Imagine you’re hiking with some friends on a day hike on a trail you’ve never been on. The trail is well marked in places, not sohow to survive in the wild much in others. At one point you stop to make a quick bathroom break and tell the others to keep going, you’ll catch up in a little while. After you’re done you amble up the trail happy to have a few minutes alone. Suddenly you realize you haven’t seen any trail markers recently and you realize you’ve wandered off the trail. You don’t panic, but you hurry ahead to where you think the trail must be. Without realizing it you’ve walked further from the trail and out of hearing range from your friends.
You’re Lost
You’re lost in the wilderness and sundown is an hour away. Next you realize that all you are carrying with you is a plastic water bottle half full, a small bag of GORP, and a light windbreaker jacket. It’s supposed to get down into the 40′s during the night and you’re gonna freeze your ass off. What do you do now? Most people would suffer through the night and probably be ok in the morning after freezing all night. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get a fire going and sleep next to it all night? Luckily, you read this post and remember how to build a bow drill and even practiced with it. Right? So let’s build a bow drill set and start a fire. (continue reading)