The Economic Nationalists Are Incorrect: Free Trade Means Freedom and Prosperity

Just recently, I had the satisfaction of going to a dispute about the morality of commercialism between James Otteson and Michael Anton, a defender of financial nationalism. Otteson made a good case for commercialism; however, Anton hindered the debate by picking to concentrate on specific policies instead of ethical concerns. Ironically, Anton admits that he has rarely picked up an economics book.

Throughout the dispute, Anton made claims that were either misleading or false. I will attend to the most egregious here.

Tariffs and Open Market

Anton’s foremost claim is that tariffs are, in fact, beneficial for financial development. Without providing much proof, he simply appeals to the authority of Alexander Hamilton and the infant industry argument. Possibly his ignorance of economics stunts his understanding of this issue. What is the real impact of a tariff on economic development? Contrary to Anton’s claims, tariffs at first impact the savings-investment ratio. In regard to income taxes, Murray Rothbard mentions in his book Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market,

For the taxpayer’s genuine income and the worth of his monetary assets have been reduced. The lower the level of a male’s real financial possessions, the greater will his time-preference rate be (provided his time choice schedule) and the greater the percentage of intake to financial investment costs.

The exact same uses to tariffs. Tariffs typically increase the usage to cost savings ratio by increasing prices of domestic and foreign wares, which contrasts what Austrians hold as the cause of economic advancement. According to Jesús Huerta de Soto, reduces in social time choices cause increased savings which customizes the “structure of efficient phases, making this structure more intricate and lasting, and in the long run, appreciably more productive.” Increasing the intake to cost savings ratio results in an increase in social time choices, therefore causing financial regression, not progress.

In addition, tariffs will also decrease total usage of tariffed products, reducing the general welfare. When pushed throughout the Q and A session at the supper after the debate, Anton maintained that tariffs will not deter people from consuming products. He uses proof that people still use products that are tariffed, such as Italian cars.

This is ridiculous and breaks methodological singularism. Individuals consume certain amounts, not classes, of products. The marginal customer is removed and made worse off. Moreover, just because a person is not deterred from consuming a proficient at a higher price does not imply that their welfare stays the same. They will have less cash to disperse in between consumption, conserving, and investment, which harms their welfare.

Furthermore, tariffs add to the production of monopolies, protecting companies from competitors and for that reason causing greater prices and lower quality of products, the qualities that make almost everybody– except for Anton, obviously– opposed to monopolies.

Lastly, Anton devotes the well-known fallacy of the broken window. If there is no visible impact, there is no problem for Anton. Nevertheless, the vast production that would have occurred if not for the stunting result of tariffs is immeasurably high.

Anton is incorrect. Tariffs are typically harmful and do not increase economic development.

NAFTA and Free Trade Agreements

Anton preserves the North American Open Market Agreement (NAFTA) and other “open market” agreements as free enterprise canon. He states he was with the Cato Institute in supporting NAFTA, however he looks back to those days with remorse. Cato was incorrect, and open market is hazardous according to Anton.

If one were to look back at Cato publications from the Clinton administration, Cato was not monolithic. Some expressed excitement, others revealed caution, but Cato is not agent of the orthodox libertarian position. If one desires a sounder position, they can take a look at Rothbard’s publications from the time declining NAFTA and other “open market” contracts as command-and-control contracts, not open market.

The reality is that NAFTA is not the sort of open market that libertarians want. Unilateral free trade is the only libertarian course forward; any other path opens up the door for cronyism and interventions in an effort to make the contract tasty for organizations and foreign interests.

Alexander Hamilton

When all else fails, attract authority. Anton did just that in citing Hamilton’s Report on Manufactures, which presumes an early version of the infant industry argument. Protecting “baby markets” simply avoids development, keeping them “underdeveloped,” beating the purpose of the securities in the first location. There is no good reason to take the infant industries argument seriously.

The preceding economic analysis in addition to Rothbard’s refutation of the baby market argument make the tariff position untenable, however there is something else basically incorrect here– Hamilton’s intentions.

Anton maintains that Hamilton was promoting the policies he provided for the typical good, but this is a naïve analysis of history. The self-interest-centered public option school of economics displaced common-good public policy. We can understand Hamilton’s policies from the self-interest framework. Hamilton was deeply gotten in touch with the Robert Morris group, an entourage of political elite consisting of James Wilson, John Adams, and Gouverneur Morris.

When I pressed Anton further in the personal, postdebate concern and response session, he offered proof that Hamilton was a “hard worker” in action to my claims. Yes, if political power was at stake, I would be a tough employee as well. The fact is that Hamilton was power starving and misleading. He did all that he might to remain in power and increase the size of the government in spite of liberty and well-being. Being a difficult worker says nothing about Hamilton’s character. More can be checked out Hamilton in Rothbard’s Conceived in Liberty, Patrick Newman’s Cronyism, and Brion McClanahan’s How Alexander Hamilton Messed Up America.


Talk of cronyism makes me concern Anton’s interests. What does he have at stake? Looking at Anton’s statements of financial interest from 2018, one can see that he still had financial investments with Blackrock, among his former companies. Blackrock is an advocate of federal government interventions, specifically when it comes to the environment. Why? Due to the fact that they promote government intervention that serves their own interests. Nothing conclusive can be stated; Anton may extremely well be a true believer, however that does not change the reality that his arguments were chock-full of errors.

Economic nationalism is absolutely nothing new. Its claims have been duplicated for centuries. Unfortunately, as shown by Anton, financial nationalism isn’t going anywhere, so we need to rebuke it whenever it rears its unsightly head.

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