War Will Continue so Long as Governing States Exist: Federal Government Is War!

By: Gary D. Barnett

“He who joyfully marches to music rank and file has currently earned my contempt. He has actually been provided a large brain by error, because for him the spinal cord would certainly be adequate. This disgrace to civilization ought to be done away with simultaneously. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, terrible love-of-country stance and all the pesky rubbish that goes by the name of patriotism, how strongly I dislike all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than belong to so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing however an act of murder.”

~ Albert Einstein

There is no such thing as a just war, there is no such thing as an excellent war, and no war can bring peace. All wars are wicked symptoms of power and control conjured in the minds of the abhorrent psychopaths who rule over nations, and their fascist partners in government, who by proxy, fill the minds of the mindless with fear, so that constant atrocities suggested to solidify dominance can endure all moral objection and sanity. War is good for nothing besides grief, terror, sadness, torture, incapacitating, and death; it is the single most evil curse of mankind.

I was as soon as prepared into slavery by this warmongering nation-state called America, at a time when countless innocent Vietnamese were being slaughtered for definitely nothing by U.S. military forces. Even then, I knew how incorrect it was to participate in the murder of anyone, and I loudly refused to obey any demand to kill others on orders. This remains in no other way suggested to declare martyr status, as this need to be regular habits. It is simply suggested to communicate that if I could refuse, why can not any other also decline to be a part of these warmongering atrocities? In order for this abhorrent military to function in its mission of death and damage, its members need to go along, and do the bidding to end the lives of those they do not know at the command of monstrous tyrants. What if large numbers stated no? What if nobody showed up when the call of war was sounded? What if the people refused to do the killing for the State? What if the guilty terrorists and fools who take part in the massacre of others stopped worshipping the State, the country, and their master’s efforts to destroy them, and instead practiced sane, reasonable, and ethical judgement? A better and more caring world would be the result.

All U.S. wars in history have actually been aggressive, so there is no excuse for what is labeled ‘patriotism’ to this State, as all efforts to declare that any war in this nation’s presence was or is protective, are lies. Even thinking about the Revolutionary War and the War of Southern Independence, which were both wars of aggressiveness soon after they began, immediate in the case of the so-called ‘Civil War,’ as even so-called defensive wars propagated by any State, develop into aggressiveness practically instantaneously. For this factor alone, if in fact the cumulative masses have any ability left whatsoever to think seriously and determine any truth, (not likely) they would, if honest, be forced to never again support any act of aggressiveness or aggressive war by this now wicked and devastating State called ‘America.’

But war is no longer isolated simply against the pretend bogeyman of the day, or any single declared opponent, it is waged by every federal government, against all their own ‘citizens’ also, on a consistent basis. In my opinion, the U.S. is the leader in this arena of tyranny that is the totalitarian coup versus individuals here and worldwide. The fake ‘covid pandemic’ was and is the prime example of this war versus individuals, as almost each and every single country in the world, and just after Trump and the U.S. government stated a nationwide ’em ergency,’ acted in specific performance, in all efforts to terrify their citizenry. This of course was not coincidental, nor was it accidental, it was premeditated, and deliberately planned all along.

As I compose this, the world powers are getting ready for war, and the U.S. government is leading the way in these disputes worldwide; stiring hate and aggressiveness against the most hazardous armed forces on earth. The threat of world war is not only possible, however apparently imminent today. I definitely think this to be collusion amongst the major players, however it is also being supported by numerous allies on what are determined as ‘both sides.’ The severe unsafe nature in this game of global war is beyond understanding, but the heated rhetoric being spewed by the U.S. and its allies, versus other world powers is accelerating, no matter the fatal threat involved. The ongoing drive toward mass depopulation, (genocide and democide) financial chaos, monetary restructuring and digitization, damage of farming and food supplies, and the production of the brand-new world order, is going ahead complete steam, despite the incorrect claim that the cumulative herd is ‘awakening.’ There is definitely no assurance of this taking place, and definitely no evidence whatsoever at this time that the ‘public’ tide has considerably changed for the much better.

It is time for a bulk of humanity, specifically the U.S. population, comprised mostly of gullible, obese, brainwashed, oblivious, reliant, and apathetic dolts, to open their eyes and see the horror on the horizon. We are being bombarded by the State from every angle possible, and all at once. Hoping, wishing, and expecting things to improve on its own without major resistance, is merely a dish for disaster, and a video game for fools. This is not ‘reality’ television, it is your and your household’s life at stake.

Bear in mind that the U.S., Russia, U.K., Europe, China, India; the significant gamers in this psychotic plot of world takeover, are all advocates of the World Economic Online Forum, (WEF) in addition to many other countries, and remain in essence partners in the push for total globalized rule. They all are pursuing the very same program, and all want a seat at the table of international power. While they might serve as enemies, they are not completely, but you are being informed by each, that the others are the real enemy. This is little bit various than the democrats and republican politicians, who pretend to be disliked opponents, while continuously pursuing the same precise programs. Opponents in public, but intimate partners in private. Yes, the WEF has declared to knock Russia due to the purposely made and phony Ukraine crisis, but Putin has actually all along followed, adhered to, and supported the WEF objective. It is all a rip-off.

It is said and thought by many in this country, that ‘people’ are basically great. This notion is accepted by most, with no effort whatsoever to scrutinize all the apparent evil that not only exists and is honestly prosecuted by rulers, federal governments, enforcers, corporations, and others, but totally neglected by the masses at large. Remaining quiet in the face of evil, is likewise wicked, so are the majority of people in the basic population truly excellent? Without being totally negative, I believe that is not the case.

Certainly the politicians and all federal government are not good at all, but they are voluntarily ‘voted’ into power by the expected ‘good’ individuals, and enabled to rule over, dominate, take, murder, and control others. Anyone who requires, wants, desires, and aims to rule over others, is by meaning psychotic in nature. The frame of mind of these people is hopelessly flawed. This certainly includes those like authorities, military, particular clergy, and also the fascist partners of these and other judgment entities, including corporations, particularly large corporations. Any clinical medical diagnoses of these kinds of people and entities, would suggest psychosis or psychotic tendencies.

None of this might be possible in any real complimentary society, as violent tyranny can not exist or work in any state of genuine liberty. Tyranny is fully depending on force and violence, so the removal of government and the whole State apparatus, consisting of all its enforcement arms, is needed in order to end the mass enslavement and live totally free.

War will continue so long as any federal government exists. Government is war. For that reason, the abolition of guideline is compulsory if abhorrent wars are ever to end, and individuals are to live in harmony with one another.

To name a few things, the political class and its rulers, are all cowards, so I leave you with this quote:

“Politicians who took us to war should have been given the guns and informed to settle their differences themselves, rather of organizing nothing much better than legalized mass murder”.

Harry Spot, the last making it through soldier of World War I, 2007

Reference links:

The U.S. has actually committed aggressive wars for its entire history

World Economic Forum’s 1000 plus partners

WEF– Countries and Business dominating Davos

Putin’s unique address to the WEF 2021

President Xi Jinping’s message to the WEF 2022

Psychological weaponization by the gentility of psychopaths


Copyright © 2023 GaryDBarnett.com

Approval to reprint in entire or in part is gladly approved, supplied full credit is offered

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