Russia: New Cold War is Over, We Are Now in ‘Hot Conflict With the U.S.’

The United States is “playing with fire” and participated in a hot “hybrid war” with Russia, having actually currently finished from the Cold War phase, a Russian government minister has actually claimed, exceptionally even going so far regarding blame the U.S. for increasing nuclear stress.

The new Cold War is currently over, a Kremlin spokesperson has actually said, apparently looking previous Russia’s own role in attacking Ukraine and implicating the United States of “playing with fire” by pushing the world towards nuclear war that he firmly insists Russians desire to prevent.

The comments come just hours after Russia revealed it had deployed nuclear-capable missiles to the borders of NATO in Belarus, and refitted Belarussian jets with the devices to carry and drop nukes. Moscow made an implied accusation that the United States was to blame for this, stating Russia was doing no more than America currently did, in stationing nuclear weapons in the area of European allies.

Speaking Wednesday, Russia’s deputy foreign minister Sergey Ryabkov made the ‘hot war’ comments and stated, per a release on his discussion from a government-controlled news and propaganda service: “I believe we have currently passed this duration [of Cold War] Now we are in the phase of a hot dispute with the United States. We are experiencing the direct participation of that nation in a hybrid war with Russia on numerous fronts”.

While blame is normally laid at Russia’s door for invading Ukraine, the minister insisted it was in fact the U.S. that was pressing the world towards nuclear war and that Russia was the tranquil party attempting to avoid such an exchange. Expressing this, Ryabkov postulated: “… there can be no winners in a nuclear war and that it need to not be unleashed.

“However the way our American challengers are recklessly, provocatively, and in many aspects definitely thoughtlessly moving up the escalation ladder, the way they are blinded by their absolutely ridiculous certainty about their capability to inflict a tactical defeat on Russia makes one doubt their psychological professors and their common sense.”

The U.S. is “playing with fire” and was running the risk of making “deadly errors”, Ryabkov stated, saying the Russian Federation “will be prepared to take all steps and to utilize all means at our disposal” if there were attempts to encroach on their sovereignty.

Russia has increased its bluster over their rights as a sovereign nation in recent months as NATO has actually become more straight associated with supporting Ukraine, but has actually skirted around its own role in getting into another sovereign country, describing the war euphemistically as a required “special military operation”.

The United States, for their part have assessed the efficiency of the Russian armed force after the invasion appeared to fail in its original dash to capture area and quickly got slowed down. Speaking this week, a Pentagon spokesman said of that: “I think we’ve definitely seen failures that the Russian military has actually not been able to execute on the battlefield and failures in their command-and-control.”

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