5 Things to Keep in Your Car in Case of Emergencies
There are a few key items that every person should keep in their vehicle for emergencies. If a person becomes stranded, these items can help keep them alive until help arrives. The most important thing is to prepare ahead of time because no one knows when their vehicle might break down, or a natural disaster will strand them without help.
Canned Goods and Water
FEMA suggests the people who are preparing for emergency situations keep at least a half a gallon of water available per person. The minimum amount of time to prepare for is three days. Keeping canned goods on hand is very helpful because they stay sealed, can be heated over a fire, and can be eaten cold if necessary. FEMA also says that each person should have enough food for at least one full meal a day to maintain strength and energy levels in an emergency situation. Emergency food is a vital part of being prepared for the unexpected. A can opener and a knife are other handy items to keep with food stores.
First Aid Kit
People should always keep a first aid kit in their vehicle and home at all times. There should be bandages, gauze, antiseptic, tape, scissors, antibiotic cream, tweezers, Q-tips or cotton balls, Benadryl and plastic bags in an emergency first aid kit. Any scrapes or cuts can be cleaned and bandaged right away if the necessary supplies are on hand. If an allergic reaction occurs from being stranded in an area where allergens are present, then the person can counteract the reaction with Benadryl. This medicine is an extremely important step for people who are severely allergic to anything in nature like bees or poison ivy. The plastic bags can be used as a clean surface while bandaging a wound.
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