That’s how we’ve become a country of imposters: our imposter stock exchange hits a brand-new high and the imposters cheer because it shows the rip-off is still working.
You’ve checked out the cautions about the multiplying imposter rip-offs: scammers posing as “officials”, representatives of utilities or “a friend of a relative” all exploit the fast-draining reservoir of rely on America to extract financial details out of the unwary marks.
I’m unsure what’s more remarkable: the depths of fraudster perversity or the fact that some individuals can still be fooled by claims of authority or friendship. Most are elders, of course, as the elderly still retain an easy-to-scam trust in organizations and officialdom as a holdover from an age prior to trust was unwinded by wholesale self-serving deceptiveness.
The deeper problem is that America is now a nation of imposters. Everything that exists as august and trustworthy is an imposter company created to enhance the few at the expenditure of the lots of via deceptiveness and the cloaking of self-serving skims and scams.
A beneficial tool to uncloaking imposters is to ask: cui bono, to whose benefit? Take the nation’s central bank, the Federal Reserve. It declares to be serving the general public and the typical good, however who in fact take advantage of its policies?
1. Insiders frontrunning the Fed’s public declarations to enhance themselves. Here’s taking a look at you, Chairperson Powell and the rest of your self-serving imposter cronies.
2. The top 0.1% who own most of productive assets goosed ever greater by Fed policies.
3. Billionaires.
4. The leading 10% who own 89% of all stocks: The most affluent 10% of Americans own a record 89% of all U.S. stocks
If we remove away the PR, the Fed is an imposter, a self-enrichment plan for the already-wealthy and the super-wealthy. Its claims to serve the public are just the imposter’s deceptive mumbo-jumbo to make use of the naive trust of the marks.
Next up: our imposter judicial system: white-collar monetary lawbreakers get wrist-slap fines, if that, while hundreds of countless people rot away in America’s Drug War Gulag, the fruit of a judiciary obsessed with locking individuals up even as the War on Drugs improves drug cartels and has entirely stopped working to reduce substance abuse.
Rich individuals can ransack without any fear of our imposter judiciary. Bernie Madoff’s deadly mistake was duping other abundant individuals, and that made him the perfect stooge for a Soviet-style show-trial in which one fall-guy is founded guilty as a PR stunt to mask the systemic rot of an imposter judiciary.
Then there’s our imposter media, virtually all of which is owned by a handful of quasi-monopoly corporations. This imposter media/social media exemplifies the appeal to authority via “neutrality” and “expertise”, while the real action remains in what’s off limitations to major journalistic digging, what’s buried and what’s promoted as the dominant narrative to explain away what is risibly questionable. (“Let’s go Brandon,” etc)
Unfortunately, even the scientific media is filled with imposters: Medical Journals Are an Extension of the Marketing Arm of Pharmaceutical Business (journals.plos.org).
When again, the imposters make use of among the last staying pockets of trust, in this case, the trust that “research study” that makes it into an academic journal is credible, i.e. the results can be duplicated by other scientists, the information hasn’t been rubbed to reach extremely profitable outcomes, dosages haven’t been gotten used to skew the lead to favor of special interests, and so on.
Finally, consider our “democracy,” which is now little bit more than an invitation-only auction of favors: $10 million in “auction bids” (campaign contributions, Super-PAC funds, and so on) and some grease in the lobbying equipment can quickly garner $100 million in personal gains through tax subsidies, no-bid contracts, Medicare constraints on monopoly pricing, etc.
Sorry, however this is an imposter form of democracy, a PR exterior made to mask the invitation-only auction of favors. If you do not have the money, your vote doesn’t count. If you question this, please read:
Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average People (www.cambridge.org)
Monopoly Versus Democracy: How to End a Gilded Age (www.foreignaffairs.com)
No one wishes to admit we’re a country of imposters since that’s a confession of simply how deep the rot has permeated. The systemic rot of imposters exploiting the last reserves of trust begins at the top and then filters down into every nook and cranny as everybody takes a look at how the abundant get richer and gains from the high-level imposters.
That’s how we have actually ended up being a country of imposters: our imposter stock market hits a new high and the imposters cheer due to the fact that it shows the scam is still working.
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Read excerpts of the book totally free (PDF).
The Story Behind the Book and the Introduction.
Current Videos/Podcasts:
Charles Hugh Smith on the Failure of the Federal Reserve and Increasing Secular Inflation (31:16) (with Richard Bonugli, FRA Roundtable)
4 monster waves that will crash onto the Fed’s beach celebration (with Gordon Long, 40 minutes.)
My recent books:
A Hacker’s Teleology: Sharing the Wealth of Our Shrinking World (Kindle $8.95, print $20, audiobook $17.46) Read the first area free of charge (PDF).
Will You Be Richer or Poorer?: Revenue, Power, and AI in a Shocked World
(Kindle $5, print $10, audiobook) Check out the very first section free of charge (PDF).
Pathfinding our Destiny: Preventing the Final Fall of Our Democratic Republic ($5 (Kindle), $10 (print), ( audiobook): Read the very first section free of charge (PDF).
The Adventures of the Consulting Thinker: The Disappearance of Drake $1.29 (Kindle), $8.95 (print); checked out the first chapters for free (PDF)
Cash and Work Unchained $6.95 (Kindle), $15 (print) Check out the very first section for free (PDF).
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