We’re all knowledgeable about the term, “quantitative easing.” It’s described as meaning, “A monetary policy in which a reserve bank purchases government securities or other securities from the marketplace in order to lower rates of interest and increase the money supply.”
Well, that sounds affordable … even beneficial. But, sadly, that’s not truly the entire story.
When QE was executed, the buying power was weak and both federal government and individual financial obligation had actually ended up being so excellent that more loaning would not resolve the issue; it would just delay it and, in the end, worsen it. Effectively, QE is not a service to an economic issue, it’s a perk of epic proportions, offered to banks by governments, at the expense of the taxpayer.
But, naturally, we should not be shocked that governments have actually passed off a massive redistribution of wealth from the taxpayer to their pals in the banking sector with such smart terms. Federal governments these days have ended up being exceptionally proficient at producing euphemisms for their misdeeds in order to pull the wool over the eyes of the populace.
At this point, we can not switch on the everyday news without being fed a full meal of thoroughly- worded gibberish, developed to further overwhelm whatever small voices of fact might be out there.
Let’s put this in point of view for a minute.
For centuries, political leaders have actually remained in the practice of changing, confusing and even eliminating the truth, when possible. And it’s probably safe to say that, for as long as there have actually been media, there have actually been political leaders doing their finest to control them.
Throughout times of war, political leaders have serially limited the media from just informing the truth. Throughout the American civil war, President Lincoln closed down some 300 newspapers and detained some 14,000 reporters who had the audacity to contradict his declarations to the public.
As severe as that might sound, this practice has been more the rule in history than the exception.
In many nations, in most eras, some publications go against the main plot and might effectively pay a cost for doing so. However, other publications support the official story line to a greater or lower degree and are typically rewarded for doing so.
It should come as no surprise, then, that media outlets frequently come to report the news in a less than accurate way.
Mark Twain is declared to have stated, “If you don’t check out the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do check out the newspaper, you’re misinformed.” Quite so.
Still, only fifty years earlier, much of the then “Free World” enjoyed a reasonably objective Press. Even on tv, press reporters such as Walter Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley, etc. presented the news in a bland manner. It wasn’t really interesting, but a minimum of it was relatively balanced and, to this day, many people who were around then still have no idea regarding whether reporters like Walter Cronkite were liberal or conservative. Although he was a dedicated Democrat, he never enabled that to significantly colour his reporting.
However today, we have an extremely various corporate structure as relates to the media. The very same six corporations hold the managing interest of over 80% of the media. And those exact same corporations also own a controlling interest in the military industrial complex, Wall Street, the significant banks, Big Pharma, and so on
. What we’re seeing today is media having been changed into something more similar to a three-ring circus than journalism of old. This is no mishap.
Today travesty that is the 21st century media, is journalism in name just.
So, why should this be so?
Well, as it happens, individuals tend not to like governments dominating their lives– basic as that.
And yet, the main objective of any federal government is to increase its size and power as quickly as the population will tolerate it. The only factor that they seldom do this quickly, is that they can’t get away with it. Like boiling a frog, it requires time to lull the people into submission, bit by bit.
As soon as having had sufficient time to do so, there comes a point at which the federal government ends up being woefully top-heavy, as well as unworkably autocratic. At such times, all that’s needed to make individuals rebel is a recession.
Such holds true in much of the world today– the EU, the United States, Canada, etc. Even in their conceit, the powers that be have to be mindful that they’re right at the tipping point. An economic crisis would almost certainly push the scenario over the edge.
When truth threatens to weaken machinations for self-aggrandizement, people tend to obfuscate in order to postpone the inescapable fallout. Governments are no various.
So it was that, in 1999, the largest banks entered into a massive lending scam that would most certainly collapse within a decade. However, prior to putting the scam in place, they scheduled a “bailout” by the federal government, which would successfully pass the expense to the taxpayer, while the banks themselves just increased their own wealth massively.
Naturally, QE, as enormous as it was, was a mere Band-Aid service. All those involved (industry and the federal government) understood that it would hang like a sword of Damocles over the economy up until it undoubtedly came crashing down– a fate far even worse than if QE had never been implemented.
And so, for those entities to have actually invested into the dominance of the media was, in fact, essential. Had they not done so, it’s entirely likely that, with a free press, the male on the street would, by now, have actually found out that he ‘d been hoodwinked.
Thus do we see the journalistic equivalent of Quantitative Brainwashing, in which the unavoidable awareness is postponed for as long as possible.
And, in order to make sure that the general public do not figure out what’s been done to them, the news reporting becomes Orwellian in its limitless repetition of an incorrect narrative.
It is, however, real that, “You can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” Eventually, the Band-Aid peels back to expose an infection that’s far beyond what had been generally viewed. It then falls away in layers, as increasing numbers of individuals become aware that they’ve been scammed– that the media is completely corrupt which the media’s owners– industry – have, with the passionate compliance of the federal government, robbed them on a wholesale basis.
Historically, that’s when the jig is up. What happens then is a matter of historic record.