A Bug-Out-Bag Is Designed For Emergencies, So Some Inconvenience Is To Be Expected
When on a family outing, you can carry a six or eight person cabin tent in the back of your vehicle. Weight is not a large factor when you can pack your supplies in the cargo space of an SUV or pickup.
When packing supplies on your back however, weight can be a deciding factor. What you think you can carry on your back, and what you can actually carry, are two different things. Twenty minutes hiking up and down the sidewalk with 30 to 50 pounds strapped on does not mean you can perform the same way physically while in a crisis when walking over rough and uneven terrain for hours at a time.
Most backpacking tents are designed for 1 to 2 people. A one person tent allows approximately 15 square feet of sleeping space. Keep in mind you will have gear as well, so it will be cramped. The weight can be anywhere from 3 to 6 pounds depending on the model and actual size.
Typically, the tents can be rolled tight and strapped to the outside of the pack, or even put inside if you prefer. The bulky nature is always a problem with tents especially after they have been removed from the retail packaging and set up. They rarely roll up as tight and as compact as they were before removing from the packaging.