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The number of U.S. generals knew what was going on however declined to risk their professions by informing Congress or the country that the Afghan army and regime we had stood would likely collapse like a home of cards once the Americans left and they needed to deal with the Taliban alone?
In April, President Joe Biden informed the country he would have all U.S. soldiers out of Afghanistan by Sept. 11, the 20th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack ever on the continental United States.
Given the turn of events of the past week, that 20th anniversary may be commemorated by a victorious Taliban, now on the cusp of victory over the Americans and their Afghan allies, with gruesome public executions of their given up and captured opponents.
Sept. 11, 2021, could see U.S. Militaries and diplomats running away Kabul to leave the retribution of the Taliban whom we ousted in 2001.
Think about. From Friday, a week ago, to today, the Taliban have overrun 10 of Afghanistan’s 34 provincial capitals.
Mazar-e-Sharif in the north is now surrounded. Kandahar and Herat, 2nd and third largest cities, are under siege. The Kandahar-Kabul roadway has actually been cut. The defense minister escaped assassination in the capital. The government’s media director did not. The Taliban now manage half of the 400 regions of Afghanistan and two-thirds of its territory.
Some Afghan soldiers have actually battled bravely. Others have pulled back into their bases, gave up, or ran away into surrounding nations such as Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Pakistan. A whole Afghan army corps with its U.S. weapons, equipment and cars was given up in Kunduz city.
U.S. military state the fall of Kabul could come within 90 days, with some stating privately the routine might be up to the Taliban within a month.
Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut has summarized the circumstance:
“The total, utter failure of the Afghan national army, missing our hand-holding, to safeguard their nation is a blistering indictment of a failed 20-year strategy predicated on the belief that billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars could develop a reliable democratic central government in a nation that has never had one.”
Have something to state about this column?Visit Gab– The social media network that champs complimentary speech– Comment without Censorship!Or go to Pat’s FaceBook page and post your comments … The reality of that grim assessment raises lots of questions. Who
is responsible for the colossal U.S. failure in Afghanistan? Who is responsible for America’s approaching defeat in her longest war? Over the last
twenty years, the U.S. lost 2,500 soldiers with 20,000 injured and invested$
1 trillion to produce an Afghan army, just to see that army fall apart and disintegrate as soon as we left. Wednesday, Biden conceded that reality:”Look, we invested over$1 trillion over twenty years; we trained and geared up … over 300,000 Afghan forces. Afghan leaders need to come together. They’ve got to defend themselves.” We are facing in Afghanistan a wipeout of the financial investment of a generation to convert Afghanistan into
a democracy with the ability to hold the obligation of its people and to protect itself. Why did we fail? Did the U.S. generals, statesmen, political leaders and reporters who went to Afghanistan throughout these last twenty years, and came back to affirm to our stable development, delude themselves? Or did they trick us? How many U.S. generals understood what was going on but decreased to risk their careers by informing Congress or the nation that
the Afghan army and regime we had stood up would likely collapse like a home of cards once the Americans left and they needed to deal with the Taliban alone? Today, the U.S. unique envoy for Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, remains in Qatar threatening the
Taliban that if they overrun the country and impose a victor’s peace, they risk being denied diplomatic recognition by the U.S. and its Western allies and a loss of future foreign help. However to brand the Taliban terrorists and pariahs is not new to them. What they look for is something for which they have actually
shown they want to pass away. See the current Videos on Our Buchanan-Trump YouTube Playlist! What is critical for them is to bring back the Taliban to their previous dominance; to create an Islamic Emirate; to make themselves the ethical, social and political arbiters of a more purely Islamic Afghanistan. And to be rid of the outsiders and their alien values. They wish to be able to stand up and state to the Muslim world: “We have revealed you how to do it
. We fought America, the world superpower, for twenty years until we forced the Americans, tails in between their legs, to get out of our land, and then
put their puppets up versus a wall. “While our tactical defeat will leave Americans reluctant to attempt any such future royal interventions, there requires to be an accounting. The questions that need answering: Was not the
attempt to transplant Madisonian democracy into the soil of
the Middle and Near East a fool’s errand from the start? The number of other U.S. allies field paper armies, which will collapse, if they do not have the Americans there to do the heavy lifting? Is what we have on offer– one man-one vote democracy– really appealing in
a part of the world where democracy appears to have problem, from the Maghreb to the Middle East to Central Asia, putting down any deep roots? The Taliban’s God is Allah. The golden
calf we had on offer was democracy. In the Hindu Kush, their god has proven more powerful. Do You Value Reading Our E-mails and Website?
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