2023-2030: Artifice Vs. Doom-Loops

If you prefer truth to artifice, oh, you wretched doom-and-gloomer. Simply look at our social networks feed, that’s what real.

The shift from genuine to phony occurs since it serves someone’s interests. The married couple who have fallen out of love continue the pretense of a “delighted marriage” for a great factor: the exterior of lovey-dovey normalcy plays well socially and in their careers. The kids know much better, obviously, therefore they’re told that propping up the exterior provided to the outside world is “non-negotiable.” They can snark to their buddies independently however should dutifully play the part in public lest their warring moms and dads make life much more unpleasant than it currently is.

The shift from fake to fraud is a simple one, since reality can not be enabled to break through the artifice. The artifice is the business is doing fantastic, but the truth is the business is sliding into insolvency. Therefore the partners start cutting corners: stop paying taxes and billings, begin borrowing money to cover costs, and ultimately, begin defrauding others to preserve the facade of success and normalcy.

It’s a slippery slope, and all of it starts when we decide that reality is unacceptable because it requires unpleasant sacrifices and compromises. So we select artifice over truth. In the beginning it’s just a matter of omission: we leave out the unpleasant bits and buzz the pleased exterior. Here we are on trip, look how glamorous it is, look how pleased we are.

However artifice isn’t real, it’s phony, and the costs are not simply financial. Living a lie saps us of stability and ethical cohesion to the point that we can no longer compare the artifice being propped up and the real world. All that matters is sustaining the illusion of stability and success, and to do this as reality weighs on the phony exterior needs ever bigger servings of artifice.

The end-point of artifice is the emperor has no clothes: those propping up the facade firmly insist a risibly apparent lie is the reality. Given that those propping up the facade have invested everything they have in the artifice, they’re now absolutely based on everybody accepting the dream as if it was genuine.

Simply put, as soon as everyone accepts the artifice as if it was real, it becomes genuine. But this too is artifice. Truth is not a matter of public opinion or approval. We do not decide what’s real and what’s fake/ fraud by opinion surveys. Real is real, artifice is phony.

You already understand I’m speaking about the United States economy, and undoubtedly, the worldwide economy due to the fact that like the observers reducing their mirth at the naked emperor’s expected finery, we all understand the “growth” and “prosperity” are functions of synthetic stimulus, the ever-greater conjuring of “cash” out of thin air, pushing interest rates underwater and fiddling with stats.

All of us understand it’s as phony as the glamorous lifestyles published on social media by youths struggling to pay rent. The craving for artifice over reality has infected the whole culture and economy. What’s genuine no longer matters, all that matters is the general public exterior is kept at all expenses.

The issue is those clinging to a world of artifice lose the ability to handle the real world. They believe that maintaining their phony facade is a substitute for handling truth, and so they lose the practice of dealing with the real life by means of difficult options that demand sacrifices and trade-offs.

Sadly for all those beavering away at maintaining their world of artifice, truth is implacable, and it manifests as doom-loops which eat artifice and become more powerful till they break through the exterior and the synthetic construct collapses.

A current example of a doom-loop is the collapse of industrial property in downtowns cleared by remote work. The loop is the decline of the travelling workforce feeds the decrease of demand for workplace and the decrease of small business that served the workforce and paid rent. As the area decomposes, less individuals look for office space or are willing to start a brand-new organization. The decay eats itself.

The facade of artifice demands a pleased story solution, which is to convert all those empty workplace towers into luxury apartments and apartments that will be occupied by free-spending folks who will trigger a renaissance with their wealth.

The problem is that it’s not low-cost or simple to transform workplace to houses. It’s horrendously costly and for that reason risky. And since the downtown has actually already rotted, there is no certainty in the presumption that high-income individuals will flock to a barren cityscape of homeless encampments and automobiles with smashed windows.

The paradox here is the doom-loops are generated by our rejection to handle reality. We desire artificial options that cost us nothing and require no sacrifices, fake-fixes that keep the exterior we value more than our ability to function in the real life.

Doom-loops don’t take place in isolation: they connect with each other, reinforcing each other. Attempts to suppress one doom-loop by papering over the undesirable reality speed up other doom-loops.

There is a structure to our artifice: those benefiting the most have the most to lose must the exterior crumble. Those at the top of the stack are thus fanatically dedicated to propping up the impression of stability and “growth,” regardless of the damage being done behind the happy-story exterior.

There is no master-plan in the desperate machinations to keep the facade intact. There is just the day-to-day plugging of holes that reality is dripping through.

And so the deceptive farce continues: the social networks exterior of luxury behind the 5 roomies packed into one flat struggling to pay rent, the “stability” of the banking sector, the permanence of “growth,” the worn out joke that “financial obligation doesn’t matter due to the fact that we can constantly conjure more cash,” and the unreasonable self-confidence that speculation is an alternative to an operating economy that does not depend upon financial trickery for its survival.

A desire to restore our collective capability to handle truth gets one identified a bitter doom-and-gloomer, due to the fact that this would require the collapse of artifice. And that, of course, is non-negotiable to those who have puzzled their synthetic world with the real world.

The period of 2023 to 2030 will be a titanic struggle in between the forces of artifice and the multiplying doom-loops produced by artifice. Artifice has actually been the official policy because the Vietnam War era, and the conventional view holds that the previous 50 years are evidence that artifice can be successfully maintained forever.

This confidence can just be maintained by refusing to look at the doom-loops gathering momentum behind the facade. The effort needed to keep the exterior undamaged increases geometrically, and eventually the system can no longer keep everything glued together. At that point truth intrudes and we’ll need to regain our capability to deal with a world removed of monetary hoax and scams. That will not be easy due to the fact that we’ve invested 50 years in a world of artifice.

Those who find this difficult to swallow, answer this: what would occur if the Federal Reserve ceased to exist and the federal government could just borrow 1% of its incomes for extra deficit spending? What if all the trillions in stimulus, borrowing and hoax disappeared tomorrow? Does anybody seriously believe the economy would chug along, undisturbed, rock-solid and steady? This is the distinction between artifice and reality.

If you prefer reality to artifice, oh, you wretched doom-and-gloomer. Simply take a look at our social networks feed, that’s what real. Starving and can’t eat an iPhone? No issue, just have AI create a picture of a banquet and post that on your public-perception feed.

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