Trump’s Indictment and the Downfall of America

Karen hunt

I got to Lake Arenal, Costa Rica, this little hideaway paradise, last Thursday. The next day, I found that, sure enough, Trump has been indictedby a New york city grand jury.

The very first ex-president to ever be charged with such a criminal offense. The persecution will not end. It will only heighten. The Washington Post states this “sets the phase for a 2024 presidential contest unlike any other.”

Here is Trump’s action to the indictment.

Have a look at these people:

Take a look at their smug faces. Oops, one face is missing– the image requires to be upgraded to include Joe Biden. These presidents triggered endless wars and the deaths of countless innocent people. They installed puppet regimes in smaller sized countries and killed leaders if they did not comply. These monsters should be hanging from the greatest trees. Yet they are celebrated as heroes while Trump is dragged through the mud for what must be a misdemeanor.

The indictment was sealed, “which means the specific charge or charges are not publicly known. However the grand jury had been hearing proof about hush money paid to adult movie starlet Stormy Daniels throughout Trump’s 2016governmental campaign, allegedly to keep her from stating she ‘d had a sexual encounter with Trump years earlier”.

The worst of it is that most of people (those who don’t reside in the alternative world of Twitter conservative spaces) are cheering it on.

“No one is above the law.” I see this holier-than-thou declaration duplicated over and over.

Don’t they recognize how hypocritical this is?

Meanwhile, conservatives are cheering on Trump, thinking this will guarantee his landslide victory in 2024.

Nope! As I said in The Difficulty with Trump, the ONY method Trump wins will be if he has gone over completely to the Dark Side. Otherwise, he will never ever win. The world and everything in it will burn to the ground in a nuclear holocaust prior to Trump will be permitted into the White House once again.

They are already playing up the news of how dangerous Trump is.The Independent highlighted Trump’s chilling warning of what will happen after his indictment, stating that he recommended “death and destruction” awaited the US if he is criminally prosecuted. The news will now duplicate this over and over, continually drawing us back to the story that’s been produced of his:

calls to advocates that sustained the attack on the US Capitol and his apocalyptic visions of America from his time in office and on the campaign path, depicting his us-versus-them political stakes and a developing civil war with grim conclusions– rhetoric that has actually gripped the GOP in the wake of Mr. Trump’s candidateship.

Well, of course Trump is right in his assessment. And they know this. They are creating this chaos. They desire it.

Brace yourself for escalating unrest and the possibility that martial law will be stated, and the 2024 elections postponed.

The only way to explain what is occurring worldwide today is from the Bible, Isaiah 44:18:

They have not understood nor understood: for he hath shut their eyes, that they can not see; and their hearts, that they can not comprehend.”

Karen Hunt [aka KH Mesek] is an author and illustrator of 19 kids’s books, the YA series Night Angels Chronicles and the sci-fi novel, LUMINARIA: Tales of Earth & Oran, Love & Revenge, to be published in August. She recently returned from residing in Luxor, Egypt where she began the very first boxing club for ladies. Having lived and taken a trip thoroughly behind the Iron Drape, she is committing her time to composing essays associated with the loss of liberty in the West. You can read more of her work, or sign up to her newsletter, here. You can’t follow her twitter any longer, as she’s been banned.


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