smart Again-Share Pat’s Columns!Like this: Like Packing
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