CJ Hopkins
Every totalitarian system in history has actually utilized the power of visual propaganda to generate a new” reality, “one that reifies its main ideology, remaking the world in its own paranoid image.
New Regular totalitarianism is no exception.
For instance, take a look at this panel copied from the landing page of The Guardian— among the global-capitalist gentility’ primary propaganda organs– on July 17, 2021 …
This isn’t simply “prejudiced”or”sensationalist”journalism. It is systematic official propaganda, no various than that distributed by every other totalitarian system throughout history. Here’s the one from the following day …
Forget the content of the articles for a moment and simply take in the cumulative visual impact. Main propaganda isn’t simply information, false information, and disinformation. It is really less about getting us to think things than it has to do with creating a main reality,and enforcing it on society by force.
When you’re setting out to create a brand-new “reality,” images are extremely effective tools, simply as effective, if not more effective, than words.
Here are a few more that you may recall …
Once again, the goal of this kind of propaganda is not merely to deceive or intimidate the general public. That belongs to it, of course, but the more crucial part is forcing people to look at these images, over and over, hour after hour, day after day, in the house, at work, on the streets, on tv, on the Web, all over.
This is how we produce “truth.” We represent our beliefs and values to ourselves, and to each other, with images, words, routines, and other signs and social habits. Basically, we conjure our “reality” into being like stars practicing and carrying out a play … the more all of us believe it, the more convincing it is.
This is likewise why obligatory masks have been essential to the roll-out of the New Normal ideology. Requiring the masses to use medical-looking masks in public was a propaganda masterstoke.
Basically, if you can require individuals to dress up like they’re going to work in the transmittable illness ward of a healthcare facility every day for 17 months … presto! You have actually obtained a brand-new “reality” … a new, pathologized-totalitarian “truth,” a paranoid-psychotic, cult-like “truth” in which formerly semi-rational individuals have been minimized to nonsense-babbling lackeys who hesitate to go outside without permission from “the authorities,” and are injecting their kids with speculative “vaccines.”
The sheer power of the visual image of those masks, and being forced to duplicate the routine behavior of putting them on, has actually been nearly alluring. Yes, I know that you have been withstanding. So have I. But we are the minority. Denying the power of what we are up against might make you feel better, however it will get us no place, or, in any occasion, no place good.
The fact is, the huge majority of the public– other than for individuals in Sweden, Florida, and assorted other officially non-existent places– have actually been robotically performing this theatrical ritual, and pestering those who refuse to do so, and therefore jointly simulating an “apocalyptic afflict.”
The New Normals– i.e., those still using masks outdoors, squealing over useless “cases,” bullying everyone to get “vaccinated,” and working together with the partition of the “Unvaccinated”– are not behaving the way they’re behaving since they are stupid. They are behaving that way due to the fact that they’re residing in a brand-new “truth” that has been developed for them over the course of the last 17 months by a massive official propaganda project, the most comprehensive and efficient in the history of propaganda.
To put it simply, to put it candidly, we are in a propaganda war, and we’re losing. We can’t match the propaganda power of the business media and New Normal governments, however that doesn’t suggest we can’t fight back. We can, and must, at every chance. Just recently, readers have actually been asking me how to do that. So, OK, here are a couple of basic tips.
The large bulk of obedient New Normals are not fanatical totalitarians. They’re scared, and weak, so they are following orders, changing their minds to the new official “truth.” Most of them do not view themselves as followers of a totalitarian system or as segregationists, although that is what they are.
They perceive themselves as “accountable” individuals following sensible “health regulations” to “safeguard” themselves and others from the infection, and its ever-multiplying mutant “variations.” They perceive the “Unvaccinated” as a minority of dangerous, unreasonable “conspiracy theorist” extremists, who wish to eliminate them and their families.
When we tell them that we merely want our civil liberties back, and to not be forced into being “vaccinated,” and censored and maltreated for revealing our views, they do not think us. They believe we’re lying. They view us as hazards, as aggressors, as beasts, as complete strangers among them, who need to be dealt with … which is precisely how the authorities desire them to view us.
We require to attempt to change this understanding, not by complying or being “respectful” to them. On the contrary, we require to become more confrontational. No, not violent. Confrontational. There is actually a distinction, though the “woke” will reject it.
