Maybe the tent that’s served you faithfully for over a decade finally gave out, or maybe you’ve never been camping before in your life. Bottom line? You need new gear. While your first impulse may be to head on down to your local sports store, you may actually have another option. Depending on where you live/where you’re camping, it’s possible that outlets near you offer camping gear for rent. This is a great option if the item is something you’ll only need once, or if you don’t camp often enough to make the full investment worthwhile. Below, we outline some of the pros and cons of each side to make your decision a little easier.
With purchasing, you’ll find that the biggest downside is the cost. Depending on what you’re in the market for, gear can get pretty pricey. With that in mind though, there are a number of camping gear equipment pieces (like tents and sleeping bags), that can be purchased affordably. If you’re looking to camp on a budget but still buy your own camping gear, it is doable. You just have to know where to look.
Leaving the price issue aside, owning your own tools and supplies can be super beneficial; particularly for the frequent camper. If that’s you, you’ll find that it’s both easier and cheaper in the long run to buy your own camping gear. Your gear will be there on demand whenever you need it, and you know you’ll be the only one using it.
Included in the freedom aspect of purchasing is your ability to be picky. When you’re buying, you get to dictate exactly what you want anywhere from size to color. With the commitment comes the freedom to choose whatever you want.
Now onto renting. As for the cons, you’ll find that your selection is significantly more limited. Most rental stations will only carry the most basic items like tents, hot plates, and coolers. While you’ll still have some choices, your selection won’t be nearly as broad.
As for the pros, the cost will be much easier to fit into your budget. Despite being relatively affordable, different camping gear rental stations charge different rental fees and enforce different rules. You’ll also find that gear can typically be rented for as little as one day or as long as a couple of weeks. Renting is a great option if you’re a rookie camper and you don’t need a lot of advanced equipment or you aren’t even sure yet if you’re going to be camping again.