By: Gary D. Barnett
“As a geologist, I enjoy Earth observations, but it is ridiculous to connect this objective to a ‘agreement’ that humans are causing global warming when human experience, geologic information and history, and present cooling can argue otherwise. ‘Agreement,’ as lots of have stated, simply represents the lack of conclusive science. You referred to as well as I, the ‘worldwide warming scare’ is being utilized as a political tool to increase federal government control over American lives, earnings and decision making.”
~ Harrison Schmitt (American geologist, retired NASA astronaut, university professor)
Since late, and after an international attack on humankind that is unmatched in history, expansion of the ‘reset’ (takeover) of society is ramping up to epoch percentages. With this will come an assault of claimed monsters to frighten the masses into even more panic; the leading one prior to and after the ‘Covid’ scam is complete, will likely stay the extremely called fraud called man-made ‘climate change.’ In truth, this has currently begun, but will significantly intensify over the next few months and beyond in my opinion. At some point, ‘climate modification’ will likely be divulged as the core issue at hand so far as those wishing to acquire total control of the masses are worried, replacing in importance in impact, the other deceptive tools of tyranny such as ‘infection pandemics,’ but not eliminating them as part of the conspiracy of depopulation and control.
This scenario has been planned and played out for decades, however is now entering a really sophisticated phase in this plot to change life as we have actually known it; relegating humanity to a two-tiered social shift that includes a controlling class often referred to as the international ‘elites,’ and a servant class comprised of the masses. This is suggested to culminate with the master class of declared elites enforcing a technocratic hierarchy so severe as to remove freedom of the private completely. To accomplish this, it is needed that collectivism of the majority be the dominating way of ‘believed’ and politics, and that individuality be damaged in favor of a communistic method. So describes the postmodern mindset that has taken in the so-called intellectual left for some time, however unfortunately, it is not particular or special to simply the left today, but filters into the thinking about the gentility of all political levels of thought. For that reason, the façade of right and left being political revers is exposed as a lie, however this fact is normally prevented at all cost, and this mindset permits radical totalitarian policies to thrive. Hence, critical thinking, truth, honesty, logic, and factor, vanish from view to be replaced by mass lack of knowledge and indifference. Due to the fact that of this great paradigm shift in societal truth, we are delegated either ward off at all expenses this assault by the state, or simply accept our slavery willingly.
The deceptive ‘Covid’ pandemic scare has been, and is now being used, to lockdown and cripple society. As fall techniques, the predicted escalation of tyranny is ramping up strongly in the kinds of threats, mandates, and blame versus the ‘unvaccinated.’ The unvaccinated are now public opponent number one and the country’s highest horror risk according to the Biden administration. The other day, the wicked Biden bought “sweeping new federal vaccine requirements for as lots of as 100 million Americans– private-sector workers in addition to healthcare employees and federal contractors– in an all-out effort to curb the surging COVID-19 delta version.” He said: “We have actually been patient. However our persistence is using thin, and your rejection has cost all of us.” The unvaccinated minority “can cause a great deal of damage, and they are.” This sounds like a threat of severe force looms by the state versus all that refuse to adhere to these drastic and asinine poisonous injection orders.
‘His’ planincludes six parts:
Immunizing the unvaccinated, including brand-new mandates for federal staff members and an OSHA guideline mandating large employers need vaccinations or weekly screening
More securing the immunized, consisting of a booster program to be presented by September 20
Keeping schools securely open, including a new vaccine requirement for Head Start program teachers and staff
Increasing screening and needing masking, including using the Defense Production Act to boost the schedule of quick and at-home test kits
Securing the financial healing, consisting of reinforcing the COVID Economic Injury Catastrophe Loan program
Improving COVID-19 treatments, consisting of a 50% increase in weekly shipments of monoclonal antibody treatments to states
“This is not about flexibility or individual choice,” Biden said. “It’s about protecting yourself and those around you.”
In the midst of ‘Covid’ insanity, the program of ‘climate modification’ is first and primary on the minds of the globalists. In fact, this phony pandemic is being used (as deliberately planned) to advance that agenda, and as stated by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Online Forum: “Climate action need to stay top of the global agenda as we emerge from COVID-19.” According to these beasts, ‘climate change’ is the genuine risk, and this ‘pandemic’ is “preparing for the efforts needed to deal with climate modification.” In addition, the environment and ‘Covid-19’ are thought about to be totally adjoined and a merging of crises.
The United Nations is parroting this exact same line of propaganda in saying that in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, our difficulties are adjoined and can just be addressed through revitalized multilateralism with the UN at the center of our efforts. They have promised to reinforce worldwide governancefor the sake of present and coming generations. The UN’s Secretary General mentioned that: “The Covid-19 pandemic has actually worked as a wake-up call and with the environment crisis now looming, the world is experiencing its greatest shared test since the 2nd World War.”
The deceptive ‘virus pandemic’ has actually blazed a trail to the future’s genuine and most major agenda being sought by the globalists, which is environment modification legislation and mandated climate policy utilized to destroy the financial and monetary systems, to destroy farming and agriculture, to get rid of the person, and to improve the world into a total technocratically controlled global society that will solidify the conclusion of the 2030 Program.
While this might seem like the end of the so-called crisis to some, it is only the beginning of hell on earth. The next couple of months will tell the tale, as every way of tyranny possible will be tried, and the people actions to this attack on humanity will be gauged in order to see simply how far and how fast this takeover plot can be driven.
“Our Typical Program is a program of action, designed to reinforce and speed up multilateral agreements– especially the 2030 Program– and make a tangible distinction in people’s lives.”
~ UN Secretary General’s Report– Our typical Agenda 2021
Extra Source links:
Transporting disappointment towards the unvaccinated
Vaccine Mandates for 100 million Americans
Climate action must stay on top of the global programs
The Very Best of Gary D. Barnett
Reprinted with approval from LewRockwell.com
Copyright © 2021 LewRockwell.com
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