There’s nothing worse than another snowflake liberal on CNN telling you & I that we shouldn’t be allowed to have gun permits…
Heck, they probably haven’t ever shot a gun before.
But the sad part is, these are the people who are in charge of our country right now…
And the only way to stand against their tyranny…
Is to let them know…
That our guns aren’t going anywhere.
And if the want my gun, then they can come and take it
And I’ll send you a free flag to prove it…
All I ask is that you fly it loud and proud…
I want as many Patriots as possible to fly this flag and take a stand against Sleepy Joe & the democrats.
Let them know that they will have to come and take our guns themselves (and you and I both know it’s not going to end well… for them).
Start the movement now by getting your FREE Come And Take It Flag.
Get it now, because most Patriots are ordering 3 or more – and we have a limited supply left.
If the link doesn’t work, we’re all out of flags, sorry.
Don’t be the only Patriot you know without one.