I was given an advanced copy of the book Pulse some time ago. The book has recently been published, so I thought I would write a review for all of you. The author has agreed to give away two copies! See the end of this article for details on how to enter.
The book follows what life is like for thee adolescent girls and their families following a pulse from an EMP. The book is written as journal entries from the girls, which I thought was interesting. One family is fully unprepared. Another family is unprepared as well, but luck seems to be on their side. The third family is a Christian family who has been preparing for something like this for some time.
Each chapter follows one of the main characters and their family as events unfold. I’ll be honest, I was a little skeptical about whether I thought I could get into the book, as I have a hard time relating to most people (I have Aspergers Syndrome), let alone a teenage girl! But it was actually a nice change from the archetypical male lead of the majority of books in this niche.
The book deals with some gritty situations that people would actually be faced with if ( continue reading)