If we look at what is occurring, what seems glaringly apparent to me is that there is a collaborated demolition of entire nations, their business sectors, and with this monetary ruin a top-down method to “repairing” the destroy is being enacted.
Step no 1: Destroy small companies and individuals’ monetary circumstance.
Step no 2: Offer them handouts/loans (UBI for people) and loans for corporates. This does two things. For people, it shackles them like an animal that was wild and searched for its food and survival (self-dependent) to one which no longer looks for its food however rather paces in a cage awaiting its daily provisions.
Step no 3: Entire nations fall under the very same trap. A financial obligation trap. It is not a surprise that the IMF, World Bank, and UN are serving as the pointy end of this exact same method. Making loans (unpayable) in return for locking down (Belarus affair highlighted this). Anyone can see that if you take a loan with the promise to damage your company in order to acquire the loan, then you’ll be indebted permanently. And yet that’s what whole nations have actually done and are doing.
So, what takes place now?
Well, what we’re seeing is the massive privatization of everything within these particular countries. The countries themselves are impoverishing their citizenry because they’ve locked them down and forced company closures, only to use them handouts hence shackling them. Those same federal governments, now with blown budget plans, stuck in debt traps will seek additional handouts (keep in mind, they took loans from the World Bank to “assist amidst the corona crisis”), and the only ones that can provide it to them are the globalists who have actually seen the best increase in their wealth during the crisis. They are now going for the jugular.
The strategy has ended up being rather transparent, and it is to completely change society. They currently control the sphere of medicine to the point where now they can and are determining that private citizens from sea to shining sea needs to take unidentified (to us however not to them) experimental gene treatment.
This is now, and the booster shots will enable them to put whatever they damn well please into your body.
If you can motivate the ravaging of whole nations’ economies (and plainly you can) and subsequently offer them “assistance” in the kind of loans which can not and aren’t designed to be paid back, you can then do 2 things:
- You can enter and buy up properties for cents on the dollar.
- With control over ways of production you can impose and determine the laws of the country by means of its political structures, whether they be local or national federal governments.
“Woah, Chris, that sounds dystopian and frightening.” I understand but browse and inform me it isn’t so.
What presents a barrier to this onslaught, are those countries which are independent and financially and militarily strong.
As we sit here today the frightening reality is that majority of the world’s countries are one teensy tiny step far from financial collapse, debt default, and consequent falling living standards. That isn’t embellishment, it is purely a matter of mathematics and economics.
It was for that reason not a surprise that we just recently saw Joe Biden mumble his method through threatening Russia with a hot war, brought on by a cyber-attack.
For those focusing, this coincides rather nicely with Klaus Schwabb’s much trumpeted “global cyber pandemic”. A reason to close down the internet, just to re-open it with “safeguards” in location, where we will be required to send multiple types of ID in order to get online. ID which will include vaccination status. What better method to shackle humankind.
Editor’s Note: We’re residing in a world overrun by federal government intervention …
Travel constraints, manipulated rate of interest, limitless stimulus, excessive guideline, and taxation.
The list continues …
The bad news for the average person exists will be more control, uncertainty, and inflation as federal governments attempt to hold on to power.
Here’s the bright side. Those who understand what’s coming and how to navigate the turmoil might not just hang on to what they have however come out far ahead.
Federal government stupidity is practically guaranteed, however you and your money do not need to become a casualty.
That’s precisely why, NY Times very popular author Doug Casey and his team simply launched a new video which reveals how to prepare and safeguard yourself from what comes next.