To begin with, we need to call things what they are. The “vaccination pass” system is a partition system. It is segregationism. Call it what it is. Those complying with it are segregationists. They’re not “helping” or “protecting” anyone from anything. They are segregationists, pure and easy. Refer to them as “segregationists.” Do not let them hide behind their terms. Confront them with the fact of what they are.
Same chooses the rest of CovidSpeak. Covid “cases,” “deaths,” and “vaccines” get scare quotes. Healthy individuals are not medical cases. If Covid didn’t kill someone, they are not a Covid death, period. “Vaccines” that do not act like vaccines, which are killing and debilitating 10s of countless people, and that have actually not been sufficiently tested for safety, which are being indiscriminately forced on everybody, do not get to be called vaccines.
OK, here comes the huge idea, which will just work if enough individuals do it. You most likely won’t like it, however what the hell, here goes …
This is the red inverted triangle the Nazis used in the prisoner-of-war camp to designate their political opponents and members of the anti-Nazi resistance. Make one. Make it out of material, paper, or whatever material you have at hand.
Put a big, black “U” in the center of it to symbolize “Unvaccinated.” Use it in public, conspicuously.
When individuals ask you what it suggests and why you are wearing it in public, inform them. Motivate them to do the exact same, presuming they’re not Brand-new Typical segregationists, in which case … well, that will be a different discussion, but go ahead and inform them too.
That’s it. That’s the entire big idea. That, and whatever else you are currently doing.
The triangle is not meant to change that. It’s just one basic method for people to reveal their opposition to the totalitarian, pseudo-medical partition system that is presently being executed … despite all that other things you have actually been doing, and that I have actually been doing, for 17 months.
All right, I can currently feel your disappointment. You thought I was going to propose a frontal assault on Klaus Schwab’s secret castle, or a guerilla marine attack on Bill Gates’ luxury yacht. Cathartic as either of those ventures may be, they would be (a) useless, and (b) suicidal.
Frustrating as it has actually been for everybody, this is still a battle for hearts and minds. Essentially, it is a War on Reality(or in between two “realities” if you prefer). It is being battled in people’s heads, not in the streets.
So, let me attempt to sell you on this red triangle thing.
The point of a visual demonstration like this is to force the New Normals to confront a various representation of what they, and we, are. A representation that properly shows reality.
No, naturally we are not in concentration camps– so, please, spare me the irate literalist e-mails– however we are being segregated, scapegoated, censored, embarrassed, and otherwise mistreated, not for any legitimate public health reasons, however because of our political dissent, due to the fact that we refuse to mindlessly follow orders and comply with their brand-new official ideology.
The New Normals need to be required to perceive their beliefs and actions because context, even if just for a couple of short lived moments at the mall, or in the supermarket, or any place.
Think of it this way … as I described above, they are basically carrying out a theatrical occasion, creating a “pandemic truth” with words, actions, and pseudo-medical stage props. What we need to become is that asshole in the audience who ruins the suspension of disbelief and advises everyone that they’re sitting in a theater, and not in 15th Century Denmark, by loudly taking a contact his phone right in the middle of Hamlet’s soliloquy.
Seriously, we need to end up being that asshole as conspicuously as possible, as typically as possible, to interfere with the program the New Normals are carrying out … and to advise them what they are really doing, and who they are really doing it to.
“New Typical” segregationists can inform themselves that racial partition and pseudo-medical partition are fundamentally various, but they are not. One is based on race. The other is based upon conformity to a main ideology. That is the only difference. pic.twitter.com/1Llt30OecC
— Permission Factory (@consent_factory) July 16, 2021
Take a look at the white individuals in the tweet above tormenting that lady who is just attempting to go to school like any other trainee. The New Normals do not want to perceive themselves that method, as a pack of fanatical, hate-drunk segregationists, however that is what they are, due to the fact that it is what they are doing …but it is not what the majority of them are by nature.
Yes, some people are congenitally sociopathic, however nobody is inherently totalitarian. We are not born fascists or segregationists. We need to be programmed to be that method. That’s what the propaganda is for, not to point out all the other authoritarian conditioning we go through from the time we are children.
Or that’s the gamble, or the leap of faith, behind the inverted red triangle thing. It is a basic non-violent civil-disobedience tactic, which deals with people who still have a conscience and haven’t gone complete totalitarian yet.
Approved, it might not work this time– we arealready at the phase where they are going to send to prison dining establishment owners for serving the “Unvaccinated”— but it might, and what have we got to lose?