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Multiple new technologies are peeking over the horizon, supposedly in response to various crises. The U.S. government has been printing money like mad to finance, first, people staying home during the pandemic and now, the war in Ukraine. This will destroy the economy sooner or later, and when it does, it will usher in a centralized bank digital currency, ending financial privacy.
Many governments tried introducing health passes in response to the Covid pandemic, which would have ended health privacy. These developments seem overly intrusive to many people, but they are just responses to emergencies, right? “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” Maybe that’s all it is?
I don’t think so.
These technologies are complicated and could not have been created overnight. They involve massive data ecosystems with large amounts of computing power. They both would ultimately require digital identification, a digital counterpart for each of our own physical bodies.
Most of us may instinctively dislike the thought of being physically tracked, having our financial transactions monitored, and our conversations recorded, but we’ve been on this path for years.
Think about your relationship with your phone.
I’ll be the first to admit it: I carry my phone everywhere, bank electronically, and talk with friends on the phone all the time. I wish I didn’t need to, but let’s face it, most of us have to live that way. I want to be able to communicate with my teenagers, so yes, we have phones. Without regularly checking bank accounts, theft goes unnoticed. I learned this the hard way in my early 20s. And I wish my loved ones and I were all in some sort of pod-village, but we’re scattered all over the globe, so yes, I say things over the phone all the time.
And, of course, people like Edward Snowden have been warning us for years about the massive amount of data harvesting being done via smartphones. Some people think Snowden is a villain. Most just ignore him. But he was proven right when Colorado Gov. Jared Polis admitted to using phone data to determine whether or not people were complying with lockdown orders. Snowden was proven right, again, when we found out that the CDC had been buying cell phone data to determine lockdown compliance.
We could leave our phones at home if we needed to break quarantine rules. We can turn the phones off, put them in a faraday cage, and move them to another room if we want to have a sensitive conversation. We can conduct business transactions in cash if we don’t feel like the IRS needs to know about them.
Lest you think I’m some horrible criminal, I’m not. I needed to break quarantine rules to get animals processed. If my ex-husband wants to give me extra money because the kids need braces, we’re technically supposed to report that to the IRS. The rules are ridiculous; they make it difficult to run small businesses and to be kind to each other.
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So what will happen when we can’t leave the phone at home?
Well, it turns out that Klaus Schwab and the Davos crowd have been thinking about this for quite a long time. Developing an implantable phone predates our current crises by more than five years.
In November 2015, the World Economic Forum published a paper called Deep Shift: 21 Ways Software Will Transform Global Society. And the very first Deep Shift they discuss is implantable technology.
The WEF introduces implantable technology as the next logical step in medicine. They compare it to pacemakers and cochlear implants. This is extremely disingenuous. A pacemaker is a mechanical device that sends electrical impulses to the heart so that it will beat at the desired rate. The first pacemaker was implanted successfully in 1960. Pacemaker technology has been around a long, long time, and while modern pacemakers can be digitally connected and monitored by doctors, they certainly don’t have to be.
Implantable smartphones would use different technology.
A small number of people worldwide have already been chipped with devices that work using the same technology as contactless credit cards. People wave their hand close to a terminal, and a small amount of data is exchanged, allowing the chipped individual to buy their drinks or open their doors.
The first implants were in 2017, and then in Sweden in 2020, about 4000 people were microchipped. In these cases, the people microchipped were sold on the technology for the sake of convenience and safety from catching Covid via surface transmission. The microchips replaced credit cards and cash and, in some cases, allowed Swedes to enter their office buildings rather than having to carry their electronic cards with them.
Personally, I don’t find it that inconvenient to carry cards. I like cash. I don’t see a big difference between pulling out my wallet and swiping my hand in front of something. An adult should be able to keep track of a wallet or purse; if you can’t, then maybe you shouldn’t be driving or allowed access to office buildings.
And as far as safety from disease is concerned, even the CDC admitted that surface transmission of Covid is highly unlikely. Neither convenience nor safety from germs makes me interested in getting a data-sharing device (what your phone is) transplanted into my body.
I have not gotten the impression too many other regular people are interested in implantable technology, either.
In 2010, PositiveID decided not to pursue an implantable device that could store medical records due to negative press and the fact that no one really wanted it.
But the technocratic class is hugely enthusiastic about implantable technology. Indeed, they consider it inevitable. The desire to be able to scan people and immediately pull up all kinds of information about them has never gone away. And our technology, now, has gotten better than ever.
Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, gave an interview at the World Economic Forum in which he discussed biological chips being placed in tablets. “Once you take the tablet, it dissolves into your stomach, and then it sends a signal to say you took the tablet. So, imagine the implications of it, the compliance.”
“Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla explains Pfizer’s new tech to Davos crowd: “ingestible pills” – a pill with a tiny chip that send a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been digested. “Imagine the compliance,” he says…. pic.twitter.com/EzGcapbuC5
(@SoheSaidSheSaid) May 21, 2022
And this, I think, is where Mr. Bourla lets the cat out of the bag. The Davos crowd has been trying to sell us plebs on safety, convenience, and medical technology, but it’s all beside the point. It’s about compliance, and I’m not even sure how hard they’re trying to hide it anymore.
In 2017, the Washington Post ran an article about “nudge units” in the U.K., U.S., Germany, and Australia. These nudge units employ behavioral scientists to find solutions to problems by nudging the general population. Problems to address included convincing people to take flu vaccines (this article came out pre-Covid) and to attend college.
Recently, the Army released a recruitment video for its PSYOPS unit. It boasts, “Have you ever wondered who’s pulling the strings?” As someone with many military and ex-military friends and family members, I find this bizarre. You’re not supposed to brag about PSYOPS. PSYOPS is supposed to be under the radar, and a few decades ago, it was largely about convincing people from foreign nations that Americans were the good guys.
This changed, quietly, in 2013.
The legalization of the propagandizing of Americans
For sixty years, the Smith-Mundt Act prohibited the U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors from disseminating government-produced programming within the United States over fears that the federal government might propagandize the people.
In 2013, the Act was repealed, and the modest protections the American people had enjoyed were removed. The federal government has far more flexibility with the truth now. They have admitted to taking liberties with the truth regarding the war in Ukraine. Officials claim to release intel that may or may not be true in order to throw off the Russians; unfortunately, Americans watch the news too, and we are now being propagandized just as much as the Russians are.
You are being pushed.
Powerful actors, both within governments and the World Economic Forum, are pushing us toward a world in which objective truth doesn’t matter, only the digital narrative. The “best and brightest” are being recruited to help pull the narrative strings. Everyone else is expected to just go along.
Apple released its first iPhone in 2007. Over the past 15 years, while smartphone technology has made communication easier than ever, it has also caused a host of problems, particularly in children. Nevertheless, the relentless push to put everything on digital platforms continues.
Young adults and children are overwhelmingly dependent on smartphones for socialization. I know this because I have teenagers, and I’ve been watching it happen for years. A phone is constantly glued to their hands. I’ve seen adults eagerly tell my children about how they live in the digital world. And while most of the over-40 crowd is still comfortable socializing in person, we all depend on the digital world for income. Even the farmers and artisans that are so often idealized usually depend on the digital world for advertising and payment processing.
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The move into the digital world has been gradual, but things are speeding up.
The past two years have seen a huge push toward digital identity, digital currency, and social credit systems. Existing powers want to push everything onto digital platforms as much as possible because digital platforms are easy to manipulate and control.
Nudge units and social credit systems make it clear that the ruling class sees it as their job to dictate to the rest of the world exactly how we ought to live. Digital currency and digital identification will give them a great deal of power in enforcing their ideas. When our digital identity merges with our physical identity via smartphone transplants, it will be practically impossible to opt out in any significant fashion.
In 2015, the World Economic Forum predicted that the first implantable smartphones would be available commercially in 2023. Perhaps something like the BBC show Years and Years discussed?
2022 is just about halfway over, and the WEF’s predictions have a funny way of coming true. We need to be watching for the rollout of this new technology.
We don’t have to accept that. In the Deep Shift WEF report referenced above, more than 85% of respondents predicted that by 2025, 10% of reading glasses would be connected to the internet. Google has, indeed, tried rolling out smart glasses a few times, but they’ve never caught on. One of the main reasons has been privacy concerns.
Google Glasses, 1st Gen. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
The ruling classes may think of the plebs as nothing but material to be molded and shaped into whatever they find useful, but a lot of people are catching on. While many countries rolled out vaccine passports during Covid, many also scrapped the programs within two years.
Smartphone implants will be available soon, probably next year. I don’t think governments will start by mandating them; they will just be advertised as super cool and convenient and the Next Big Thing. Don’t be fooled. The public has stalled some of these tech projects before simply by refusing to engage. We can drag our feet as long as possible this time, too. We have to at least try.
What are your thoughts?
What do you think about smartphone implants? Do you think this is just another “conspiracy theory?” You know, like vaccine passports and the like? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
About Marie Hawthorne
A lover of novels and cultivator of superb apple pie recipes, Marie spends her free time writing about the world around her.