The war — and it is a war — between the Western-led economic, social and political system and that of the East becomes more visible weekly.
Doug Casey recently said it well:
“We’re now undergoing our own Great Cultural Revolution. It’s much more serious than what the Chinese attempted in the ’60s. Why? Because a whole complex of destructive ideas have now captured the apparatus of most governments, academia, media, entertainment, charities, and large corporations. The public has been both subtlety and overtly indoctrinated for generations. It’s not easy to reverse a trend this large.”
It is not easy to reverse a trend, so instead we follow the trends and do our best to position for the best results we can. Today we’ll focus on the energy trend.
Let’s take a look at uranium.
Next up, India.
India To Build Nuclear Power Plants In “Fleet Mode” From 2023
“New Delhi: With the first pour of concrete for a 700 MW atomic power plant in Karnataka’s Kaiga scheduled in 2023, India is set to put in motion construction activities for 10 ‘fleet mode’ nuclear reactors over the next three years.”
It’s not just about economics or geography. At its base level, it’s about an entire economic, social, and political system.
Energy is everything. Always has been. You take any country that has managed to decrease poverty and raise living standards and at the core of this transition you’ll find energy. The reverse is also true.
Let us contrast this now with what we’re seeing in the world of the woke, where people with no experience in energy let alone business now make the decisions for both. These central planners have decided that “renewable energy,” which doesn’t produce much energy and isn’t renewable, is the way to go and anyone that disagrees is a terrorist.
To contrast, for instance, nuclear power with that of solar, realize that nuclear power requires 18x fewer materials than solar. 18 times!
Over in the US, Chevron CEO just came out informing us that due to the pointy shoes in DC’s “policy decisions” he can’t see that there will ever be another refinery built in the US.
ZeroHedge reported on the interview:
“You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying: we don’t want these products,” he said.
In fact, “we haven’t had a refinery built in the United States since the 1970s,”
“My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built in the United States.”
Finally, Bloomberg reports that the ‘Big Oil’ CEO expects to meet with the Biden administration when he’s in Washington next week.
“We need to sit down and have an honest conversation, a pragmatic and balanced conversation about the relationship between energy and economic prosperity, national security, and environmental protection,” Wirth said.
“We need to recognize that all of those matter.”
This is suicide by monetary and energy policy.
Over in Europe, the neo-marxists have for decades now been fighting to rid Europe of anything that emits carbon, including us humans.
By ridding ourselves of energy you rid yourself of food production, and by doing this you kill people. Literally. This isn’t hard to understand, but the problem is that there exists a lag in all of this and the central planners have control of the media who fabricate nonsense in order to obfuscate reality. Society can ignore those realities (and they have been), but they cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring the reality.
It wasn’t always this way. In the year 2000 BCN (before climate nazis) the EU exported more gas than Russia while today it freezes its bits off. The chart below shows what is truly a Western energy suicide.
From an investment perspective, though we take no joy in it and are in fact left feeling a sense of despair, we must acknowledge the trends in motion and the reality that energy investments in jurisdictions which are suiciding have a lower probability of outperforming those in jurisdictions which favor them.
Editor’s Note: Disturbing economic, political, and social trends are already in motion and now accelerating at breathtaking speed. Most troubling of all, they cannot be stopped.
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