Let’s assume your home was destroyed in a flood. All your supplies are gone, all you have is your bug-out bag, and you need to evacuate to a new place. That’s one scenario.
If there’s a terrorist attack near to where you live, the entire area suddenly becomes dangerous because you don’t know what kind of threats are lurking nearby; car bombs, scavengers, gangs, rogue militants- the possibilities are endless. Getting out is your safest option.
Both scenarios are possible, and they have one thing in common- you have to find shelter elsewhere. But where will you go?
For most people, one option would be to stay with friends or family. However, if you don’t have any, you may need to seek shelter at a motel or hotel. Things get a lot more complicated if you’re overseas and need to find a place to stay quickly during an emergency.
The truth of the matter is that choosing the wrong place can be even more dangerous than staying where you are. Some time back, it was mentioned in the news that a British tourist jumped out from her hotel balcony in India to escape a man who was harassing her.
What this should tell you is that you need to be very careful and selective when choosing a place to stay. In this article, you’ll be given a few tips that you should remember when making your decision. Not only will they keep your belongings safe, but they just may save your life.
What’s the surrounding area like?
When choosing a place to stay, make sure you pick a motel/hotel in an area that is relatively safe. Staying in a dangerous area rife with crime, vagrants, and other undesirable characters will just put you at risk.
Not only is there a higher chance of you being accosted outside the hotel, but your room itself could be compromised by the criminals lurking around.
Is there security?
Does your hotel or motel have security? If they do, it’s a great start. But don’t get too comfortable. In many countries police and security men can be bribed and can’t be relied on to do their job, let alone be trusted with your life.
Check if they are around at night. Does the place you stay in have CCTV cameras around to deter criminals? Is the area well-lit? These are all important questions, the answers to which will determine how safe the location is.
Never stay on the ground floor.
Whenever you can, always pick a room in a hotel that has higher floors,. Staying in motels with rooms on the ground floor make it easier for criminals to access your living space and rob, harm, or kill you.
Observe the guests.
Another point to note is the type of guests the hotel/motel has. Sometimes the enemy can come from within. If you’re staying in a cheap motel where there are unsavory characters, you could just as easily be robbed by the people staying inside as the people outside.
On the flip side, if you stay in a place where there are prominent people, your location could become a target in the case of a terrorist attack.
Other Tips
Besides the points mentioned above, common sense must be exercised when staying in a place that’s foreign to you. Do not give out personal information like your floor or room number.
Check all the emergency exits in the building and know exactly where you’ll go if you need to make a quick escape. Know where the closest hospital and police station are located.
Follow the tips above and stay safe. During a crisis, it’s easy to panic and quickly take whatever you can get. Do not allow your fears to control you. Remain calm and make the smart decisions that give you the best shot at survival. Your life depends on it.