All posts in "Politics"

As America Recedes, China Increases

By / July 6, 2021

Nor was Chinese President Xi Jinping’s address on the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Celebration an exercise in nuance. “We’ll never accept insufferably conceited lecturing from those ‘master instructors!’” said Xi, drawing a holler from the crowd of celebration members and veterans. Outfitted in a Mao match, Xi had other cautions […]


EU to Orban: Back Gay Rights or Get Out!

By / July 2, 2021

What is the source of the morality that teaches same-sex unions are the equal of conventional marital relationship and any federal government that does not agree is a bigoted routine with which we ought not associate? Regard LBGT rights or get out of the EU, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte advised Hungary’s Viktor Orban at […]


Boris Johnson Defies Vladimir Putin’s Claim to Crimea

By / June 29, 2021

Britain’s difficulty to Russia, a few kilometers off Crimea, might have resulted in a shooting incident that might have forced a U.S. action against Russia. And that raises some severe questions: … Did President Joe Biden or the Pentagon inform Johnson that if Defender were assaulted, U.S. forces would have their back? About that clash […]


The Return of ‘Order’

By / June 25, 2021

To protect the security of poor neighborhoods, numerous components have always been needed: authorities to prevent crimes and arrest the crooks who devote them, district attorneys who will put them away, and jail cells to house them. This was the formula that broke the back of the long crime wave that started in the 1960s– […]


Will Bishops Reject Biden Communion?

By / June 22, 2021

Biden will be pressed to speak with the issue of abortion and the bishops’ choice to deny him Communion. His participation at Mass and taking Communion will become matters of deepening controversy … And he will be charged with hypocrisy– for pretending to be the kind of Catholic that a majority of American bishops compete […]


Who Is Really Eliminating American Democracy?

By / June 18, 2021

The point: If we Americans can not even settle on which heroes and vacations are to be commemorated together, does that not inform us something about whether we are truly, any longer, one country and one individuals? By a vote of 30-1 in the House, with unanimous support in the Senate, Juneteenth, June 19, which […]


All Is Buzz for the Biden-Putin Top

By / June 15, 2021

For the G7 conference– of the heads of federal government of seven of the world’s 10 biggest economies– and the gatherings today of NATO and the European Union in Brussels appear created more to send out messages than to portend action. What are those messages? History repeats itself, initially as catastrophe, then as farce. Karl […]


Joe Manchin: Racist or Profile in Courage

By / June 11, 2021

What has given this moderate Democrat from West Virginia such an opportunity to write himself into the history books? It is the unique political circumstances of 2021. In 1859, Abraham Lincoln related the tale of an Eastern monarch who charged his wise men with discovering words that would everywhere and always be true. The wise […]


What Is America’s Cause in the World?

By / June 8, 2021

Economic nationalism is alive and well in the GOP, and securing the border remains a central concern of America’s center-right. “Take away this pudding; it has no theme,” is a comment attributed to Winston Churchill, when a disappointing dessert was put in front of him. Writers have used Churchill’s remark to describe a foreign policy […]


Democratic Face-off: Kamala vs. Manchin

By / June 5, 2021

When it comes to Manchin, he is sitting in the catbird seat in the Democratic Celebration. He holds the whip hand over both Bulk Leader Chuck Schumer and Biden. For if the West Virginian refuses to bend or break on the filibuster, then not only will the ballot rights expense fail in the Senate, so, […]

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